Niketan Class 5 English Chapter 4 Chandrayan – l: A Mission to the Moon Sankardev Chapter 4 Chandrayan – l: A Mission to the Moon Class 5 English Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one.
Niketan Class 5 English Chapter 4 Chandrayan – l: A Mission to the Moon
Sankardev Class 5 ইংৰাজী Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination. Assam Board Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class V English Chapter 4 Chandrayan – l: A Mission to the Moon gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. You can get solutions to questions of both basic and advanced levels.
Chandrayan – l: A Mission to the Moon
Chapter – 4
1. Answer the following :
a) What is the difference between a satellite and a spacecraft ?
Ans:- A satellite moves round the earth, but a spacecraft moves into the space away from the earth.
b) How many missions to the moon have been carried so far ?
Ans:- There have been sixty-eight missions to the moon so far.
c) Where is Srihorikota ?
Ans:- Sriharikota is an island in the cast coast of Andhra Pradesh. Sriharikota is about 100 k.m. from Chennai and it lies in the bay of Bengal.
d) How many Indian scientific instruments were there in the Chandrayan-1?
Ans:- There were five Indian scientific instrument in the Chandrayan-1
e) Who was the first man to walk on the moon ?
Ans:- Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
f) Which instrument dropped the National flag on the moon?
Ans:- The instrument MIPA dropped the National flag on the moon.
g) Why 22nd October, 2008 is a Red Letter Day for Indian ?
Ans:- October 22nd, 2008, is a red letter day for India. That day Sriharikota was busy with activities. People of India were anxious to hear about the success of Chandrayaan 1.
h) Why are we proud of ISRO ?
Ans:- With the journey of Chandrayan-1, ISRO has become the world’s sixth organisation sending a spacecraft to the moons. So, we are proud of ISRO.
i) Why is the only satellite of the earth ?
Ans:- The moon is the only satellite of the earth.
j) Is there water on the moon ?
Ans:-Yes, there is water on the moon…
2. Fill up the blanks :
a) The moon moves round the earth………….. is a month.
Ans:- Once.
b) The success of Chandrayaan I is the success of the of ISRO.
Ans:- Scientists.
c) ISRO started the space programme of India in…………..
Ans:- 1969.
d) ISRO is the world’s …….organisation sending space craft to the moon.
Ans:- Sixth.
e) Once Sriharikota was a……… for birds.
Ans:- Paradise.
f) Rockets are launched from………….
Ans:- Spaceport.
g) Sriharikota lies in the……………..
Ans:- Bay of Bengal.
h) The name of the rocket sent up on 10th August, 1979 was……….
Ans:- SLV-3.
i) PSLV-CL 1 carried the spacecraft……….
Ans:- Chandrayan-1
j) The mission of Chandrayan-1 was to collect………… on the moon.
Ans:- Informations.
3. Read the sentences and mark ‘true’ or ‘false’.
a) There is no water in the moon.
Ans:- False.
b) Chandrayan-1 was a mission to the moon.
Ans:- True.
c) Chandrayan-1 was a failure.
Ans:- False.
d) The moon is a moving body in the sky.
Ans:- True.
e) The scientists of ISRO were successful.
Ans:- True.
f) It is not sure whether there is water on the moon.
Ans:- False.

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