Niketan Class 5 English Chapter 2 Do You know Me? Sankardev Chapter 2 Do You know Me? Class 5 English Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one.
Niketan Class 5 English Chapter 2 Do You know Me?
Sankardev Class 5 ইংৰাজী Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination. Assam Board Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class V English Chapter 2 Do You know Me? gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. You can get solutions to questions of both basic and advanced levels.
Do You know Me?
Chapter – 2
1. a) Have you seen a computer ?
Ans:- Yes, I have seen a computer.
b) What work does a computer do in ?
i) a grocery shop.
ii) a bank.
iii) ticket reservation counters.
Ans:- i) a grocery shop-In a grocery shop a computer calcu lates the prices of items and keeps record of stocks.
ii) a bank-In a bank it keeps account of our money.
iii) Ticket reservations counters – In ticket reservation counters it makes tickets.
c) what purpose does a computer serve at your home ?
Ans:- We can use computer as a music system or a cinema hall at our home.
2. What are the main parts of a computer ?
Ans:- The main parts of a computer are – Keyboard, Monitor,CPU, Mouse.
3. Fill up the blanks.
a) The keyboard of a computer is like a…………
Ans:- Typewriter.
b) The monitor of a computer is like a……………
Ans:- Screen.
c) The……….. is the brain of a computer. has two or three buttons.
Ans:- C.P.U.
d) A ………..Has two or three buttons.
Ans:- Mouse.
e) The mouse of a computer is……..from the mouse that runs around your home.
Ans:- Different.
4. Know the meaning of the words:
Now-a-days-at the present time (বৰ্তমান আজি কালি)
Grocery shop-where food items are sold (যত সামগ্ৰী বিক্ৰী কৰা হয়)
Perfectly-Without fault (নিৰ্ভুলভাৱে)
Properly – in a correct way (সঠিককৈ)
Account report (হিচাপ/খৱৰ)
Communication-to share news of information (খৱৰৰ ভাগ লোৱা/যোগাযোগ)
Items in a shop-things to be sold (বিক্ৰী কৰিব লগা সামগ্ৰী)

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