Class 8 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Natural Resource

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Class 8 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Natural Resource

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Natural Resource

Chapter – 1


1. Give short answers.

(a) Give two reasons for increasing demand for land.

Ans: Two reasons for increasing demand for land are mentioned below:

(i) Population Growth: As the global population increases, there is greater demand for residential, commercial, and agricultural land to accommodate housing, infrastructure, and food production.

(ii) Urbanization and Industrialization: Urbanisation and industrial development lead to the conversion of rural land into urban areas and industrial zones, increasing the demand for land for housing, factories, offices, and infrastructure development.

(b) Why do you think the density of population is thick in certain places? (Give two reasons).

Ans: With passage of time and growth of population, these areas became regions of thick population density. For example, the regions with availability of water, good climate, presence of minerals and other resources, of religious or cultural significance became regions of thick population.

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(i) Economic Opportunities: Urban areas or regions with strong economic opportunities attract a larger population. Cities often concentrate industries, businesses, and jobs, which draw people seeking employment and better living standards. This concentration leads to a higher density of population as people gather where there are more economic prospects.

(ii) Infrastructure and Amenities: Places with better infrastructure, amenities like healthcare, education, and transport networks tend to attract more residents. Good infrastructure improves quality of life, making these areas desirable for living, thereby increasing population density.

(c) State two causes of land degradation.

Ans: Two causes of land degradation:

(i) Soil erosion: Soil  gets eroded due to the actions of wind, rain, river, glacier este. Soil may get eroded because of human activities as well. Intetme ploughing of sod results along with the flow of water or the washing away of soil along with the flow of water.

(ii) Bank erosion: Erosion of soil along both the banks of a river  is  called bank erosion. It results in loss of soil. The magnitude of bank erosion increases after the occurrence of flood.

(d) Mention two reasons why problems related to water have given rise to in different places.

Ans: (i) Groundwater pollution.

(ii) Pollution of water.

2. Tick the correct answers:

(a) Which one of the following helps in water conservation?

(i) When the water tap is left open. 

(ii) Excessive use of groundwater.

Ans: (ii) Excessive use of groundwater.

(b) In order to get pure water.

(i) One should throw the wastes into the rivers.

(ii) Mix chemical fertilisers in the water.

(iii) Sources of water should be kept pollution free.

Ans: (iii) Sources of water should be kept pollution free.

(c) Which of the following does not help energy? In conservation of energy.

(i) Increasing use of origami fuel.

(ii) Proper use of on-conventional cre.

(iii) Economical use of energy resources.

Ans: (i) Increasing use of origami fuel.

3. Write about the importance and use of land resources (In about 80 words)

Ans: Land covers 29 percent of the earth’s surface ng 11 Bild animals and vegetation. It is the basis of the living world. I and resources are responsible for providing man with food, clothing, shelter and fuel. Similarly, the existence and development of plants and animals are dependent on land resources. Agriculture, craft, transport and communication, etc are also developed based on land. This means the role of land or soil is most significant in terms of human civilization. culture, economy, etc. However, this land or soil is not unlimited, it is limited. There was no shortage of land when the population of the world war less. But there has been a shortage of arable land with the gradual crease in population.

Human settlement is not  distributed over the earth’s surface primarily due to the variations in the climate and soul conditions. Generally human settlement is absent or very thin in uneven  places, steep mountain opes, low ng swamps, desert regions, polar regions, dense forest, etc.

4. What changes have taken place with respect to land resources in your place? Prepare a note taking help from elders in your family or resourceful persons from neighbouring places.

Ans: Do yourself.

5. What role should be taken while using forest resources and water resources?

Ans: Forest resources have given our earth a beautiful environment. Apart from food, forests provide us with a variety of commodities for our daily use. As a result of this age-old relationship between man and these invaluable natural elements. specific environments developed area wise.

Forest resources are used in two ways. Commercial and Ecological. We get bamboo, wood, fire wood, raw materials, medical herbs and a variety of wood from the forests. Even the paper we use for writing is developed from forest resources. These are all commercial utilities of forest resources. Similarly, plants supply oxygen, give shelter to wild animals, help in soil conservation, help to raise the level of ground water table and reduce global warming. This is called ecological use. You have learnt in your previous class that the living world exist in the biosphere and each element maintains an interrelationship that creates an ecological balance. As such, increase or decrease in any of these elements will lead to an imbalance in the environment. Even a tiny ant or microbe can be of great use to us. Foreg, we get honey from bees. Bonerfly helps to increase the number of psalms. Vultures clean the environment by consuming the dead. In addition, trees, creepers, flowers, fruits and various types of life forms give us pleasure. In this way, every element helps us in one way or the other. 

Water resources Water is indispensable for the existence of our earth. Water is a renewable resource. About 2/3 rd of the earth surface is covered with water. In Spite of that, the amount of water that can be utilised in our day to day activities is very less. It amounts to 2.5 percent of the total water available. Wastage of this valuable water means misutilisation of resources. At various points of time, different disputes relating to water resources can be observed at local, regional, national or international level. For example, mention may be made to the Cauvery water dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu regarding utilisation of the water from the river. For such reasons greater emphasis is laid on the utilisation, management and conservation of water resources. Utilisation of water:

6. What stage should be taken for conservation of energy resources?

Ans: The quantities of organic fuel are fast decreasing as a result of excessive use. Use of is increasing with increasing productivity in industries in addition to domestic use. Use of petroleum too has increased with growing use of vehicles and other means of transport and machineries. As such, it is time that we should go for sustainable use of organic fuel and emphasise on their conservation for the future. Otherwise, carth’s interior will get exhausted.

7. Write short notes on.

(a) Wildlife.

Ans: Wildlife comprises animals, birds, insects, and aquatic life forms. They provide us with a number of products, such as milk, meat, hides, and wools. Insects like bees provide us, honey. They help in the pollination of flowers and have an important role to play as decomposers in the ecosystem.

(b) Organic fuel.

Ans: Biofuels are renewable energy sources produced from organic material, so-called biomass. They include different types of fuels that can be used for transport, such as ethanol, biodiesel and biogas.

(c) Desertification.

Ans: Extension of desert due to natural or human  factors or creation of a new desert is called desertification. Conducting cultivation repeatedly on the same plot of land by applying greater quantities of fertilisers, chemicals, irrigation for enhancing productivity destroys soil fertility. reduces the moisture holding capacity and the groundwater table recedes. Consequently, the entire area might become dry or desert like Deforestation along the surrounding areas of a desert and intensive grazing of animals may also cause spreading of the desert area.

(d) Solar energy.

Ans: Solar energy is the  sun is the source of infinite energy. We receive heat and light from the sun everyday. This energy of the sun is tapped to produce electricity. Solar cooker, solar heater, etc. are being run with the help of this energy. Solar power is generated with the help of solar cells. Solar energy is also used to operate watches, calculator etc., lightening the villages which have no electricity supply as well as in space crafts and artificial satellites.

(e) Landslide.

Ans: Landslide is a hazard due to natural factors as well as human  activities. Because of incessant rains. earthquake tremors etc., large mass of landslides downwards from higher places. In hilly areas, landslides occur due to the digging of earth and deforestation etc. by humans.

8. Write the difference.

(a) Use land in rural areas and urban areas.

Ans: Rural Areas:

(a) Rural Areas purpose: Land in rural areas is often used for agricultural activities such as farming, livestock rearing, and forestry.

(b) Land Use: Large tracts of land are dedicated to crop cultivation, grazing, and sometimes for small-scale industries related to agriculture.

(c) Population Density: Generally lower population density compared to urban areas.

Urban Areas:

(a) Purpose: Land in urban areas is primarily used for residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional purposes.

(ii) Land Use: Higher density of land use with buildings, roads, parks, and other urban infrastructure.

(b) Conventional and non conventional energy resources.

9. Mention some measures to be adopted for conservation and growth  of forest resources in and around your place or locality.

Ans: Some measures to be adopted for conservation and growth of forest resources in and around your place or locality are mentioned below: 

(i) Afforestation and Reforestation: Planting native tree species to restore degraded lands.Encouraging community participation in tree-planting drives. Setting up nurseries to provide saplings.

(ii) Sustainable Forest Management: Implementing practices that balance forest use with conservation. Monitoring and regulating logging activities. Promoting the use of non-timber forest products.

(iii) Wildlife Protection: Creating and maintaining wildlife corridors. Enforcing anti-poaching laws. Conducting regular wildlife surveys and monitoring.

10 What are the non conventional energy resources? Make a lid of these resources.

Ans: Non-Conventional Energy: Before the organic fuels get exhausted, it is important that man should try to generate energy from other sources. That is why, nowadays emphasis is given to non conventional sources of energy such as solar energy, hydel power, wind energy, tidal energy etc, which are also renewable energy. Another advantage of using such energy is the reduced rate of pollution. However, there are certain disadvantages as well.

(i) Solar energy: The sun is the source of infinite energy. We receive heat and light from the sun everyday. This energy of the sun is tapped to produce electricity. Solar cookers, solar heaters, etc. are being run with the help of this energy. Solar power is generated with the help of solar cells. Solar energy is also used to operate watches, calculators etc.lightening the villages which have no electricity supply as well as in space crafts and artificial satellites.

(ii) Wind energy: Wind is a form of exhaustible resource, Wind energy is generated by setting up windmills in areas experiencing fast blowing winds such as coastal areas and mountain passes, etc. This energy is used to run a water pump, flour mill, electricity, generator, etc. Netherlands, Denmark, Germany.

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