NIOS Class 12 Psychology Chapter 30 Involvement of Parents and Community in a Play Centre

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NIOS Class 12 Psychology Chapter 30 Involvement of Parents and Community in a Play Centre

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Involvement of Parents and Community in a Play Centre

Chapter: 30


Intext Questions & Answers

Q.1. Fill in the blanks: 

(a)_____________ play the first and most significant role in the development of children.

Ans. Parents.

(b) New trends in the educational system are best carried to parents through_____________.

Ans. teachers.

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(c) The teacher should have_____________  attitude while dealing with children.

Ans. positive.

(d) The teacher should_____________ the parents for what they are. 

Ans. respect.

Q.2. Answer the following in one word:

(i) Name the first socialising agent for the child.

Ans. Parents.

(ii) Who can best understand the child?

Ans. Parents.

(iii) Who can make a child express his/her feelings and skills?

Ans. Teacher.

(iv) Who should you send out when you want to discuss about the child with?

Ans. Child.

Q.3. Fill in the blanks:

(a) The second parent for the child is _____________.

Ans. teacher.

(b) The teacher cannot understand a child without an  intimate_____________ of his/her home.

Ans. knowledge.

(c) _____________  facilitates a good deal of information about the child’s life at home.

Ans. home visit.

(d) Parent meeting should be held ____________.

Ans. regularly.

(e) For effective play centre-home relations the teacher must elicit_____________ involvement.

Ans. parent.

Q.4. Name various methods of teacher parent involvement. Parents?

Ans. (a) Informal talk: 

The teacher meets the parents when they come to leave the children in play centre in the morning or fetch them back in the afternoon. Through informal talks with parents, mutual relationships are established.

(b) Parents’ meeting: 

Regular parents’ meetings become a means of learning for parents both informally and formally to know the play centres’ goals, activities and evaluation. Lectures, demonstrations, dialogues and aids like films, cassettes, books, models, exhibits and puppetry can be used to educate the parents.

(c) Social functions: 

Accompanying for picnic or field trip with the children provides an opportunity for parents to get to know teachers and perhaps form friendship, network and support. Many mothers might willingly come and lend a helping hand to the teacher in managing the children. It is first hand experience for them to know how to channelise the curiosity and creativity of children at various stages. Festivals and games at the play centre can be planned in such a way that both the children and parents enjoy themselves.

(d) Home visits: 

One of the most important ways of collecting the required information is through home visits. The teacher makes an appointment with the parents and informs them that she would visit them at home. The teacher observes the home set up and tries to help the child suitably.

(e) Parent education: 

Parents may meet together and gain knowledge and skills through educational classes conducted once a month or once in two months at the play centre. These meetings/classes can be organised on the themes which parents prefer. Immunisation, oral rehydration therapy, stories for children, and toys from waste materials might benefit the parents.

(f) Individual discussion: 

Some parents may not like to talk about the problems of their children in a meeting, but may freely express their difficulties individually to the teacher alone. Such parents, if given an opportunity to discuss with the teacher, can help the teacher to understand the child better. The individual dialogue or discussion can either be planned or casual.

Not all parents want to be involved in the same way. Sensitivity to the uniqueness of individual parents and their needs are essential to promote parental contributions.

When parents are involved in making decisions they feel responsible and will have greater commitment to the play centre. With the help of a group of co-operative parents, the teacher can chalk out the parents’ programme for the whole year and entrust appropriate tasks to them. At the end of the year, the teacher should review and see which of the parents’ programmes were successful and which of them failed. This process might ensure better planning for involvement of parents in future.

Q.5. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Parents may assist the_____________ at the play centre.

Ans. teachers.

(b) Involvement of the community is reflected in the extent of_____________  to local resources. 

Ans. mobilisation.

(c) _____________  And _____________ can be provided by the community during harvesting.

Ans. Grains and pulses.

(d) _____________ is a registered local women’s organisation.

Ans. Mahila mandal.

Q.6. State True or False:

(a) Social support is not an important protective factor in organising a play centre. True/False

Ans. False.

(b) Mahila Mandals can be very effective in promoting community participation. True/False

Ans. True.

(c) Developing garden at the play centre can be totally an effort of the community. True/False

Ans. True.

(d) Old tyres and wooden beams can be provided to the play centre by the community. True/False

Ans. True.

Q.7. Write about the needs of Meditation.

Ans. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is an old saying. Yes, it is indeed so. If an individual goes without proper physical exercise, he/she loses control over the functioning. Physical exercises to a great extent trim the body and discipline the mind. If individuals cannot do rigorous physical exercises, they can at least go for walking, jogging, skipping etc., depending upon their health status. Exercises do produce a lot of positive change in the body. Warming up every part of the body systematically and cooling it down in systematic manner do good. Blood circulation becomes quite rhythmic and thinking becomes clear and positive, thereby, both body and mind are kept in the state of well being.

Adequate and balanced nutrition helps the individual to promote health. The best defence for the demands of stress is a healthy body. An old quote says that “a sound mind exists in a sound body”. Nutrition and physical exercises help individuals remain healthy. The body’s energy supply and the basic building blocks needed for the growth and maintenance, come from the three main macronutrients namely carbohydrates, proteins and fat. Salads, vegetables and fresh fruits should form a substantial part of the day’s eating. Eating snacks between meals (that too, snacks like chips, chocolates, soft drinks, sweets, biscuits) is not good for both the waistline and the healthiness of diet.

Vegetarian diets are in many ways closer to the ideal healthy diet than non-vegetarian ones as they contain saturated fat and fiber. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday provides the cells with ample fluid and aids the kidneys in flushing out waste products. Eating a healthy and regular diet will ensure a healthy body and mind.

Q.8. Discuss the Hobbies, Recreation and Leisure. 

Ans. Hobbies, recreation and leisure provide a highly admirable support to individuals for overcoming stress. They help individuals (who are under stress due to several reasons) relax and gain much wanted relief from stress. Relaxation sets in rather fast when an individual who is experiencing high stress, engages himself/herself in an activity which becomes a hobby or forms a part of recreation, because the individual does this task in a leisurely manner which does not add much pressure to him/her.

Leisure activities may be active such as participation in sports or in artistic creation or they may be passive like engaging in spectator sports, attending musical programmes or visiting museums and art galleries. 

Leisure activities can include solitary pursuits such as reading or quiet contemplative activity. Some aspects of leisure activities are creative as they allow human beings to develop their potential and to employ their talents and skills in new ways. The leisure activities have a recreational function enabling the individuals to renew their energies. Thus again they can prepare themselves for confronting the demands of their everyday responsibilities including those connected with their work.

Hobbies, recreation and leisure helps in managing stress adequately because the activities provide good exercise to both the body and all the psychological systems. The individuals experience relaxation and they get immense happiness in knowing what their potentialities are. Moreover these activities enable them to develop or maximize the potentialities. As these activities are done in a less formal atmosphere, there is greater scope for a sense of humor which acts as an antidote to stress. People acquire the ability to concentrate on the present more than the past or future by engaging themselves in the leisure time activities with a lot of interest. As many of the hobbies, recreational and leisure activities give an opportunity to the individuals to know more about others, the very socialization process becomes healthier and in the course of time the philosophy of each individual changes for the better because he or she gets a better view of the world. Thus, the value system becomes quite strong and well-knit. These informal activities very effectively contribute to the development of individuals. If each individual is fully developed, management of stress becomes pretty easy.

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