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NIOS Class 12 Geography Chapter 11 Pressure And Winds
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Pressure And Winds
Chapter: 11
Q.1. Name the three factors which influence horizontal distribution of air pressure:
Ans. (a) Air temperature.
(b) The earth’s rotation.
(c) Presence of water vapour.
Q.2. Name the two instruments used to measure air pressure:
Ans. (a) Fortin’s barometer.
(b) Aneroid barometer.
Q.3. What is the mean atmospheric pressure at sea level?
Ans. 1013.25 millibar.
Q.4. Select the best alternative for each and mark tick (✓) on it:
(a) A pressure of 1000 millibars is equal to the weight of a column of mercury having height of:
(i) 65cm.
(ii) 70cm.
(iii) 76cm.
(iv) 80cm.
Ans. (iii) 76cm.
(b) Areas where moving air converge have:
(i) high pressure.
(ii) low pressure.
(iii) both high and low pressure.
(iv) no pressure at all.
Ans. (ii) low pressure.
(c) Air with lower quantity of water vapour has:
(i) higher pressure.
(ii) lower pressure.
(iii) no pressure.
(iv) none of the above.
Ans. (i) higher pressure.
Q.1. Complete each of the following with suitable endings:
(a) The belt of highest temperature is known as ________.
Ans. thermal equator.
(b) In drawing isobar maps the factor eliminated is that of ________.
Ans. altitude.
(c) Higher the density of air, higher is its _________.
Ans. the air pressure.
(d) Higher the temperature of air, lower is its __________.
Ans. pressure/density.
Q.2. Select the best alternatives for each of the following:
(a) Earth’s rotation causes:
(i) deflection of air from its original direction.
(ii) convergence of air.
(iii) both deflection and convergence of air.
(iv) none of the above.
Ans. (i) deflection of air from its original direction.
(b) Equatorial Low Pressure Belt extends between:
(i) 45°C and S Arctic and Antarctic Circles.
(ii) 10°N and 10°S latitudes.
(iii) tropics and 35°N and S latitudes.
(iv) none of them.
Ans. (ii) 10°N and 10°S latitudes.
(c) ‘Horse latitudes’ are those latitudes which lie within:
(i) equatorial low pressure belt.
(ii) subtropical high pressure belts.
(iii) subpolar low pressure belts.
(iv) polar high pressure regions.
Ans. (ii) subtropical high pressure belts.
(d) Belts of high pressure are:
(i) unstable and dry.
(ii) unstable and humid.
(iii) both of the above.
(iv) none of the above.
Ans. (iv) none of the above.
Q.1. Name planetary winds?
Ans. (a) Trade winds.
(b) Westerlies.
(c) Polar easterlies.
Q.2. What is Ferrel’s Law?
Ans. Winds or moving bodies turn towards their right in the northern hemisphere and towards their left in the southern hemisphere. It is known as Ferrel’ Law.
Q.3. Choose the correct alternative for each of the following:
(a) Winds blow from high pressure to:
(i) low pressure.
(ii) high pressure.
(iii) both low and high pressure.
(iv) none of them.
Ans. (i) low pressure.
(b) Winds are deflected from their original path due to:
(i) Coriolis effect.
(ii) pressure gradient.
(iii) their speed.
(iv) high pressure.
Ans. (i) Coriolis effect.
(c) Winds are caused primarily by
(i) Coriolis effect.
(ii) pressure difference.
(iii) rotation of the earth.
(iv) humidity difference.
Ans. (ii) pressure difference.
(d) The Coriolis force at the equator is
(i) maximum.
(ii) medium.
(iii) nil.
(iv) none of the above.
Ans. (iii) nil.
Q.1. Choose the correct alternative for each of the following:
(a) Foehn winds are
(i) wet and dry.
(ii) cold.
(iii) both wet and cold.
(iv) none of them.
Ans. (iv) none of them.
(b) Chinooks are similar to
(i) Foehn.
(ii) Mistral.
(iii) both of them.
(iv) none of them.
Ans. (i) Foehn.
Q.2. Where from the Foehn wind originates?
Ans. On the leeward side of the Alps Mountains.
Q.3. Name the local wind which originate on the snow capped Rockies and move down the eastern slopes.
Ans. Chinook.
Q.4. Write hot or cold against each of the following:
(a) Loo.
(b) Mistral.
(c) Chinook.
Ans. (a) Loo: Hot.
(b) Mistral: Cold.
(c) Chinook: Hot.
Q.1. What is air mass?
Ans. A large body of air which has uniform temperature and moisture contents is called air mass.
Q.2. Which type of cyclones cause heavy loss to life and property?
Ans. Tropical and polar.
Q.3. In which latitudes temperature cyclones develop?
Ans. Mid-latitudes.
Q.1. Answer the following questions in about 30 words each:
(a) What is an atmospheric pressure?
Ans. The weight of the air column at a place at given time is called atmospheric pressure.
(b) How is atmospheric pressure measured?
Ans. Air pressure measured by an instrument called barometer.
(c) What are the following?
(i) Millibars.
Ans. The unit used for measuring air pressure. It is approximately equal to the force of one gram per square centimetre.
(ii) Isobars.
Ans. Isobars are imaginary lines joining the place of equal pressure reduced to mean sea level.
(d) What is the effect of altitude on air pressure?
Ans. Air pressure decrease with increase in altitude.
Q.2. Distinguish between the following in 50 words each:
(a) Air current and wind.
Ans. Wind: Air that moves horizontally along the earth’s surface is called wind. The temperature and humidity varies in the wind system.
Air current: The vertical or nearly vertical movement of the air is referred to as air current.
(b) Planetary winds and periodic winds.
Ans. Planetary Winds: The winds blow from high pressure to low pressure belts in the same direction throughout the years are called planetary or permanent winds. These are easterlies and polar winds.
Periodic Winds: The direction of these winds changes with the change of season. During the summer the winds blow from sea towards land and during winter from land towards sea.

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