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NIOS Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 21 Job Employment
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Job Employment
Chapter: 21
Module – 6 Awareness in Business and Employment
1. Which source of information about job vacancy do you find convenient and why?
Ans: Internet Networks and Resources. Many people find that the Internet is a valuable source of job listings and job search resources and techniques. Internet resources are available whenever a job seeker has time to access them. Job seekers also can post their résumés on the site for potential employers.
2. Enumerate any three functions of Employment Exchanges.
Ans: (a) Registration and placement of job seekers.
(b) Career counselling and vocational guidance.
(c) Collection of information about the employment market.
1. List any three functions of placement agencies.
Ans: (a) Prepare the data bank of employers and job seekers.
(b) Advertise the vacancies.
(c) Help the job seekers in preparing their bio-data.
2. List the criteria on the basis of which one can search for job vacancies through internet.
Ans: (a) Category of jobs.
(b) Post.
(c) Place of job.
(d) Expected salary.
1. What information should one give in the opening part of the covering letter?
Ans: (a) Brief introduction of the applicant.
(b) Purpose of writing the application.
(c) Sources of information about the vacancy.
2. Name the different broad sections found in a bio-data.
Ans: (a) Name and contact details.
(b) Educational qualifications.
(c) Work history.
(d) Details regarding references.
1. Name two terms/phrases a candidate should avoid using during an interview.
Ans: (a) I mean.
(b) Okay.
2. Name three terms/phrases one may use during an interview to show his/her good manners.
Ans: (a) Thank you.
(b) I beg your pardon.
(c) Yes please.
3. Name the different forms of personal interview.
Ans: (a) Telephonic Interview.
(b) Interview through Teleconference.
(c) Chatting through Internet.
(d) Face-to face-interaction.
Very Short Answer Questions:
1. Enumerate any four sources of information of vacancies for jobs.
Ans: The four source of information of vacancies for jobs are:
(i) Employment Exchanges.
(ii) Placement Agencies.
(iii) Newspaper and Magazines.
(iv) Employment News.
2. State the role of management consultants in the process of recruitment.
Ans: The Placement Agencies could be Private Employment Agencies or Management Consultants. Private Employment Agencies bring together the employers and suitable candidates available for a job. Private agencies advertise the vacancies in the newspapers, periodicals and on the internet. They prepare the data bank of all the prospective employers and job seekers.
3. What is meant by the term ‘resume’?
Ans: A resume is a formal document that a job applicant creates to itemise their qualifications for a position. A resume is usually accompanied by a customised cover letter in which the applicant expresses an interest in a specific job or company and draws attention to the most relevant specifics on the resume.
4. Name any four personal qualities of a job seeker.
Ans: (i) Problem solving.
(ii) Teamwork.
(iii) Leadership.
(iv) Creativity.
(v) Communication.
5. What are the qualities an interviewer can judge from ‘Group discussion’?
Ans: To judge the communication skills, presentation skills, command of the subject, leadership qualities, personality etc. the employers usually arrange for an interview. This may be done in the form of a group discussion and personal interview. For group discussion, small groups are formed to discuss any specific topic. During the discussion the employer judges the communication skills and leadership qualities of the candidate. The employer can observe the candidate’s performance sitting in the discussion room or through a close circuit television.
Short Answer Questions |
1. Employment Exchanges are not playing a significant role in the process of recruitment. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons.
Ans: It is mentioned here that in the present employment scenario, the role of Employment Exchanges is not significant. A large number of recruiting agencies like Staff Selection Commission, Railway Recruitment Boards and Banking Service Recruitment Boards etc. have come up and they have restricted the area of operations of the Employment Exchanges. In fact today almost all the major establishments both in Government and outside have their own recruitment agencies. The judgments of the Supreme Court have made it obligatory on the part of the employers to advertise the vacancies in other media and consider applications submitted not only by the employment exchanges but also those responding to the open advertisements for selection of candidates. Therefore, Employment Exchanges are left with limited categories that too for the lower level job appointments.
2. Explain any two sources that provide information about job vacancies.
Ans: (i) Employment Exchanges: In our country employment exchanges have been setup by the government for bringing together job seekers and job-providers. The employment exchange maintains the list of job seekers and registers their names for different categories of jobs according to their qualifications. When the employers approach the employment exchange for recruitment, it identifies the candidates from its list and informs them about these vacancies so that they can approach the concerned employers.
(ii) Placement Agencies: These are privately operated organisations whose main function is to introduce the job seekers to their prospective employers. Their role is similar to the government owned employment exchanges
3. State the functions performed by placement agencies in the process of recruitment.
Ans: The placement agencies basically help in informing about the availability of jobs in private sectors. Most of the small and medium size business enterprises rely upon the placement agencies for all types of manpower requirements. The big enterprises often advertise the vacancies directly through newspapers and the internet. The job seekers can register their name with placement agencies for the post of office assistant, typist, salesperson, marketing executives, accounts assistant, computer operators etc.
4. State any four points one should mention in his/her bio-data.
Ans: The list of enclosures may be mentioned at the end of your bio-data.
In brief, your bio data should have the following points:
(i) Full Name (in Block Letters).
(ii) Father’s/Husband’s Name.
(iii) Date of Birth.
(iv) Residential Address.
(v) Details of Educational Qualifications.
5. Describe the role of print media in providing information about the vacancies advertised.
Ans: Newspapers are the most common print medium for advertisements of job vacancies. All small and big companies advertise their job vacancies in most widely read newspapers both at regional level and national level. The Employment News is a weekly publication that only publishes advertisements for job vacancies. Some of the popular newspapers carry their employment news editions on a weekly basis. The advertisement for job vacancies in print form receives tremendous response from the job seekers because it contains details about the eligibility criteria, proforma of application form, necessary instructions to fill and submit the application form etc.
Long Answer Questions |
1. Briefly describe the procedure for getting your name registered in employment exchanges.
Ans: The procedure of getting a person’s name registered with the employment exchange is as given below:
(i) A candidate can visit any Employment Exchange during specified hours on any working day. He can get from the employment exchange a blank form/ card for registration to be filled up. This card includes entries for the name, father’s name, residential address, qualifications, whether general or SC/ST category, N.C.O. Code No., job desired, location where the candidate wishes to serve, salary expected, work experience and other related information.
(ii) Certain documents have to be enclosed with the card, such as proof of age, photocopies of educational qualifications, experience, as well as a photocopy of Proof of residence like driving license, Voter’s identity Card, PAN card number, passport or ration card. The candidates are required to bring all certificates/ documents in original and a set of photocopies of all the above documents. The photocopies are retained by the Employment Exchange.
(iii) Having filled the required information on the card, and with the enclosures (documents) ready, you are to see the Employment Officer with your original certificates and photocopies. He will verify and attest the photocopies, and your signature on the Card and return the original certificates.
(iv) The card as attested above will be kept in the Employment Exchange for record and making future calls for employment, and a registration card, bearing code no. of the job (NCO), date of registration, and your specimen signature will be handed over to you. This registration card is to be renewed after every three years. In case of any correspondence with the employment exchange you need to mention your registration number.
2. Explain the role of employment exchanges in India.
Ans: The primary objective of Employment Exchanges is settlement of job seekers either through regular jobs or through self-employment.
To achieve this objective the employment exchanges in India perform the following functions/Role:
(a) Registration and placement of job seekers so as to ensure a proper balance between demand and supply of labour.
(b) Collection of comprehensive employment market information on a quarterly basis for creation of data base for use in effective management of the demand and supply of labour.
(c) Undertake career counselling and vocational guidance with a view to effectively guide the job seekers.
(d) Conduct area specific specialised study or surveys to have an assessment of skills available and the marketable skills required for encouraging the job seekers for self-employment, particularly, in rural informal sector.
(e) Arrange for disbursement of unemployment allowance to certain specific categories of job seekers through the employment exchanges as decided by some of the State Governments.
3. Describe the role of electronic media in helping the job seekers to get the jobs of their liking.
Ans: With the advancement of Information and Communication Technology, electronic media has become the most common and convenient source of recruitment. There are so many websites that provide information about employment opportunities. Some of the popular job websites are,,, www.
They provide the facility of searching various jobs as per:
(i) The category (like computer, academic, engineering, sales and marketing, finance etc.).
(ii) The required post ( fitter, electrician, office assistant, teacher etc.)
(iii) The place of job (i.e. the city or state within which the job seeker wants to search for a job).
(iv) The experience (number of years of experience).
(v) Expected compensation (annual package from 2 to 3 lakhs, 3 to 5 lakhs, 5 to 10 lakhs etc.).
The job seekers can find out the information about various types of job on the basis of the above criteria just by visiting the websites of different placement agencies. The job seekers can also post their resume at these placement agencies to find out a suitable job for them. They get information about the availability of jobs as per their qualification and experience through email and accordingly take the action to contact the employers for an interview. The employers can also use those resumes and directly contact the job seekers as per their requirement.
4. What are the points one should consider while preparing a covering letter for sending biodata to a company?
Ans: When applying for a job, the bio-data should be accompanied with an appropriate covering letter. In this section let us learn what to include and how to write the different sections of a covering letter.
(a) The Opening: This is where you tell the employers ‘who you are’, ‘why are you writing’ and ‘how you came to know about the vacancy’! The ‘who are you’ part is a brief introduction of yourself. Just mention the basic facts about yourself. In the ‘why you are writing’ part you mention which position you are applying for. Then be sure to mention how you heard about the organisation or the job. You might write “This is with reference to your advertisement in Hindustan Times dated 29 January 2014 regarding the vacancy of a trainee in your organisation’s sales department”.
(b) Suitability of Your Candidature: The objective of this part of the letter is to mention the reason why the employer should see you as a prospective candidate. It is best to start with a statement that provides an overview of your qualifications and emphasising that these match with the job position requirements A typical sentence may be “As a trained graduate in management I possess the following skills and accomplishments”.
(c) About the Organisation: In this section of the letter you may tell something positive about the organisation and mention why you would like to work there. You might mention the reputation of the organisation, past record, sales records, size, corporate culture, management or anything else that is remarkable and distinct about it. Prospective employers like to know that you have chosen them for a specific reason and they are not just one of the hundreds of the companies in which you are applying for a job.
(d) Request for further action: This is the closing paragraph of the letter. The closing paragraph is about thanking the employer for spending time to read your letter or for considering you as a candidate for the job. It is an important thing to end the letter in a courteous way by taking the initiative to follow up.
5. Describe in brief the interview form of selection test.
Ans: To judge the communication skills, presentation skills, command of the subject, leadership qualities, personality etc. the employers usually arrange for an interview. This may be done in the form of a group discussion and personal interview. For group discussion, small groups are formed to discuss any specific topic. During the discussion the employer judges the communication skills and leadership qualities of the candidate. The employer can observe the candidate’s performance sitting in the discussion room or through a close circuit television. This process can also be carried out in teleconferencing mode in which the employer can observe the process sitting at a distant place, located even abroad.
In personal interview, the prospective employer and employee interact with each other by using different modes. Here the prospective employer tries to evaluate the candidate’s personality, communication skill, command of the subject, judgement, honesty, integrity, tolerance, patience, politeness, promptness etc.
The personal interview can be held in the form of:
(a) Telephonic Interview.
(b) Interview through Teleconference.
(c) Chatting through Internet.
(d) Face-to face-interaction.
Face-to face-interview is the most common form of personal interview in which the candidate is asked to interact with the interview board. The interview board is headed by a chairperson and comprises of senior officers from the same organisation and outside experts. The other forms of personal interview like telephonic interview, interview through teleconferencing and chatting through internet are common in the corporate sector.

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