NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 15 The Lake Isle of Innisfree

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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 15 The Lake Isle of Innisfree

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The Lake Isle of Innisfree

Chapter: 15



Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow:


I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:

Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,

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And live alone in the bee loud glade.


(i) The poet wishes to build with clay and wattles _________. 

(a) A small house. 

(b) A small cottage.

(c) A big home. 

(d) A big cottage.

Ans: (b) A small cottage.

(ii) The poet wishes to grow at Innisfree ________.

(a) Beautiful flower plants.

(b) Beautiful plants.

(c) Nine rows of beans.

(d) Beautiful vegetables.

Ans: (c) Nine rows of beans.

(iii) ‘The bee loud glade’ means ________.

(a) Sound of domestic fly.

(b) Sound of butterfly.

(c) Sound of mosquito.

(d) Loud humming sound of bees.

Ans: (d) Loud humming sound of bees.

(iv) The two things that the poet wants to do are _________. 

(a) To build a small cabin of clay and wattles and nine bean rows.

(b) To build a beautiful bungalow and a horse cart arrange.

(c) To build a good house and to live there all alone.

(d) Only (ii) and (iii). 

Ans: (a) To build a small cabin of clay and wattles and nine bean rows.

(v) Where does the poet wish to go?

(a) To a small cabin in Innisfree.

(b) To Innisfree, where he spent his childhood.

(c) To the Lake Innisfree where he has a boat.

(d) To the beach island of Innisfree.

Ans: (b) To Innisfree, where he spent his childhood.


And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow 

Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings 

There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, 

And evening’s full of linnet’s wings.


(i) The poet wants to have some ________ at Innisfree. 

(a) Rest.

(b) Enjoyment.

 (c) Peace.

(d) Quietness.

Ans: (a) Rest.

(ii) The midnight shines because of ________.

(a) Neon lights.

(b) Night bulbs.

(c) Candles. 

(d) Glow worms.

Ans: (d) Glow worms.

(iii) The ‘veils of morning’ stands for ________.

(a) The morning rising sun.

(b) The mists in the sky. 

(c) The curtain draw in the morning.

(d) The morning shining sky.

Ans: (b) The mists in the sky.

(iv) How are evenings there? 

(a) Evening is purple glowing. 

(b) It has singing birds. 

(c) Sky hides behind the wings of birds. 

(d) Evening is enjoyable.

Ans: (a) Evening is purple glowing.

(v) According to the poet the peace comes ________.

(a) Very fast like the wind. 

(b) Slowly like small drops.

(c) Very rapidly.

(d) Usually fast.

Ans: (b) Slowly like small drops.


I will arise and go now, for always night and day

I hear the lake whater lapping with low sounds by the shore; 

While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray.

I hear it in the deep heart’s core.


(i) The poet decides to arise and go to:

(a) Innisfree as soon as possible.

(b) London at once.

(c) The valley of Spain.

(d) The hills.

Ans: (a) Innisfree as soon as possible.

(ii) He hears:

(a) The patter of rain.

(b) The lapping sound of the lake water. 

(c) Humming of bee.

(d) Noise of vehicles. 

Ans: (b) The lapping sound of the lake water.

(iii) Opposite of ‘never’ is:

(a) Hear.

(b) Always.

(c) Rise. 

(d) Night.

Ans: (b) Always. 

(iv) The tone in these lines is of ________.

(a) Regret.

(b) Longing.

(c) Passion.

(d) Gappiness.

Ans: (b) Longing. 

(v) The place he wishes to visit is a place of _________.

(a) Waves dashing against the shores. 

(b) Peace and tranquillity.

(c) Activities throughout the day and night.

(d) Fun and happiness.

Ans: (b) Peace and tranquillity.



Read the following questions and write your answers in 30-40 words each:

Q.1. What kind of place is Innisfree? Think about.

Ans: Innisfree is a lake island. It is a peaceful place where the crickets sing. The poet used to visit this place in order to enjoy peace during his boyhood.

(i) The three things the poet wants to do when he would go back there. (Stanza I)

Ans: (i) The poet will build a small cabin.

(ii) He will have nine bean-rows. 

(iii) He will live alone in the bee loud glade.

(ii) What he hears and sees there (Stanza II) and its effect on him? 

Ans: There at Innisfree the poet hears as well as sees the crickets singing. The evening is full of the linnet’s birds. As the poet is residing there he enjoys the purple rays of the sun in the noon.

(iii) What he hears in his “heart’s core” even when he is far away from Innisfree? (Stanza III)

Ans: The poet hears in the deep heart’s core the low sounds of water flowing towards the shore even when he is far away from Innisfree.

Q. 2. By now you may have concluded that Innisfree is a temple, natural place, full of beauty and peace. How does the poet contrast it with where he now stands? (Read at stanza III)

Ans: The poet is much attracted towards the AMO calm’s beautiful and natural place of Innisfree. There he visits the spot to have his peace of mind. 

The poet is longing to be there round the clock. There he will hear the flowing water of the lake that dashes bay against the shore. He contrasts the same when he is standing either on the roadside or on the pavement. He feels this to his core of heart.

Q. 3. Do you think Innisfree is only a place, or a state of mind? Does the poet actually miss the place of his boyhood days?

Ans: Innisfree is a simple beautiful and a bad natural place where the poet goes to attain neply peace. The poet does not miss the place during his boyhood. There he spends his no lot of time when he was a boy.

II. Look at the words the poet uses to describe what he sees and hears at Innisfree. 

(i) Bee loud glade.

Ans: Bee loud Glade: The poet hears and sees the bees busy at their beehive. They go on buzzing and collecting the honey in their hive. He hears their sounds and witnesses them at work.

(ii) Evenings full of the linnet’s wings. 

Ans: Evenings full of the Linnet’s wings: When the evening starts, there appears so many linnet birds in the sky. They fly in the sky and their wings flutter there. The poet hears their sounds and views them. The atmosphere remains busy.

(iii) lake water lapping with low sounds. What picture do these create in your mind? 

Ans: Lake water lapping with sounds: The water in the lake too flows by the shore. It produces melodious sound. The poet hears and enjoys it. He also sees the rippling of the water in the lake. 

All the three natural entities present a fine imagery in our mind. The nature is always at her work. Her activities are marvellous and one can derive constant peace, enjoyment, beauty and fascination. There is no artificiality in them.

2. Look at these words: 

… peace comes dropping slow. 

Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings what do these words mean to you? What do you think comes dropping slow…. From the veils of the morning?” What does the cricket sing?

Ans: The above quoted words mean that peace arrives slowly and steadily like JAL morning, noon, evening and midnight. It comes in drops. The poet presents and ds welcomes the morning by the sweet songs of the crickets. The early morning is wrapped in the veil of darkness. Its sadness is removed by the songs of the crickets. The peace comes dropping slow. The crickets sing a melodious song, welcome the morning and remove the darkness. It seems to greet the nature.


Q.1. Have you ever been to a lonely place like Innisfree? What have been your feelings at such a place? Did you enjoy your stay there?

Ans: Far off places are always joy to visit. Once I got a chance to visit an island in Andaman and Nicobar. It was a place away from human habitation. I really enjoyed the place. It was a place full of beauty and peace. I wished if I could build a cottage and live there in peace. I realized that here one can get every kind of peaceful atmosphere.

I really enjoyed my stay there and would always love to stay at such a place away from human habitation. 

Q.2. What inference do you draw on reading such phrases as ‘bee loud glade’, linnet’s wings and lake water lapping with sound?

Ans: Such phrases used in the poem give us feeling of nature filled with beauty. The poet uses such phrase as ‘bee loud glade’ to give the impression that there is so much silence that even buzzing of bees can be heard. The other beauty of nature which can be found is sound of fluttering of wings of linnet bird. Flowing water is also producing sound due to ripple effect. Thus in a way these are all musical sounds.

Q.3. How would you try to adjust if from natural place you have to go and live in a crowded place? Would you feel happy or not?

Ans: Once we start living in the lap of nature we really feel happy. If once we have to move away from nature to live is a crowded city life, things would become very difficult. Standing on the pavement of the busy road would always torture us and carry our memories to the far away secluded place. In such a place I would be forced to stay indoors most of the time as city life would offer poisonous gases. I would not at all feel happy to live in such a place. 

Q.4. How will the poet be able to have peace? 

Ans: The Poet will be able to get peace by building a cabin in the isle of Innisfree lake. There he will stay in the lap of nature and would hear the pattering sound of falling water. He will also enjoy morning, noon and the peaceful atmosphere along with the songs of the birds. Thus he will be in a state of ecstasy. 

Q.5. What does this isle of Innisfree mean for the poet?

Ans: The isle of Innisfree provides memories joy, company of nature, songs of birds, peaceful atmosphere. Morning and noon atmosphere. He is happy to live there from the crowdy roads of the cities. The sounds of honeybees, insects and linnets are a source of joy for him.

Q.6. How is nature helpful to mankind? 

Ans: We must not forget that nature is a panacea for all of us. It is a great healer. Whenever we are in a pensive, tense troubled or in a dejected mood, we must go in the company of nature. The sweet atmosphere, natural beauty, and other entities of nature will heal all our pain and provide smoothness as well as soothness to our dejected mood. It will fill us with new hopes, energies and rejuvenating spirits. 

Q.7. What moral lesson do you get from the poem?

Ans: The poem is of utmost significance to all of us. The presence of nature provides us perennial joy and it is the magnificent source of beauty to arouse us from dejection, rejection and disappointment. It has magical powers. It is due to that reason the poet wants to build a cabin in the isle of Innis7free so that he can live in peace and tranquillity.

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