NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 14 Rain on the Roof

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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 14 Rain on the Roof

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Rain on the Roof

Chapter: 14



Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow:


When the humid shadows hover 

Over all the starry spheres 

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And the melancholy darkness 

Gently weeps in rainy tears


(i) “The shadows’ are humid because ________.

(a) They have taken bath.

(b) They were weeping. 

(c) They are full of moisture.

(d) They are playing with water.

Ans: (c) they are full of moisture.

(ii) The above given lines express the _______ mood of the poet.

(a) Sad.

(b) Happy.

(c) Anxious.

(d) Excited.

Ans: (a) Sad.

(iii) The sound made by the following drops of rain is:

(a) Melancholy.

(b) Hover. 

(c) Patter.

(d) Overhead.

Ans: (c) Patter.

(iv) The line _________ shows that the poet is happy when it rains. 

(a) ‘And lie listening to the patter’.

(b) ‘Gently weeps in rainy tears’.

(c) ‘What the humid shadows hover.

(d) ‘What a bliss to press the pillow’.

Ans: (d) ‘What a bliss to press the pillow.

(v) ‘Humid shadows’ stand for

(a) Shadowy clouds.

(b) Waterless clouds.

(c) Water Laden clouds.

(d) Relief features. 

Ans: (c) Water Laden clouds.


Gently weeps in rainly tear,

What a bliss to press the pillow 

Of a cottage – chamber bed 

And lie listening to the patter 

Of the soft rain overhead!


(i) The humid shadows hover over the ________.

(a) Stars.

(b) Houses.

(c) Sparks.

(d) Starry spheres. 

Ans: (d) starry spheres

(ii) When it rains the poet likes to _________.

(a) Sing a song.

(b) Stay at cottage chamber.

(c) Press the pillow of a cottage chamber.

(d) Cry with melancholy darkness.

Ans: (c) Press the pillow of a cottage chamber.

(iii) The soft rain drops fall ________.

(a) On the cornfield.

(b) On the banyan tree. 

(c) On the terrace.

(d) On the roof.

Ans: (d) On the roof.

(iv) The tears of darkness are referred to as ________.

(a) Rain drops. 

(b) Waterfall.

(c) Fountain. 

(d) Water.

Ans: (a) Rain drops.

(v) The poet is no longer sad because __________.

(a) He is in his cottage.

(b) He is outside of his cottage. 

(c) He lies in bed and listens to the patter of rain on the roof.

(d) He sleeps in his bed.

Ans: (c) He lies in bed and listens to the patter of rain on the roof.


Every tinkle on the shingles Has an echo in the heart;

And a thousand dreamy fancies Into busy being start. 

And a thousand recollections Weave their air threads into woof

As I listen to the patter


(i) When the rain falls on the shingles there appears _________.

(a) A ray of hope. 

(b) Lightenings.

(c) A tinkling sound and it creates an echo in the heart.

(d) None of these.

Ans: (c) A tinkling sound and it creates an echo in the heart.

(ii) The mind becomes busy in _________.

(a) Watching the flow of rain water. 

(b) Dreaming a thousand fancies. 

(c) Listening to the echo created there. 

(d) All of these.

Ans: (b) Dreaming a thousand fancies.

(iii) So many old memories come to our mind because _________.

(a) The recollections weave their air threads.

(b) The sight of the rain makes it so. 

(c) The rainbow spreads its colours in the atmosphere. 

(d) All above.

Ans: (a) The recollections weave their air threads.

(iv) ‘T’ listening to the patter is the _________.

(a) Poet.

(b) Poor person.

(c) Homeless person.

(d) Traveller.

Ans: (a) Poet.

(v) Rain brings to his mind ________.

(a) Peace.

(b) Agony.

(c) Thousand recollections.

(d) Joy.

Ans: (d) Joy wor.

(b) Food supply and increasing population

Now in memory comes my mother, As she used in years agone,

To regard the darling dreamers 

Ere she left them till the dawn:

O ! I feel her fond look on me 

As I list to this refrain

Which is played upon the shingles

By the patter of the rain


(i) The mother is present with the poet because ________”.

(a) She is in his memory.

(b) She is dead.

(c) She lives somewhere else.

(d) She has gone to sleep.

Ans: (a) She is in his memory.

(ii) Refrain’ means ________.

(a) Repeated lines of a poem or a song.

(b) A beautiful sound. 

(c) A sound made by an animal.

(d) A sound made by stones.

Ans: (a) Repeated lines of a poem or a song.

(iii) “I feel her fond look on me” means ________.

(a) The mother disliked her children.

(b) The mother loved her children.

(c) The mother did not care for her children.

(d) The mother looked at her. 

Ans: (b) The mother loved her children.

(iv) The ‘darling dreamers’ are the _________.

(a) People who have beautiful dreams. 

(b) The poet and his siblings.

(c) The mother when she usd to go to sleep.

(d) The children who smile in their sleep.

Ans: (b) The poet and his siblings.

(v) “She left them till the dawn” suggests that _______.

(a) The mother died in her sleep. 

(b) The mother left home before the dawn.

(c) The mother is no longer alive. 

(d) The mother tucked them to sleep.

Ans: (a) The mother died in her sleep.



Read the following questions and write your answers in 30-40 words each:

Q.1. What do the following phrases mean to you? Discuss in class.

(i) humid shadows.

Ans: Humid shadows: Black clouds full of humidity.

(ii) Starry spheres.

Ans: Starry spheres: sky full of stars.

(iii) What a bliss.

Ans: What a bliss!: It is the highest happiness.

(iv) a thousand dreamy fancies into busy being start.

Ans: A thousand dreamy fancies into busy add being start: So many imaginations Come start working in the mind.

(v) a thousand recollections weave their air threads into wool.

Ans: A thousand recollections weave their air threads into wool: So many memories go on recalling into the mind like preparing of cloth from threads on loom.

Q.2. What does the poet like to do when it rains?

Ans: The poet likes to lie in a room with a pillow. ell. Its pressing will give him the highest pleasure. There he will rest and enjoy the soft falling of the rain over his head. He will be in a state of highest bliss.

Q.3. What is the single major memory E that comes to the poet? Who are the ‘darling dreamers’ he refers to?

Ans: The single major memory is the memory of his mother. She has been accustomed to see him in the bygone years and she is still coming to see him.

The darling dreamers, the poet here refers to all lovely dreamers who remember their mothers.

Q.4. Is the poet now a child? Is his mother still alive? 

Ans: The poet is not a child now. He has become aged. His mother has died. She is no more in this world who can shower her affection over him.

Q.5. When you were a young child, did your mother tuck you in, as she did? 

Ans: The poet is not a child now. He has become aged. His mother has died. She is no more in this world who can shower her affection over him.

Q.6. Do you like rain? What do you do when it rains steadily or hear described in the poem?

Ans: I like the rain very much as it brings prosperity and joy. When it rains steadily I enjoy its pattering sound which transport me to a blissful state. I often enjoy on the bed by having a pillow under my head.

Q.7. Does everybody have a cosy bed to lie in when it rains? Look around you and describe how different kinds of people or animals spend time seek. What they do when it rains?

Ans: It is not at all necessary that all may lie on a cosy bed when it rains. There are people who have to work in the farms, offices, factories, roads and so on. They can only feel the patter of the soft rain.

There are so many people, birds, beasts, animals and others around us. They do feel the rain and pass their time. For the birds, beasts and animals, the nature has provided them with the safe cover in them. They have the capacity to bear the rain. Some of them do have shadows to shelter over them like the human beings otherwise they stay and enjoy the rain.


Answer these questions:

Q.1. How is the rain a bliss for the poet? 

Ans: The rain is a perfect bliss for the poet. While he is on his cozy bed, he loves the sweet pattering of the rain. Immediately the sweet memories of his mother along with her fond look start. haunting his mind. All his memories of past are gone and new aspirations and hopes make home in his mind. Thus the rain is a perfect bliss for the poet. It is only his imagination.

Q.2. How does the recollections of the mother affect the poet?

Ans: When the rain makes a pattering sound, the old recollections of his mother start looming in his mind. He can’t remain untouched from her sweet fond look as these haunt him like an every darling dreamer though she is no more. Still he remembers her while writing the song of the rain.

Q.3. What finds an echo in the heart of the poet?

Ans: The rain drops fall on the shingles. They produce a tinkling sound. This tinkling echoes in his heart and there starts thousands memories weaving into him. On his bed, he goes on listening to the pattering sounds of the rain.

Q.4. How does the rain impact the poet? Point out various sights and sounds?

Ans: Rains hover in the sky near the melancholy darkness which echo in the poet’s heart. So many dreamy fancies become fresh in his mind along with the sound of the rain. The sweet memory and her fond love too appear before him.  While writing, her memory remains before him.

Q.5. How do you view rain as? What do you like to do when it rains?

Ans: Rain is always a symbolic of good sign. It signifies prosperity and joy. 

When it rains I like to lie in a room with a pillow. Its feeling will give me the highest joy. I will enjoy the soft falling of the rain. This would take one to a blissful stage. 

Q.6. Different things bring different memories to our mind. In the poem ‘Rain on the Roof’, the poet is reminded of his mother by listening to the patter. Relate any one such scene which comes to your memory.

Ans: There are some childhood memories which always remain fresh in our mind. We cannot forget them as they keep on haunting us. The poet is reminded of his mother when he listens to the patter of the rain upon the roof. He feels that she is blessing him from the starry spheres. When I look at the growing trees, I am reminded of my childhood. Seeing them I feel as I have also been growing and enjoying my childhood.

Q.7. Dark clouds in the sky have different significance. What do dark clouds signify to you?

Ans: When it rains, dark clouds float in the air. They cover the starry sky. The dark clouds are symbols of darkness and evil. They also signify darkness and due to sadness, tears of rains emit out gently.

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