Engineering Mechanics PDF Download

Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Mechanics, I feel thoroughly satisfied in presenting the twentieth Edition of this popular book in Multicolour. The present edition of this book has been thoroughly revised and a lot of useful material has been added to improve its quality and use. It also contains a lot of pictures and colored diagrams for better and quicker understanding as well as grasping the subject matter.

Engineering Mechanics Pdf Download

Engineering Mechanics PDF Download

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I take this opportunity to present this standard treatise entitled A TEXTBOOK of APPLIED MECHANICS to the Students of Degree, Diploma, and A.M.I.E. (I) classes. The object of this book is to present the subject matter in a concise, compact, to-the-point, and lucid manner.

While writing this book, I have constantly kept in mind the requirements of all the students regarding the latest as well as the changing trends of their examinations. To make it more useful, at all levels, the book has been written in an easy style.


All along the approach to the subject matter, every care has been taken to arrange matter from simpler to harder, known to the unknown with full details and illustrations. A large number of worked examples, mostly examination questions of Indian as well as foreign universities and professional examining bodies, have been given and graded in a systematic manner and logical sequence, to assist the students to understand the text of the subject.

At the end of each chapter, a few exercises have been added, for the students, to solve them independently. Answers to these problems have been provided, but it is too much to hope that these are entirely free from errors. In short, it is expected that the book will embrace the requirements of the students, for which it has been designed.

Although every care has been taken to check mistakes and misprints, yet it is difficult to claim perfection. Any error, omission, or suggestion for the improvement of this volume, brought to my notice, will be thankfully acknowledged and incorporated in the next edition.


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