Class 9 English Chapter 11 If I Were You

Class 9 English Chapter 11 If I Were You, NCERT/SCERT Class 9 English Beehive Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA ইংৰাজী Class 9 Question Answer so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 9 English Beehive Prose Chapter 11 If I Were You Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

Class 9 English Chapter 11 If I Were You

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SEBA Class 9 English Chapter 11 If I Were You Notes covers all the exercise questions in Assam Board SEBA Textbooks. The SEBA Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 11 If I Were You provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

If I Were You

Chapter – 11



1. Answer these Questions:

Q.1. “At last a sympathetic audience.”

(i) Who says this?

Ans. (i) Gerrard says this.

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(ii) Why does he say it?

Ans. When the intruder asks him to sit and have a nice little talk about himself, Gerrard pretends that the intruder had a sympathetic feeling towards him. So he says these lines.

(iii) Is he sarcastic or serious?

Ans. Gerrard is sarcastic. 

Q.2. Why does the intruder choose Gerrard as the man whose identity he wants to take on.

Ans. The intruder choses Gerrard as the man whose identity he wants to take on because Gerrard is a mystery man who phones his orders and sometimes goes away suddenly and comes back just the same.

Q.3. “I said it with bullets.”

(i) Who says this?

Ans. Gerrard says this.

(ii) What does it mean?

Ans. It means when something went wrong Gerrard used his gun to shoot and escape from there. 

(iii) Is it the truth? What is the speaker’s reason for saying this?

Ans. No, it is not the truth. The speaker wants to save his life from the intruder.

Q.4. What is Gerrard’s profession? Quote the parts of the play that support your answer.

Ans. Gerrard is an actor by profession. Also he is a playwright (drama-tist). He says, “Sorry I can’t let you have the props in time for rehearsal, I’ve had a spot of bother- quite amusing. I think i’ll put it in my next play.”

Q.5. “You’ll soon stop being smart.”

(i) Who says this?

Ans. The intruder says this.

(ii) Why does the speaker say this?

Ans. The speaker says this to frighten Gerrard. 

(iii) What according to the speaker will stop Gerrard from being smart.

Ans. According to the speaker, Gerrard would stop being smart when he would come to know that the intruder is going to kill him. 

Q.6. “They can’t hang me twice?’

(i) Who says this?

Ans. The intruder says this.

(ii) Why does the speaker say this?

Ans. Because he wants to kill Gerrard. He has already murdered someone, So the police cannot hang him twice.

Q.7. “A mystery I propose to explain.” What is the mystery the speaker proposes to explain?

Ans. The speaker makes up a story by himself to fool the intruder that he had killed someone earlier. And was running from the police. 

Q.8. “This is your big surprise.”

(i) Where has this been said in the play?

Ans. The intruder spoke it while revealing his plan to kill Gerrard.

(ii) What is the surprise?

Ans. The surprise was the plan of the intruder to kill Gerrard and take his identity in order to lead a secure life.

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