Class 12 Education Chapter 4 Learning

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Class 12 Education Chapter 4 Learning

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Chapter: 4


(a) Write whether each of the following statements is true or false:-

1. Insight is higher method of learning. 

Ans : True.

2.  Learning is not depend on maturation. 

Ans : False.

3. Learning by insight  is a mechanical method of learning. 

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Ans : False. 

4. Will to learn winning half the battle. 

Ans :True. 

5. There is no need of preparedness of the learner and learning. 

Ans : False 

6. Bad working conditions hamper learning. 

Ans : True.

7. Rhythmical reaction is a good precondition of learning. 

Ans : True. 

8. Motivation is the ‘sin qua non’ of learning. 

Ans : True. 

9. Fatigue  causes loss of efficiency of learning. 

Ans : True.

10. Kolar is famous for his theory of learning by conditioning. 

Ans : False. 

11. Learning is the act of problem solving. 

Ans : True. 

12. Learning is a life long process. 

 Ans : True.

13. Learning is the change of behaviour only for better, not for worse. 

Ans : False. 

14. Learning can be both conscious and unconscious. 

Ans : True. 

15. Even a very temporary change of behaviour is called learning. 

Ans: True. 

16. Insightful learning is a mechanical type of learning. 

Ans : False. 

17. Learning by trial and error is not effective for higher education. 

Ans : True. 

18. Trial and error learning is a problem solving type of learning. 

Ans : True

19.  Maturation is a natural process. 

Ans : True. 

20. In trial and error learning errors have learning value. 

Ans : True. 

21. Maturation is biological in nature. 

Ans : True

22. Leaning depends upon intelligence level of the organism. 

Ans : True. 

23. All learning is modification of behaviour, but all modification of behaviour is not learning. 

Ans : True. 

24. Leaning depends upon intelligence level of the organism. 

Ans : True. 

25. Learning is changes in behaviour resulting from behaviour. 

Ans. True. 

26. Learning is acquisition of socially desirable behaviour. 

Ans : True. 

27. Maturation is need based. 

Ans: False. 

28. Maturation is a life long process. 

Ans: True. 

29. Learning is not directly influenced by heredity. 

Ans : True. 

30. Both learning and maturation are individualized process. 

Ans : False. 

31. Learning is an organic process. 

Ans : True. 

32. Over learning is the learning beyond the point of first errorless reproduction. 

Ans : True. 

33. Trial and error method of learning is ‘Learning by selecting and connecting.’ 

Ans : True. 

34. Conditioning is a form of associative learning. 

Ans : True. 

35. Conditioning involves substitution of one stimulus for another.

Ans : True. 

36. Conditioning is a mechanical process. 

Ans :True. 

37. Condition responses are specific and non flexible in nature. 

Ans : False. 

38. Condition responses are permanent. 

Ans. True. 

39. Learning by insight implies gradual grasping of the solution of learning problem. 

Ans : True. 

40. Learning is not proportionate to the amount of exercise. 

Ans : False. 

41. Learning is the product of both direct and indirect experience. 

Ans : True. 

42. Learning is a self active process. 

Ans : True.

(b) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words :

43. Trial and error method of learning was advocated by___.

Ans : Edward Lee Thorndite.

44. Gestalt is a ___ word.

Ans : German.

45. Law of exercise emphasizes the need of __.

Ans : Repetition.

46. Learning is the modification of ___ through experience.

Ans :

47. __ theory was propounded by Pavlov.

Ans : Classical conditioning.

48. According to Gestalt psychology a whole is more than the sum of it’s __.

Ans : Parts.

49. The animal with which Kohler conducted most of his experiment in Tenerife land was ___.

Ans : Chimpanzee.

50. Learning is acquisition of ___.

Ans : Habits, knowledge and attitudes.

51. According to Thorndike learning is establishment of connection between __ and ___.

Ans : Stimulus (s) and response (reaction) (R).

52. The natural response created by an artificial stimulus is known as ___.

Ans : Conditioning.

56. ‘Learning in modification of behaviour through experience and training’. Choose the name of the person associated with the statements __. 

Ans : Gates. 

57. By profession Pavlov was a __. 

Ans : Physiologist. 

58. Learning by insight is the contribution of the ___ school of psychology. 

Ans : Gestalt. 

59. Trial and error method of learning is associated with the theory of ___. 

Ans : Trial and error method of learning is associated with the theory of connectionism. 

60. Satisfaction and practice are basic factors in __ method of learning. 

Ans : Satisfaction and practice are basic factors in Effect method of learning. 

61. Learning is possible only when a certain stage of __  is reached. 

Ans: Learning is possible only when a certain stage of Experience is reached. 

62. Conditioning is a new connection between artificial stimulus and _____.

Ans : Conditioning is a new connection between artificial stimulus and Natural or natural stimulus.

63. This theory emphasis the need of _____ ability in learning. 

Ans :  This theory emphasis the need of response to the stimulus ability in learning. 

64. Insight is an awareness of common _____. 

Ans : Inside is an awareness of common things. 

65. The law of effect stresses the importance of ___ on learning. 

Ans : The law of effect stresses the importance of reward and punishment on learning. 

66. The law of ___ emphasizes the role of rewards and punishment in learning. 

Ans : The law of effect emphasizes the role of rewards and punishment in learning.

67. Learning involves the acquisition of knowledge, habits and _____. 

Ans : Learning involves the acquisition of knowledge, habits and attitudes. 

68. Motivation is a _____ factor of learning. 

Ans : Motivation is a key factor of learning.

69. ____ refers to the internal state that drives the learner towards goal. 

Ans : Motivation refers to the internal state that drives the learners towards goal. 

70. Gestalt’ means _____. 

Ans : Gestalt means surface. 

71. Through repeated attempts, after a long time a pupil succeeds in computing a sum by him. Such learning is supported by theory of _____. 

Ans : Through repeated attempts, after a long time a pupil succeeds in computing a sum by him. Such learning is supported by theory of trial and error method of learning. 

72. According to Skinner ” learning is both acquisition and retention of habit, knowledge and _____”

Ans : attitude.

73. “With repeated attempts a student succeeds in computing a sum by himself” – this learning is supported by theory by the theory of _____. 

Ans :  E. L. Thorndike. 

74. _____ is the learning beyond the point of first errorless reproduction. 

Ans :  Law of Readiness. 

75. According to _____ theory, learning is not product of practice. 

Ans : Cognitioning. 

76. Which Laws of learning or Method of learning seems to operate in the following cases? 

(a) Practice makes a man perfect. 

Ans : Law of exercise. 

(b) Nothing succeeds like success. 

Ans :  Law. 

(c) Meera is praised by her teacher in the classes for her good performance in arithmetic. She continues solving the problems of her own accord. 

Ans : Law of effect. 

(d) It is no use of teaching grammar to four years old Varun. 

Ans : Trial and error. 

(e) The driver of a car stops the car when he sees a red signal in a traffic point. 

Ans : Insight learning. 

(f)  The beginner in swimming wastes muscle energy in Kicking and Splashing with his arms. 

Ans : Law of readiness. 

77. Match the person associated with the theory. 

(a) Koffka (a) Theory of conditioning
(b) Thorndike(b) Gestalt theory
(c) Pavlov(c) Trial and Error

Ans : 

(a) koffka(b) Gestalt theory.
(b) Thorndike(c) Trial and error. 
(c) Pavlov  (b) Theory of conditioning. 

(d) Give Short Answer (preferable in one sentence) :

78. Who was the Russian doctor who invented ‘learning by conditioning?’ 

Ans : Ivan Pavlov.

79. Who was the psychologist who introduced the term ‘insight’s as a form of learning’? 

Ans : Kohler, Koffka and Wertheimer. 

80. What is a condition response? 

Ans : Learning occurs when a national response is associated with other artificial stimulus instead of a natural stimulus. 

81. What is an unconditioned stimulus? 

Ans : In classical conditioning under a natural response is shifted to new stimulus and unconditioned stimulus is formed.

82. Give an example of behaviour which we learn from trial and error method. 

Ans : Eg- Deleting our bad behaviour and acquiring good behaviour.

83. Give an example of behaviour which is the result of conditioning. 

Ans : Acquiring good habits. 

84. Write the definition of learning given by Gates. 

Ans : According to Gates, “learning is the modification of behaviour through experience and training.” 

85. Which is the  unconditioned response in Pavlov’s experiment on conditioning? 

Ans : The sound of the bell. 

86. Which is the theory related with the trial and error method of learning? 

Ans : Theory of connectionism. 

87. Which the theory related with insightful learning. 

Ans : Gestalt theory. 

88. Mention a common characteristic of maturation and learning. 

Ans : Maturation provides readiness to learn.

89. What is the meaning of insight? 

Ans : Inside means seeing of relationship for meaning in to a situation. Learning through inside express that learning is an intellectual activity that involves the power of deservation, perception and insight of learner. 

90. ‘Learning in modification of behaviour through experience and training.’ Write the name of the person associated with the statements. 

Ans : Learning in modification of behaviour through experience and training. The name of the person associated with the statements is Edward Gates.

91. Which Laws of learning or Method of learning seems to operate in the following cases?

(a) Practice makes a man perfect. 

(b) Nothing succeeds like success. 

(c) Meera is praised by her teacher in the classes for her good performance in arithmetic. She continues solving the problems of her own accord. 

(d) It is no use of teaching grammar to four years old Varun. 

(e) The driver of a car stops the car when he sees a red signal in a traffic point. 

(f) The beginner is swimming wastes muscles energy in Kicking and Splashing  with his arms….

Ans : Which laws of learning or method of learning seems to operate in the following cases :

(a) Practice makes a man perfect – law of exercise. 

(b) Nothing succeeds like success – law of readiness. 

(c) Meera is praised by her teacher in the classes for her good performance in arithmetic. She continues solving the problems of her own accord – law of effect. 

(d) It’s no use of teaching grammar to a four year old Varun – Law of disuse 

(e) The driver of a car stop the car when be sees a red signal in a traffic point – law of use. 

(f) The beginner in swimming wastes muscle energy is Kicking and Splashing with his arms – law of readiness.

92. Match the person associated with the theory.

A                                   B
(a) Koffka(a) Theory of conditioning
(b) Thorndike (b) Gestalt theory
(c) Pavlov(c) Trial and Error

 Ans :   

A                             B 
(a) Koffka(b) Gestalt theory
(b) Thorndike  (c) Trial and Error
(c) Pavlov (a) Theory of conditioning


1. Define learning. 

Ans : Learning is “a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of experience and increases the potential for improving performance and future learning”. The change in the learner may happen at the level of knowledge, attitude or behavior. 

2. Describe the concept of learning by giving suitable example.

Ans : Concept of learning is of huge importance in human behavior. Human being goes on learning from birth till death. Learning is a natural phenomenon which is natural to all organisms including both humans and animals. Learning affects a child’s development. A child learns new habits only through the process of learning and through imitated traditions and customs. Intellectual skills are also developed through learning. The decision of right and wrong, the concepts of justice and aesthetic sense, etc. develop through learning. This process of learning continues throughout life. Learning is the basis of maturation.Learning effects our, Language,customs and traditions, Attitudes and beliefs, personalities, goals. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that learning affects all aspects of our life. Learning phenomenon is very important for the development of human beings. Various psychologists have explained learning from a different point of views. According to behaviorists, Learning is the modification of behavior as a result of experience. The child brings changes in his behavior after gaining experiences from the environment. Everything a learner does or thinks is learning. Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior of the learner. It even brings changes in the personality traits of the learner. For example:-When we see a dog and attach the term’dog’, we learn that the word dog refers to a particular animal. 

3. Describe laws of use and disuse. 

Ans : The “law of use and disuse” refers to the idea that organisms will develop or lose certain physical characteristics based on how often they use them. For example, if a bird uses its wings frequently, they will become stronger and larger, while if they are not used, they will become weaker and smaller. 

4. Mention the two parts of law of exercise. 

Ans : The two parts of law of exercise are :- 

(a) Law of use:- The learning are strengthened with repeated trial or practice. 

(b) Law of disuse:- Learning are weekend when trial or practice is discontinued. 

5. What is over learning? 

Ans:- Over learning ia a process of rehearsing a skill even after you no longer improve. Even though you seem to have already learned the skill, you continue to practice at that same level of difficulty. A recent study suggests that this extra practice could be a handy way to lock in your hard-earned skills. 

6. What is spaced learning? 

Ans : Spaced learning is based on the concept that learning is enhanced when knowledge is repeated after certain intervals. 

7. What is insight? 

Ans : Insight is the understanding of a specific cause and effect within a particular context. The term insight can have several related meaning: a peace of information. 

8. ‘Learning is a process of development’ – explain. 

Ans : Human beings to adjust and fit himself in various environment learning helps him. To more him happy and live in an environment in a suitable way learning helps in individual. It teaches him to learn various way of surviving. 

9. Write the name of two supporter of Gestalt theory of learning. 

Ans : Max Wertheimer and Koffka.

100. Differentiate between over learning and relearning. 

Ans : Over learning is the process of rehearsing a skill even after you no longer improve. Even though you seem to have already learned the skill, you continue to practice at the same level of difficulty. A recent study suggests that this extra practice could be a handy way to lock in your hard-earned skills. On the other hand. 

Relearning, also known as the saving Method, is the way of measuring how much faster one relearns material that has been previously learned and then forgotten. 

101. Explain learning as a function of practice? 

Ans : Learning is closely linked to practice and motivation. Sociocultural theory applied to motivation of practice suggests that motivation resides not within the individual, but within the domain of social and cultural contexts United by shared action and activity. 

102. What is Condition stimulus? 

Ans : A neutral stimulus that is repeatedly associated with an unconditioned stimulus until it acquires the ability to elicit a response that it previously did not is known as condition stimulus. 

103. What is Unconditioned response? 

Ans : An unconditioned stimulus is something that elicits an automatic and natural response. 

104. What do mean by maturation? 

Ans : Maturation is a natural process. It is the growth which takes place within the individual. Maturational changes are relatively independent of activity, practice or experiences. Maturation may be considered as the development brought by growth of the neural and muscular system. 

105. What are the natural laws of learning? 

Ans : The major laws of learning are :

(a) Law of readiness 

(b) Law of Effect 

(c) Law of Exercise 

(a) Law of Readiness : It states “when a bond is ready to act, to act gives satisfaction and not to act gives annoyance. When a bond which is not ready to act is made to act, annoyance is caused. 

(b) Law of Effect : Learning is strengethened when accompanied by a pleasant or satisfying feeling. 

(c) Law of exercise : It states – “When a modifiable connection is made between a situation and a response that connection’s strength is, other things being equal, increased. When modifiable connection is not made between a situation and a response over a length of time that connection’s strength is decreased. “

106. Write three most important characteristics of learning. 

Ans : Two characteristics of learning are : 

(i) Learning is a continues process:- Right from birth till death, we keep on learning. It is a universal process experienced by all living creatures. It can be direct or indirect, formal or informal. Learning helps us shape and develop knowledge, attitudes, skills, aptitudes, and habits. 

ii) Learning us Goal -Oriented:- There’s always a purpose behind learning. If there is no end objective, it will fail to show any result. Through learning, the aims is always to move towards a predetermined goal. 

iii) Learning involves activities:- We learn better when we engage in various kinds of activities. These can be either physical or mental. From taking part in mental exercises like solving numerical problems to participating in sports, every action is an opportunity for the mind to learn and assimilate knowledge and improve wisdom. The more we engage and interact with our environment, the more we learn. 

107. Show the limitation of insightful learning. 

Ans : Limitations of insightful learning : 

(i) Complex problems may be beyond normal understanding and insight. therefore insight learning can not be used.

ii) Small children which are slow in understanding learn more through trial and error then through insight which they lack. 

108. Learning by trial and error needs  repetition. – explain. 

Ans : Trial and error learning is a gradual process that results from limitations. At the initial stage the number of errors and the time taken appear to be substantially high. In the subsequent attempts are in the downward trend. The state of helplessness or blindness of the situation gradual eliminates from the learner. It is described as a mechanical method, the essence of which is trial or repetition. Repetition helps to eliminate the wrong and follow the right attempt.

109. Distinguish between trial and error and insightful learning. 

Ans : Difference between trial and error and insightful learning are:-

Trial and error is a fundamental method of  problem-solving. It is characterized by repeated, varied attempts which are continued until success, or until the practicer stops trying. On the other hand Insightful learning is a form of cognitive learning where animals use insight to accomplish something. Sometimes when playing a video game, insight is needed to get to the next step after an obstacle is placed in front of you. 

110. Discuss the relationship between :

(i) Learning and motivation 

(ii) Learning and knowledge of result 

(iii) Learning and difficulty of learning material. 

Ans : (i) Learning and motivation : Motivation is said to be the sine qua non in learning. In the absence of it the result or output of learning is bound to be small. Motivation goes to main creating conditions for psycho-physical readiness to learn. Learning is a self activity of the learner that needs personal export, initiative and readiness in mind. Such a mental state needs to be created in the learner prior to his start of learning.

(ii) Learning and knowledge of result : Learning depends upon the result on the effect that follows. If the result is satisfactory the learner is more inspired to repeat it. The dissatisfaction result discourages such repetition of learning. 

(iii) Learning and difficulty of learning materials : Difficulty is a very important fact in learning. It is experimentally proved that learning curve for easy material showed rapid early gains which gradually slowed down and that for difficult material showed show initial gains while gradually increased.

111. What do you mean by over learning? 

Ans : Ovar learning is the process of rehearsing a skill even after you no longer improve. Even though you seem to have already learned the skill, you continue to practice at that same level of difficulty. A recent study suggests that this extra practice could be a handy way to lock in you hard-earned skills. 

112. Mention the similarities between learning and maturation process? 

Ans : Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and behaviors through experience, training and education on the other hand Maturation is the process of becoming mature or developed, both mentally and physically. 

113. “Learning is the modification of behaviour through experience and training” Amplify the statement. 

Ans: Learning is a change in response or behaviour. It is the acquisition of habits, knowledge, and attitudes. It represents a progressive change in behaviour. It modifies our behaviour by the acquisition of new behaviour to meet our needs and requirements. It is transferrable from one situation to another where some similarity of elements exists.

114. Discuss the role of reward and punishment in learning.             

Ans : Reward and punishment in learning these are both used in operent conditioning to either encourage or discourage a behaviour. When positive behaviour is displayed, then the organism should receive a reward ,but if negative behaviour is displayed then the organism will be punished.

115. “Learning depends upon maturation” explain. 

Ans : Learning takes place only if the stage for that type of learning has been achieved through a process of maturation. Maturation is important for learning. Before we learn anything, our sensory ,motor and nervous structures should attain a certain level of maturity.

116. Discuss about the relationship between learning and maturation. 

Ans : Maturation is a change caused by physical growth. It is a process of natural development which involves the growth of the cells, tissues and organs of the body. Learning is mental process which is dependent upon the physical growth. Learning is impossible without the maturation. A two month old child cannot be given toy training or a two years old cannot be taught reading. Again a 5 years old child cannot learn typing. So, the maturation of the child is an important condition in learning a new task. Hence, learning very much depends upon maturation.

117. Distinguish between learning and maturation.

Ans : Difference between learning and maturation are :

Maturation Learning
(i) Process of becoming mature or developed, both mentally and physically.(i) Process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and behaviour through experience, training and education.
(ii) It is a process of behavioural change(ii) It is a planned  process of modification of behaviour.
(iii) It is an age limit process.(iii) It is a life long process.
(iv) Maturation is not related to activities but to the structure and potential capacity.(iv) Learning is related to activities  and experiences.
(v) In maturation practice is not regarded. (v) In learning practice is essential for behavioural change. 
(vi) Maturation do not require motivation. (v) Learning require motivation.

118. What is the educated value of law of effect? 

Ans : Educative value of law of effect : Educational significance of this law is quite obvious. Students progress in learning follows this law of effect. Success or satisfaction in the result leads to more success. The teacher makes use of the technique of reward and punishment in school on the basis of this law. Reward stimulates one to achieve more success and punishment discourages in the attempt. Teacher may make use of this device in strengthening desirable behaviour and attitude and removing undesirable one of his students. This law of effect thus justifies the use of reward and punishment in school.

119. Distinguish between whole and part learning.

Ans : Difference between whole and part learning:

Part learning   Whole learning
(i) Good for learning skills.    (i) Good for learning simple skills.
(ii) Allow skills to be broken down into manageable parts , making learning more achievable.(ii) Allow skills to be learnt as a whole, giving learner and experience of how the skill feels kinaesthetic. 
(iii) Used to help correct technical faults in technique.(iii) Used to identify technical faults in the overall skill.

120. Discuss about the impact of distribution of practice of learning. 

Ans : The length of the practice season and distribution of the rest period affect the learning process to a great extend. It has been found for a wide variety of motor skill, that practice is more effective, when it includes brief and judiciously distributed rest periods. This leads to rapid learning as compare to continuous practice. However, practice period should not be to long. Similarly it should not be short or frequent either. This would tend to break the task into small parts. Actually, the practice period will depend upon the learning task and the age of the learner. No. extreme of spacing and massive is desirable.

121. Explain the following on the basis of conditioning. 

(a) In a circus, the Elephant responds to the signs made by his trainer. These signs may not be meaningful to an observer, but the elephant exhibits different activities on the basis of these signs. 

Ans : The elephant has already been trained up to do those activities as indicated by the trainer. And these learning of the elephant are the response of conditioning. After happening “conditioning” the elephant follows the signs made by the trainer.

(b) While giving a piece of meat to a dog a man say “Stand up” holding the piece before the dog. After repeating it several times he says “Stand up” but does not exhibit any meat. The dog stand up.  

Ans : The new stimulus “indication of empty hand” has taken the place of  original stimulus “piece of meat” in production the response “Stand Up”. The dog has already setup his mind to that response through conditioning learning. Therefore it happens so as mentioned above.

122. Outline the experimental proceeding that led to conditioning. 

Ans : The Experiment on conditioning learning done by ‘Pavlov’ is as follows- Pavlov experimented with a hungry do to elaborate his conditioned response theory. When he gave meat to the dog it salivated. After sometime he gave meat to the dog at the ringing of a bell. The dog again salivated which meant that the dog responded to the joint stimulation of meat and the bell. This experiment was conducted a number of times. Ultimately it was observed that mere sound of the bell, even without meat, was enough to bring saliva in the dogs mouth. It indicated that the original stimulus of meat had been replaced by the stimulus of sound of the bell to bring saliva, in the mouth of the dog. This means that the sound of the bell as stimulus had been continued with the dog’s response by recharging saliva.

123. Distinguish between learning and maturation. 

Ans : The main difference between learning and maturation is that learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and behaviours, whereas maturation is the process of becoming mature or developed. Although learning and maturation are two inter-related activities, they are not the same . Maturation refers to both mental and physical development of a person. Learning can be both informal and formal, as well as conscious or unconscious. Mental maturation or cognitive maturation is necessary for learning. In fact, maturation facilities learning.

124. Explain the nature of learning. 

Ans : The nature of learning are:-

i) Learning is universal:- Living creatures learn, and men learn the most bacause the human nervous system is complex ,human react and need acquisition for growth and development.

ii) Learning is through experience:- Every learning experience involves some kind of experience, whether it is direct or indirect.

iii) Learning is continuous:- It refers to a lifelong learning process since the person faces new situations every day and must modify his style of behaviour to cope with them effectively every day because learning is birth to death.

iv) Learning as Growth and Development:- There is neverending growth and development, and at every milestone, the learner acquires a new vision of the future and a new ideal of achievement as it works towards goal.

125. How is learning possible through trial and error? Explain with example. 

Ans: Trial and error method is a mechanical methods of education which was developed by noted educationalist E. L. Thorndike. This method implies that when some activity is tried again and again, the possible errors get diminished. A man may make several attempts and at the initial stage he will make several errors. But gradually in the process of trial, errors will be eliminated and a time will come when there will be no errors. Thus, learning is the establishment of bonds between stimulus and response and is associated with mechanical process blind trial and error.

Thorndike was interested in finding out how the animals learn. He kept a hungry cat inside a puzzle-box and a plate of fried fish was kept outside the box and beyond the reach of the cat. The door of the box could be opened only by pulling a string from inside. The hungry cat tried to come out of the box, but she did not know the device of coming out of it. She tried to squeeze through the bars, clawed, bit and rushed around striking here or there. Thus, trying for sometime she accidentally pull the string. 

The door was open and she eventually came out of the box to reach her plate of fish. In the successive trials the cat was placed in the same situation and it was found the cat could come out of the box without losing much time. Thorndike experimented on many other animals and his conclusion was their learning was nothing but trial and error. 

The trial and error method is applicable to human beings also. It is common to children as well as adults. An Infant learning to walk, write, dress commits mistakes in the beginning, but succeeds at the end. A grown-up main facing a new problem goes on making trials to adjust himself to the situation. When he commits errors in the initial stage, no bond is established between the stimulus and the response. When he succeeds after several attempts the bond is established between the two and thereby adjustment is made to the new situation.

Trial and error method of learning may be described as a mechanical from of learning. It does not involve higher mental or intellectual ability of the learner. So, in class room situation the teacher should not utilise this type of learning.

126. Determine the educative value of  trial and error method of learning. 

Ans : The noted  psychologists and educationist Thorndike made extensive and intensive researches  on this method both on men and animals. Thorndike advocated that learning took place through trial and error method. The soul of this method is repetition. An individual in a situation make errors. In this process of efforts to solve a problem of adjust to a situation, gradually the number of errors is decreased. Eventually, through repeated efforts (trial) error will be totally eliminated. Thus learning takes place through trial and error. It means that learning takes place through error. From the errors the individual gains experience and knowledge which enable him to solve the problem. This method is also known as the hit or miss method. Both the children and the adults learns through this method.

127. Explain the conditioned response theory of learning. Give examples of learning through conditioning.

Ans : Conditionined response theory of learning is known as ‘Classical Conditioned Theory’ propounded by Ivan Pavlav.

i) A conditioned respond is a learned response to a stimulus that was previously neutral.

ii) This theory emphasizes the conditioning of behaviour by a repetitive association between the response and the stimulus.

iii) Classical conditioning is one basic model of learning which was a landmark in the history of understanding behaviour.

iv) Classical conditioning is applicable only for reflexive and spontaneous responses,and not for voluntary responses.

Examples of learning through conditioning:- Learning to associate a pleasant smell with a person you love, and having an instant emotional reaction to the theme song to your favourite sit-com

128. What is its bearing a conditioning theory of learning in classroom situation? 

Ans : Many scientists and behaviourists like Pavlov, J. B. Watson consider that the theory of conditioning is based on the fundamental concept that learning is nothing but linking of a response to a stimulus. So, learning by conditioning means our learning is the result of conditioning of our natural response to some other stimulus. Pavlov had  undertake an interesting experiment with the dog and thereby proved that salivation at the sight of foot may be conditioned to the sound of the bell is a new response which is described as the result of conditioning in learning. 

Educational implication of Pavlov’s conditioned response theory : The principles of classroom conditioning can be used in the following areas of animal and human behaviour :

(i) Developing good habits : Principles of classical conditioning can be used for developing good habits in children such as cleanliness, respect for elders, and punctuality etc.

(ii) Breaking of bad habits and elimination of conditioned fear. All learning is required in the social environment. Acquired learning may be  deconditioned by using the principles of classical conditioning. Principles of classical conditioning can be used to  deconditioning anxiety and fear in Maladjusted children. 

(iii) Training of the animals : Animal trainers have been using the principles of classical conditioning since long time without being much aware of the underlying mechanisms.

(iv) Used in psychotherapy : The principles of classical conditioning are used  deconditioning emotional fears in mental patients. 

(v) Developing positive attitude : classical conditioning can be used to develop favourable or unfavorable attitude towards learning, teacher and the school. 

(vi) Teaching alphabets : The principles of classical conditioning are used to teach alphabets and fundamental principles of arithmetic by using some concrete material.

129. Explain learning by insight. Described an experiment done in this respect. 

Ans : Learning by insight refers to the insightful method of learning. It is one of the first advanced methods of learning. Learning by insight emphasises the power to see the relationship between different parts of a situation. It means the understanding of the situation as a whole. Kohler was the chief exponent of this method of learning. As a Gestalt psychologist he visualised that a person can deduce the solution by insight if he perceives the situation as a whole. Kohler conducted experiments on the method of learning with apes as his subjects. In one experiment he kept some apes in a closed room with some bananas hanging from the ceiling. 

A wooden box was also placed inside the room, but not just below the bananas. The apes made several attempts to get the bananas but failed. But suddenly one of the apes brought the wooden box below the bananas. He jumped up on the box and picked the bananas. This idea of bringing the box under the bananas occurred to the ape all of a sudden, like a flash of light. This phenomenon is known as learning by insight or insightful learning. 

Learning by insight method involves the following characteristic steps :-

(i) Avoiding the blind method of mechanical reputation. 

(ii) Perceiving the situation as a whole. 

(iii) Combining and correlating the parts. 

(iv) Observing the parts that constitute the whole. 

(v) Using the emerging idea in solving problem. 

Class room application : Insightful learning discourages the blind mechanical method or trial and error. So, applicability of this type of learning is remarkable for the teacher. The teacher should present only the parts of the contents of learning to his students. Combining and correlating the parts through exercise of inside should be left to the students. Teachers should not work out everything of the lesson problem without leaving any room for the students own exercise. The teacher should only guide or direct the students and should play an indirect role.

130. What is importance in learning by insight in the field of education? 

Ans : (i) It trains one how to proceed in a planned way in solving problems. 

(ii) It makes mean self-dependent and become guide to one’s action. 

(iii) It improve his power of perception and organisation of the parts in solving the problems. 

(iv) Creative potential of individual may find expression through this method.

131. Discuss how primary laws of learning can be applied in class room. 

Ans : Edward Thorndike developed the first three laws of learning: Law of effect, Law of readiness, Law of exercise.

The laws are described below : 

(i) Law of effect : a) It is based on motivation and reinforcement to make the learning experience pleasant for learners.

b) It implies that it is human being natural tendency to learn things that give us happiness and satisfaction.

ii) Law of readiness:- a) It refers to degree of eagerness and inquisitiveness to learn something new.

b) It implies that if one is not ready to learn something, one cannot learn it effectively.

iii) Law of exercise:- a) It is based on practice and drills to learn something for a long period.

b) This is essentially constituted of two laws i.e. the law of use and the law disuse.

132. Give illustrations of the operations of the three laws of learning in the classroom situation. 

Ans : E. L. Thorndike had outlined three major laws of learning. These laws have great educative significance for the teacher. 

Their nature and educative bearing may be described below :

(i) Law of effect : This law states, “When a modifiable connection between a stimulus and response is made and accompanied or followed by a satisfying state of affairs, that connection’s strength is increased when made and accompanied or followed by an annoying state of affairs, its strength is decreased.” The main principle underlying this law is that learning depends upon the result or the effect that follows, Educational value of this law is quite obvious. Student’s educative progress follows this law of effect. Success or satisfaction in the result leads to more success. On the other hand dissatisfaction in the result makes them discouraged.

(ii) Law of exercise : This law states that learning experiences may be made permanent by use of preposition. This law is subdivided into two sub-laws- law of use and law of disuse. Law of use states. “When a modifiable connection is made between a situation and the response that connection’s strength is, other things being equal, increased.” The law of disuse states, “When a modifiable connection is not made between a situation and the response over a length of time, that connections strength is decreased.”

This law of exercise has its direct implication to education. The students need to repeat or exercise his initial learning experience in order to make it more permanent. All learning aims at nothing more than formation of desirable habits by way of a repetition. on the other hand undesirable and harmful behaviour and their formation of habit should be stopped by disuse. 

(iii) Law of readiness : This law states that, “When a bond is ready to act it gives annoyance. When a bond which is not ready to act is made to act, annoyance is caused.” This law therefore focuses our attention to the fact that physical readiness is the essential condition of learning.

Educative significance of this law is more valuable to the teacher and the taught. Teacher should know the appropriate time and situation of learning. He should always be guided by the principle of psycho-physical readiness of the learner. The mechanical learning without readiness fails to achieve the desired result. 

From the above discussion it is evident that Thorndike’s laws of learning have their great educational value.

133. Write a major characteristics of learning.                                           

Ans : The major characteristics of learning are:- 

i) Learning involves change:- It is a reconstruction, combined thinking skill, information, and appropriation in a single unity process.

ii) Learning requires interaction:- At the time of learning, the individual is constantly interacting with and influenced by the environment. This experience makes him change or modify his behaviour to deal effect with it.

iii) Learning is a Lifelong process:- Learning is a Lifelong process of gaining and using the information presented to a person. It is not static. A person never stops acquiring new information. It keeps a person’s mind active and awareness but also conscious of the world around them.

iv) Learning involves problem solving:- Learning involves problem solving,i.e., understanding and discovering relations between different contents in a situation.

v) Learning is the process of Acquiring Information:- Learning is the process of acquiring information, knowledge, wisdom, and skills. It occurs as a result of interaction with the person’s environment.

134. Discuss about the factors of learning which are related with the learner. 

Ans : Factors of learning related to the learner are :

(i) Motivation:- Motivation is another one of the driving factors affecting learning. A person’s motivation to do work is directly related to how motivated they are to do that particular piece of work. To study, a student must have both intrinsic motivation as well as extrinsic motivation.

ii) Locus of control:- Locus of control refers to the belief held by a person regarding the positive and negative outcomes in a person’s life . what that means is that a person might believe that what they do influences their outcome.

iii) Aptitude:- This is one of the most important factors affecting learning across ages . Different people will have different aptitudes some people might be better skilled at mathematics, and as a result might find sciences easier to learn, while others have difficulty in the same subject. Again, the people who find mathematics difficult might find economics and humanities easier to comprehend. It is always important to consider a person’s aptitude before deciding what they want to do in life in the future.

iv) Learning style:- Different students have different learning styles. some students prefer visual learning because it helps them remember the concepts better, while some students find an auditory learning experience the best to learn. Some other students might prefer a lesson that makes them feel like they had any experience with the thing they were learning this type of learning is called kinesthetic learning. So whether a student prefers a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning style is also one of the most important factors affecting learning among students.

135. Describe the factors of learning which are related with the subject of learning. 

Ans : Factors of learning related with the subject of learning are : 

(i) Difficulty : Difficulty is a very important fact in learning. It is experimentally proved that learning curve for easy material should rapid gains which gradually slowed down and that for difficult material showed slow initial gains which gradually increased. 

(ii) Meaningfulness of material : The meaningfulness of the material to be learnt contributes to learning efficiency. It the learning materials are meaningful than it is easier to learn.

136. Explain the factors of learning which are related with the methods of learning. 

Ans : There are three methods of learning : 

(i) Trial and Error. 

(ii) Conditional Response.

(iii) Learning by initiation. 

(i) Trial and Error Method:- This is the most primitive and simplest way in which learning occurs. Placed in a new situation, the individual makes a number of random movements. Those who are unsuccessful are eliminated, and successful ones are fixed . It is learning by blundering, trying something, and succeeding or failing.

(ii) Conditional Response: This theory envolved by Ivan Parlov and Watson. It is a process of substituting the original stimulus with a new one and connecting the response with it. Pavlov experimented on a dog . He used to ring a bell while giving food to the dog . When the food was placed before the dog and the bell was rung, the saliva would be secreted in the mouth of the dog. But it was also seen that the saliva started secreting when the bell was rung only, but the food was not given. Pavlov called the response a ‘conditioned reflex.’ In learning by the Conditionined response, there is no choice or freedom. A good part of learning in early childhood is the result of conditioning .

(iii) Learning by imitation : Imitation is one of the most important means of learning. Human beings, consciously or unconsciously, imitate their fellow beings’ actions,manners ,and styles. A child learns to walk ,talk and behave as his parents or brothers do. It is important, therefore, that the first model should be worthy of imitation. Imitation doesnot crush originality : on the other hand, it is the first stage in the development of individuality, and the richer scope for imitation,the richer the developed individual will be.

137. Discuss how laws of effect can be applied in classroom. 

Ans : The laws of effect can be applied in the class room are as follows :

(a) The teaching: learning situation in the classroom should be satisfactory and enjoyable for the children as well as for the teacher. 

(b) School activities should be interesting and capable of meeting the need of the child. 

(c) Learning activities should be meaningful of understandable for the children. 

(d) Teaching learning situations are to be arranged in increasing difficulty order so that the children may progress without failure. 

(e) School activities should be progressive in nature of related to the past experiences of students.

138. Discuss about the educational significance of law of practice. 

Ans : The educational significance of law of practice are as follows :

(a) Learners or students should devote much of their learning time to acquiring all the facts, abilities, arts and skills which they will find useful. 

(b) Sufficient opportunity should be given to the learners and students for practising and repeating the new learning materials. 

(c) The students should have constant practice in what has been learnt. 

(d) To maintain the connection for a longer period it is necessary to revive the learned material at intervals of time. 

(e) Much time should not clips between one practice & the subsequent one. Long disuse or delayed use may caused forgetfulness.

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