Class 12 Education Chapter 1 Secondary Education in India and Assam

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Class 12 Education Chapter 1 Secondary Education in India and Assam

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Secondary Education in India and Assam (Post Independence Period)

Chapter: 1


a) Write True/False :-

1) Education Commission of 1964-66 was the first commission in independent India.

Ans:- False.

2) National Policy on Education was reviewed in 1992.

Ans:- False.

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3) Mudaliar Commission was appointed under the chairmanship of Dr. Lakshmanswami Mudaliar.

Ans:- True.

4) Kothari Commission was appointed on 1st January 1964.

Ans:- False.

5) Indian Education Commission gave importance on productivity.

Ans:- True.

6) New National Policy on Education emphasised the need of vocationalization.

Ans:- True.

7) The document ‘Challenges of Education :- A policy perspective’ is related with the National Policy, 1968.

Ans:- False.

8) Education commission divided the structure of school education into three stages.

Ans:- True.

9) The first chapter of the report of Mudaliar Commission contains the suggestions regarding the objectives of secondary education.

Ans:- False.

10) The secondary education act, Assam was passed in 1962.

Ans:- False.

11) Mudaliar Commission submitted its report in 1952.

Ans:- False.

12) The first chapter of the report of Mudaliar Commission discussed the defects of secondary education in India.

Ans:- False.

13) Development of vocational efficiency was an aim of education suggested by Mudaliar Commission.

Ans:- True.

14) The report of Kothari Commission was entitled as ‘Governments’ policy on education’.

Ans:- False.

15) According to Kothari commission duration of secondary education should be 3 to 4 years.

Ans:- False.

16) Kothari commission advocated complete separation of general and vocational education.

Ans:- False.

17) New National Policy on Education suggested 10+2+3  structure of education.

Ans:- True.

18) Mudaliar Commission suggested 10+2+3 structure of education.

Ans:- False.

19) The second chapter of the report of Mudaliar Commission highlighted the defects of then existing secondary education.

Ans:- False.

20) Secondary Education Commission criticised secondary education as isolated from life.

Ans:- True.

21) Kothari Commission emphasised the need of education for inculcation of moral values.

Ans:- True.

22) Secondary Education Commission suggested transfer pre – university course from colleges to secondary schools.

Ans:- False.

23) According to Kothari Commission duration of primary education should be 6 to 7 years.

Ans:- False.

24) Kothari Commission suggested diverting 60% students to vocational stream at + 2 level.

Ans:- False.

25) One of the objectives of Navodaya Vidyalaya is to foster national integration.

Ans:- True.

26) National Policy on Education suggested the need of grading system in place of mark.

Ans:- True.

27) National Policy on Education recommended the need of establishment of multipurpose schools.

Ans:- False.

28) Higher secondary schools with 11th class were started by Mudaliar Commission.

Ans:- True.

29) Twelve years higher secondary course was implemented in Assam in 1975.

Ans:- False.

30) The report of Education Commission,  1964-66 was entitle as ‘Education and National Development’.

Ans:- True.

31) According to Kothari Commission the duration of school education should be 10 years.

Ans:- True.

32) Before independence secondary education system in Assam was controlled by Calcutta University.

Ans:- True.

33) Organisation of in – service teacher training is one of the functions of Board of Secondary Education, Assam.

Ans:- True.

34) Kothari Commission suggested to establish multipurpose schools.

Ans:- True.

35) Number of secondary schools in Assam in 1947-48 was 191.

Ans:- False.

36) Fostering of national integration is an  important objective of Navodaya Vidyalaya.

Ans:- True.

b) Fill up the blanks :

37) Education Commission under the chairmanship of D. S. Kothari was appointed on …………………………………

Ans:- 1964.

38) Pre – primary Education is the stage extend ……………………………………….

Ans:- One to three years (1-3 yrs).

39) The programme which was suggested in National Policy on Education, 1986 for improvement of primary education was known as ……………………………………..

Ans:- Integrated Child Development Service Programme.

40) The chairman of the commission appointed by government of India in 1964 was ……………………………

Ans:- Dr. D. S. Kothari.

41) Chairman of the commission appointed by government of India in 1964 was ………………………………

Ans:- Dr. Laksman Swami Mudaliar.

42) Mudaliar Commission was appointed in ………………………………

Ans:- 1952-53.

43) Mudaliar Commission is known as ………………………………..

Ans:- Secondary Education Commission.

44) The document “Challenge of Education :- A policy Perspective” is related with ………………………………………..

Ans:- National Policy on Education – 1986.

45) Assam Higher Secondary Education Council was established in ……………………………….

Ans:- 1984.

46) The report of Kothari Commission was submitted on ……………………………………

Ans:- June 1966.

47) ‘Delinking degree from jobs’ – his aspect was recommended by …………………………………….

Ans:- New Education Policy (1986).

48) The final draft of the National Policy on Education, 1986 was presented on ……………………………..

Ans:- Both parliament meeting.

49) The Assam Secondary Education Act Passed in ………………………………….

Ans:- 1961.

50) The Assam Secondary Education Act, recommended …………………………………. as the Chairman of ‘Board of Secondary Education’.

Ans:- Director of public institution.

51) The office of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam is at …………………………………..

Ans:- Guwahati.

52) In 1969-70 the number of multipurpose schools in Assam was …………………………………..

Ans:- 70.

53) The report of Mudaliar Commission contains …………………………………… chapter.

Ans:- 15.

54) The second part of the third chapter of the report of Mudaliar Commission presented ………………………………….. of secondary education.

Ans:- Aim and objective.

55) According to Kothari commission first public examination should come at the end of first …………………………………… years of schooling.

Ans:- 10.

56) New National Policy on Education was reviewed …………………………………. committee in 1992.

Ans:- Ramamurti committee.

57) The original name of the present Cotton Collegiate school was ……………………………….

Ans:- Guwahati English school.

58) The first secondary school in Assam was established in ………………………………….

Ans:- 1835 at Guwahati.

59) Controlling power of secondary education in Assam transferred from Calcutta University to Gauhati University in the year …………………………………

Ans:- 1948.

60) Assam Higher Secondary Education Council was established on the basis of the recommendation of ……………………………. commission.

Ans:- Secondary Education Commission 1952.

61) ……………………………… Commission suggested transfer of pre-university courses from university to secondary school.

Ans:- Kothari.

62) ‘The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classroom’ – this statement was given by …………………………….

Ans:- Kothari Commission.

63) ………………………….. Commission suggested productivity as an aim of secondary education.

Ans:- Kothari Commission.

64) ……………………………… Commission suggested ‘Education for leadership’ as an aim of secondary education.

Ans:- Mudaliar Commission.

65) According to Kothari Commission duration of secondary education should be of ………………………………. years.

Ans:- 12.

66) ………………………………… Commission suggested work experience as a subject at lower secondary stage.

Ans:- Kothari Commission.

67) Kothari commission visualised …………………………………… % of students would take – up vocational course at lower secondary stage within 1986.

Ans:- 30%.

68) The first National Policy on Education in India was formulated in ………………………………….. 

Ans:- 1985.

69) ‘De – linking degree from jobs’ was recommended by ……………………………..

Ans:- Kothari Commission.

70) The first secondary school Assam was established in ………………………………….

Ans:- The first secondary school in Assam was established in “Cotton Collegiate Government Higher Secondary School” in 1835.

71) Total number of Navodaya Vidyalaya in Assam is ……………………………………

Ans:- 23.

72) Board of Secondary Education, Assam was established on the basis of ……………………………….. Act, Assam.

Ans:- 1961 Secondary Education.

73) The first full time Chairman of Secondary Education Board, Assam was appointed in ……………………………..

Ans:- Education Commissioner.

74) The minimum age of admission to class – 1 as suggested by Kothari Commission was …………………………………..

Ans:- 7 to 8 years.

c) Give short answer (preferably in one sentence) :

75) Who was the chairman of the Education Commission, 1964-66 ?

Ans:- Dr. D. S. Kothari was the chairman of the Education Commission, 1964-66.

76) What is the name of the programme suggested by NPE for improvement of primary education ?

Ans:- The name of the programme suggested by NPE for improvement of primary education is Integrated Child Development Services Programme.

77) Which Commission suggested the 10+2+3 structure of education ?

Ans:- The Kothari commission suggested 10+2+3 structure of education.

78) What is the other name of the Education Commission, 1964-66 ?

Ans:- The other name of the Education Commission 1964-66 is the Kothari commission.

79) What is the name of the first Girl’s secondary school in Assam?

Ans:- Dibrugarh Girls High School was the first secondary school in Assam.

80) Write the name of the first Commission appointed in the area of secondary education.

Ans:- Secondary Education Commission 1952-53.

81) What was the purpose of appointing Mudaliar Commission ?

Ans:- For the reconstruction and modification of secondary education.

82) When was the Report of Mudaliar Commission presented ? 

Ans:- 29 August 1953.

83) “Accelerating the precess of modernization” has been suggested as a major aim of education by –

Ans:- Kothari commission.

84) What was the purpose of forming ‘Board of Secondary Education’ ?

Ans:- To give responsibility of education administration of secondary education.

85) Mention the number of Secondary school converted to Higher Secondary school according to the recommendations of Mudaliar Commission.

Ans:- 67.

86) In which year the Assam Secondary Education Act, came into force ?

Ans:- 1961 

87) The Assam Secondary Board of Education was established in …………………………….

Ans:- 1966.

88) What was the stipulated target of Education Commission, 1964-66, regarding vocationalization of secondary education ?

Ans:- Vocational education will be considered as a fixed subject and students will be prepared for a certain vocation.

89) In which year first National Policy on Education in India was formulated ?

Ans:- 1968.

90) Mention an important objective of Navodaya Vidyalaya.

Ans:- The children with special talent or aptitude will be provided opportunities to proceed at faster pace through quality education irrespective of their capacity to pay for it was the important objective of Navodaya Vidyalaya.

91) Who was the first headmaster of Cotton Collegiate School.

Ans:- A. Singer.

92) What is the original name of the Cotton Collegiate School ?

Ans:- The original name of the Cotton Collegiate School is ‘Gauhati Seminary’.

93) Which Commission suggested ‘Acceleration of Modernisation’ as a major aim of education ?

Ans:- Kothari Commission suggested ‘Acceleration of Modernisation As a major aim of education.

94) What is the full form of ECCE ?

Ans:- The full form of ECCE is Early Childhood Care and Education.

95) What was the title of the report of Education Commission, 1964-66 ?

Ans:- The title of the report of Education Commission, 1964-66 was Indian Education of Kothari Commission.

96) Write the name of the committee which reviewed the suggestions of National Policy on Education, 1986.

Ans:- Acharya Ramamurti Review Committee.

97) Which commission suggested 11 years secondary education in Assam ?

Ans:- Mudaliar commission suggested 11 years secondary education in Assam.

98) Which commission suggested two years higher secondary education ?

Ans:- Kothari commission suggested two years higher secondary education.

99) Who was the first Headmaster of Cotton Collegiate School ?

Ans:- The first Headmaster of Cotton Collegiate School was Mr. Singer.

100) Write the name of the person who took initiative to formulate National Policy on Education, 1986 ?

Ans:- The name of the person who took initiative to formulate National Policy on Education, 1986 was K. C. Pant.

101) Mention any one suggestion forwarded by Indian Education Commission to inculcate moral and spiritual values among students.

Ans:- Well organised syllabus.

102) What is the purpose of Constituting Board of secondary education in Assam ?

Ans:- The purpose of constituting Board of secondary education in Assam is to regulate the secondary education in the state.

B) Questions for 2 mark each.

1) Write two defects of education as pointed out by Mudaliar Commission.

Ans:- The defects of Secondary Education System are :-

i) The prevailing system of Indian secondary education is narrow and one – sides. It has failed to train the whole personality of the students. 

ii) The education given in our school is isolated from life while the curriculum as formulated and as presented through the traditional methods of teaching does not give the students insight into the everyday would in which they are living.

2) What is Navodaya Vidyalaya ?

Ans:- A system of schools in India called Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas is for gifted children primarily from rural areas. They are managed by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, New Delhi, an independent agency under the Ministry of Human Resource Development of India’s Department of school Education and Literacy. 

3) What is Operation Black Board ?

Ans:- Operation Black Board is a centrally funded program that was launched in 1987 soon after the 1986 Rajiv Gandhi National Education Policy was released to provide all primary schools in the nation with the minimum required necessary services. 

4) What is ECCE ?

Ans:- ECCE refers to the period between birth and 8 years of life. The widely used term ‘Early Childhood Care and Education’ (ECCE) refers to a range of processes and mechanisms that sustain and support development during the early years of life; it encompasses emotional, physical, social, family and community need to promote children’s healthy development. 

5) What are the objectives of Navodaya Vidyalaya ?

Ans:- The objectives of Navodaya Vidyalaya are :-

a) To provides good quality modern education, including a strong component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education. 

b) To promote national integration by providing opportunities to talented children, largely rural, from different part of the country, to live and learn together and develop their full potential. 

6) Mention one suggestions forwarded by New National Policy on Education, 1986 regarding examination reform?

Ans:- (a) Grade should be given instead of marks.

7) Write the structure of education as suggested by Education Commission 1964.

Ans:- The structure of education as suggested by Education Commission 1964 are :-

i) Division of the educational pyramid into different level of stages and their inter – relationship.

ii) Duration covered by different stages.

8) What does it mean by de – linking job from degree ?

Ans:- De-linking a job from a degree means that employers are no longer placing as much emphasis on academic qualifications when hiring candidates for certain jobs. 

9) Why secondary education is considered as a nation building education ?

Ans:- Secondary education is considered as a nation building of education because a good education system develops the mind of a child towards progress, nationalism and social development. 

10) What does it mean by National system of education?

Ans:- National system of education means, up to a particular level every students irrespective of location, caste, gender or belief have contact to education of a similar class. 

11) Write the structure of primary education as suggested by Education Commission 1964.

Ans:- The structure of primary education as suggested by Education Commission 1964 are:

i) one to three years of pre-school education. 

ii) A primary stage of 7 to 8 years dividing into lower primary (4 to 5 years) and higher primary stage. 

12) Write the structure of secondary education as suggested by Education Commission 1964.

Ans:- The structure of secondary education as suggested by Education Commission 1964 are:-

i) General education should fast for a period of 10 years – 4 years of lower primary, 3 years of higher primary and 3 years of lower secondary education.

ii) One to three years of pre school education (classes A-B-C).

13) What does it mean by vocationalization of education?

Ans:- Vocationalization of education is a different learning option from the path of college or universities. It offers a path that imparts the skills and knowledge needed to work in a given occupation. It is coordinated with the requirements of the labour market and is an integral part of the education system. 

14) What were the suggestions of National Policy of Education. 1986 regarding status and responsibility of teachers ?

Ans:- Good and relevant training should be given based on skills. Efficient people will be attracted to the profession of teacher provision of inservice and preservice training should be made. Training should be experience oriented Educational complexes should be established.

15) What is work experience ?

Ans-: Work experience is when you gain practical wisdom with an employer by learning about a particular role, organisation or career path. Most employers also consider 

16) What was the underlying aim which gave the final shape to NPC ?

Ans:- “The county has reached a stage in its economic and technical development with a major effort must be made to derive the maximum benefit from the assets already created and to ensure that the fruit of change reach all sections. Education is the highway to that goal.

It was the underlying aim which gave the final shape to NPE.

17) What is the key to National system of education as visualised by NPC, 1986 ?

Ans:- National system of education implies that, up to a given level, all students, irrespective of caste, creed, location or sex have access to education of a comparable quality. 

18) Mention two suggestions given by NPE – 1986, regarding examination reform.

Ans:- i) Special teaching learning material.

ii) Special coaching.

19) Why did Mudaliar Commission consider then existing secondary education as narrow and one – sided?

Ans:- Present secondary education is narrow and one sided. As such, it fails to train the whole personality of students.

20) Mention two measures as suggested by Mudaliar Commission to develop leadership qualities among students.

Ans:- i) The secondary education should develop the quality of leadership in students. This quality is very necessary for the sake of democracy and for the development of the country as a whole. 

ii) This education should provide the students professional efficiency and all the facilities inside or the school for the formation of good characters.

21) What were the suggestions of National Policy on Education regarding responsibilities and status of teachers ?

Ans:- The status of the teacher reflect the socio – cultural ethos of a society. The pupils cannot rise above the levels of their teacher. The Government and the community should endeavour to create conditions which will help motivate and inspire teachers on construction and creative lines. Teachers will continue to play a crucial role in the formulation and implementation of educational programmes.

22) What is work experience ?

Ans:- Work experience will be treated as a part and parcel of education. In every stages of education well formed work experience programme will be introduced on the basis of students interest, aptitude and motivation towards social services.

23) What does it mean by Vocationalisation of education?

Ans:- Vocationalisation of education is need of the hour. It will prepare the youth to pursue some vocation and gracefully earn their livelihood. Vocationalisation will provide technical and vocational training to the young learners.

C) Questions for 3 mark each.

1) Describe the development of citizenship as an aim of secondary education as suggested by secondary education commission.

Ans:- The secondary education commission 1952-53 recommended one aim of secondary education as development of democratic citizenship. India can be a democratic republic if the citizens uphold and practise the values of discipline, tolerance, patriotism co – operation, equality in thought, speech and writing. The essence of the world citizenship is inculcated and developed through education. According to Mudaliar commission, school should maintain and develop all these qualities in the students. Citizens with these qualities can grow into ideal citizens capable of making the democracy a success.

2) Discuss about the importance of ‘Education for leadership’ in a democratic country as pointed out by Mudaliar Commission.

Ans:- The secondary education commission suggested education for leadership. Secondary education should be viewed as a stage complete in itself with its own end and purposes. On passing out of the secondary schools majority of the students enter the various walks of social life. So they should be able to give leadership at the intermediate level of society. Students should also be trained to be able to own the responsibilities of leadership in various fields of like namely social, cultural, political, industrial etc.

3) Discuss about ‘social and national integration’ as an objective of secondary education.

Ans:- Social and national integration is a major problem which our country is facing today. The forces of disintegration are raising their heads in all directions. One of the weapons by which these demonic forces can be crushed is education. Compulsory social and national service at every level must be stressed. Labour and social service camps should be organised and NCC should be made voluntary. Mother tongue and regional language should be the medium of instructions. English should be used as a link languages and Hindi should get the status of national language.

4) Discuss about the structure of primary stage as suggested by Education Commission 1964.

Ans:- a) One to three years of pre-school education. 

b) A primary stage of 7 to 8 years dividing into lower primary (4 to 5 years) and higher primary stage (3 to 2 years). 

c) A lower secondary stage of 3 or 2 years. 

5) What are the terms of reference of the appointment of secondary education commission ?

Ans:- Terms of reference of the appointment of secondary education commission are :- 

a) To enquire into and report on the present position of secondary education in India in all its aspects.

b) To suggests measures for its reorganisation and improvement with particular reference to :-

i) The aims, organisation and context of secondary education.

ii) Its relationship to primary task and higher education.

iii) The inter – relation of secondary schools of different types, and

iv) Other allied problems so that a sound and reasonable uniform system of secondary education suited to our needs and resources may be provided for the whole country.

6) What is the impact of New National Policy on Education, 1986 on secondary education in Assam ?

Ans:- The New National Education Policy formulated in 1986 wanted to bring newness in all the aspects of education. On the basis of this policy in each districts of Assam established one Navodaya Vidyalaya to develop the secondary education among the meritorious children of rural level. The Policy laid stress on the modernisation of the system of education and to eradicate illiteracy from the state.

7) Mention the aims of education as suggested by New National Policy on Education, 1986.

Ans:- The aims of education as suggested by 1986 New National Policy on Education are :-

i) Education is universal and essential for all. It is important for all-round development from material to spiritual. 

ii) Education should promote the goals of secularism, socialism, and democracy enshrined in the Constitution. 

iii) Education should foster the guarantee of national self-reliance. 

8) Describe the structural changes proposed in New National Policy on Education, 1986.

Ans:- The recommendations are :-

i) 1-3 years of pre – primary education.

ii) 10 years of general education where 7-8 years of primary stage.

iii) The entry age to class I of the primary stage should not be less than 6 years.

Write short notes :

a) Structure of secondary education suggested by Kothari Commission.

Ans:- The Education Commission was appointed by the Government of India in 1964 to advise the government on the national pattern of education and the general principles and policies for the development of education at the stages and in all aspects. Professor Dawlat Singh Kothari, Chairman of the U. G. C. was the chairman of this commission. So, this commission is also known as Kothari Commission. The commission submitted its report on 30th June, 1966. The report is a voluminous one and contained a detailed analysis of all aspects of education at various stages.

In regard to the educational structure and standards the committee recommended that :-

i) General education should fast for a period of 10 years – 4 years of lower primary, 3 years of higher primary and 3 years of lower secondary education.

ii) One to three years of pre school education (classes A-B-C).

iii) Four to five years of lower primary education (class I – IV).

iv) Three or two years of higher primary education (classV – VII).

v) Three or two years of lower secondary stage (classesVIII – X).

vii) Two years of Higher Secondary.

viii) Three years of degree courses followed by courses of varying durations for higher studies.

b) Integrated child development programme.

Ans:- The Integrated Child Development programe providing for supplementery nutrition, immunization and pre-school education to the children is a popular flagship programme of the government. Launched in 1975,it is one of the world’s largest programmes providing for an integrated package of services for the holistic development of the child, Integrated Child Development is a centrally sponsored scheme implemented by state governments and union territories. The scheme is universal covering all the districts of the country. 

c) Assam Higher Secondary Education Council.

Ans:- Assam Higher Secondary Education Council popularly known as AHSEC is based in Guwahati, Assam. The AHSEC board works under the state government of Assam. It is the regulating body for Higher Secondary (10+2) education in the state of Assam. The Assam Higher Secondary Education was established by the Government on 1 June 1984 to regulate, supervise and develop the system of higher secondary education in the state of Assam. Since then, AHSEC has been entrusted the task of developing higher secondary school education in the state. As part of this responsibility, the council conducts the Higher secondary (HS) or 12th class examination every year. The council prepares and issues the exam datesheet or timetable, ensures smooth conduct of the exam and also releases AHSEC results. 

10) Under what conditions New National Policy on Education, 1986 prepared ?

Ans:- A new government was formed under the leadership of Rajiv Gandhi as the prime minister of India in 1985 at the central level. This government has announced that it is needed to from a new education policy keeping view towards the development economic and science and technology of the country. Regarding this aspect many intellectually expert had provided their opinion and suggestion. On the basis of various discussion, debating, suggestions the education department minister of India govt. decided to form a new education policy in 1986 and it was announced at parliament also. This education policy determines necessary principle on the basis of all important aspect of the education of the country. It was the condition on which NPE, in 1986 was prepared.

11) Sum up the suggestions forwarded by N. P. C. regarding equality in education.

Ans:- The National Policy on Education proposes to lay emphasis on the removal of disparities and to equalise education opportunity by attending to the specific needs of those who have been deprived of equality so far.

The area which are given more importance for equalizing educational opportunities are as follows :-

i) Education for woman’s equality.

ii) Education for scheduled castes.

iii) Education for Minorities.

iv) Education for Handicapped.

v) Education for Adult.

12) What are the suggestions made by Kothari Commission to accelerate the process of modernization?

Ans:- Due to progress in science and technology India is on the road to modernisation. Education should help in accelerating the process of modernisation, so in the educational reconstruction for – the modernisation some aspect should be given importance which are as follows:-

i) Education should keep pace with it, otherwise India will be lagging behind in the process of modernisation.

ii) Education should not only impart knowledge but also aim at awake of curiosity towards significant social changes.

iii) Education must be oriented to meet the social economic, cultural and political problems of new social order.

D) Questions for 4 mark each :

1) What is the importance of ‘vocational efficiency’ as an objective of secondary education in democratic country?

Ans:- The open university system augments opportunities for higher education, ensures access, is cost effective and promotes a flexible and innovative system of education. The Indira Gandhi National Open University has been established with these objectives and came into existence in September, 1985. The University has been assigned the responsibility to coordinate the distance learning system in the country and determine its standards.

2) What are the suggestions made by Kothari Commission to relate productivity and education ?

Ans:- The Kothari commission suggested Education and Productivity as one of the national objectives of Education. If education is related to productivity an expansion of education will lead to increases in national income. Study of science has to be made an integral part of education at school and university stages. At the same time ‘work experience has to be introduced as an important aspect of education and may be oriented towards technology and industrialization and to the application of science and production processes including agriculture. Education particularly at the secondary stage, needs vocationalization.

3) What are the impacts of secondary education commission on secondary education system Assam ?

Ans:- In 1962 secondary education board of Assam was established as a result of the recommendations of Mudaliar Commission 1952-53. Since then the controlling power of secondary education came under the Secondary Education Board of Assam. The office of the board is located in Guwahati. During this time 67 high schools were upgraded to higher secondary schools on the basis of recommendation of Mudaliar Commission. Secondary Board of Education Assam controls two examinations from the time of establishment. First one is high school leaning Certificate Examination and second one is Higher Secondary Examination which at present is controlled by Assam Higher Secondary Education Council.

According to the recommendations of Mudaliar Commission Government of Assam decided to change some high schools into multipurpose schools.

4) Write four provisions of Assam Secondary education Act, 1961.

Ans:- Four provisions of Assam Secondary Education Act 1961 are :-

i) It extends to the whole of Assam.

ii) It shall come into force on such date as the state Government may, by notification in the official Gazatte. 

iii) By a special notice government will constitute ‘Board of Secondary Education’ for the control, management and development of secondary education.

iv) The secondary of the board will be appointed by the government.

5) Discuss about the administrative problems of secondary education in Assam.

Ans:- Some important problems of secondary education in Assam are as follows :-

i) Lack of mass appeal :- Secondary education does not have mass appeal. We have accorded priority to primary education as well as higher education. But secondary education has not received due attention.

ii) Lack of enough resources or finance :- Finance is the greatest hurdle in the field of secondary education in Assam. The financial allocation to secondary education is not sufficient. So, it is a challenged to our educational planners because they will have to work under constants of growing numbers and limited resources made available for it. So it’s quality remains poor.

iii) Unplanned expansion :- Unplanned expansion is another important problem of secondary education in Assam. Now primary education lost its job value and social demand of secondary education is increases. The government and private agencies tried to meet the social demand for secondary education by opening more and more schools. Many of these schools were allowed to function at substandard levels which led to dilution of standard.

iv) Inappropriate curriculum :- The secondary school curriculum is not appropriate to fulfil the needs of the students as well as of the society. Curriculum of secondary education is not related to the real and practical life of students. They follow the curriculum mechanically without interest.

Write short notes on ( preferably eight sentences for each)

a) Higher Secondary Education Council.

Ans:- On the basis of the recommendations of Kothari commission Government of Assam constituted Assam Higher Secondary Education Council in 1984. As a result of this all the responsibilities of higher secondary education ( management, control and administration) transferred from secondary Education Board of Assam to Assam Higher Secondary Education Council. With these councils have the power of preparation and publication of text books curriculum construction and management of examinations. New education policy formulated in the year 1986. On the basis of this policy in each districts of Assam was established one Navodaya Vidyalaya to develop the secondary education among the meritorious children of rural level.

b) 10+2+3 system.

Ans:- The Education Commission of 1964-66 is the first Education Commission dealing with all aspects of education in the country. The Education Commission has practically reject the 11 year higher secondary stage. The commission has reverted to the old pattern of 10 years schooling followed by a two year intermediate course which will be known as Higher Secondary School. Technical schools will also be established in different areas either separately or as multipurpose schools. According to this commission, a large number of schools were established to meet the need of handicapped children. The Kothari Commission’s recommendations were some what better in this connection.

Like all the other reports, the report is sensible in parts but high sounding and unrealistic. For instance, it was not the business of the commission to recommended on the language of administration and the language of interstate communication. Education in moral and spiritual values has been rightly emphasised by the commission but the study of different religions as a means for that may be objected to by many. People expressed high hopes when the report of the Education Commission was first published in 1966. Already, 27 – years have passed and nothing has been practically done to achieve the targets as recommended by the commission. The commission did not give any useful suggestions on the source of finance, on which the implementation of the recommendations entirely depends.

Taking all things into considerations, we may say that the report of the Education Commission is a sincere attempt to improve the existing system of education in all aspects and in all stages. If it can be implemented, will remove some of the glaring defects of our educational system.

c) Vocationalization of secondary education.

Ans:- New education policy emphasised the vocationalization of education. As far as possible, education should be given in a national environment. The child must acquire some skill in some area of his interests. This is necessary for a happy life in future. With this end in view this new education policy has advocated the inclusion of scientific and technical subjects in the curriculum. It has been specifically stated in the policy that in the tenth class not more than 50 percent students should opt for literacy subjects and the rest should be encouraged to study vocational courses of various types according to their interests. This type of vocationalization of education will minimise the unemployment problem, because then the education person will not depend on some service alone and may utilise his acquired skill for earning his bread.

d) Kothari commission and secondary education in Assam.

Ans:- On the basis of the recommendations of Kothari Commission Government of Assam constituted Assam Higher Secondary Education Council in 1984. As a result of this all the responsibilities of higher secondary education transferred from secondary Education Board of Assam to Assam Higher Secondary Education Council. With these councils have the power of preparation and publication of text books, curriculum construction and management of examinations. This commission also laid stress on vocationalization of secondary education. As a result various courses were introduced in the secondary stage.

7) Suggest four measures to overcome the problems of secondary education in Assam.

Ans:- i) Provision of educational and vocational guidance.

ii) Improved method of teaching.

iii) Improvement of text books.

iv) Improvement in buildings and equipment.

8) Discuss about the appointment of Kothari Commission.

Ans:- Kothari commission was appointed with the following terms of reference.

i) To evolve a national system of education keeping in view the values and traditions of the country.

ii) Qualitative improvement in education at all levels.

iii) Making education as the key to national prosperity welfare.

iv) Survey of education as a whole.

9) Trace the circumstances that necessitated the appointment of Mudaliar Commission.

Ans:- The progress and expansion of secondary education in the country during the post Independence period makes an intereting study. It is generally agreed that the pace of expansion of education at the secondary level, at the drawn of independence was quite satisfactory. But the overall qualitative improvement gave an factory picture. This system carried certain inherent defects. The need for an urgent reform in secondary education was indirectly pointed out by Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru in his inaugural address to the members of the C. A. B. E at the first meeting of the board after independence. It was the circumstances that necessitated the appointment of Mudaliar commission.

10) “Our Secondary education remains the weakest link in our educational machinery” – How did Mudaliar Commission subscribe to this view ?

Ans:- i) The Mudaliar commission, popularly known as secondary education commission, recorded the following major defects for the subscribe the view that – “Our education remains the weakest link in our educational machinery”.

ii) Secondary education is isolated from the real life.

iii) It fails to create self confidence to the students.

iv) Present secondary education is narrow and one sided.

11) Discuss about the proposals of National Policy of Education, 1986 Concerning Vocationalization of secondary education.

Ans:- The proposals on national policy of education 1986 concerning vocationalization of secondary education are as follows –

i) Vocational programmes for +2 students will be introduced on Experimental basis on a limited scale in different states by state department of vocational education.

ii) Programmes at +2 level will be formulated by SCERT/SNES in the light of guidelines laid down by NCERT.

iii) To provide more opportunities to students for 10+ vocational courses in engineering and technology, 100 more vocational institutes shall be established.

iv) JCVE will provided in phased manner, 70% of the higher secondary vocational stream graduates stipend to undergo paid apprentices in appropriate industries.

v) Advanced Diploma Programmes, and Degree programmes, and degree programmes will be introduced in selected polytechnics affiliated colleges and universities as well as in special institutes set up for propose.

vi) State Department of vocational education and SCARVES will necessary schemes for the purpose.

vii) State directors of vocational education will set up career guidance cells at District level.

viii) NCERT/CIVE, SCERTs, RCEs, CDE, TTTLs and other institutes will develop bridge/transfer courses in accordance with the guidelines laid down by JVEC, suitable schemes for course offering shall be developed by SCVES.

12) What are the suggestions forwarded by National Policy on Education, 1986 to equalise educational opportunities ?

Ans:- The National Policy on Education 1986, proposes to lay special emphasis on the removal of disparities and to equalise educational opportunity by attending to the specific needs of those who have been deprived of equality so far.

The following aspects of education have been specially considered :-

i) Education for Women’s Equality :- It has been laid down to use education as an agent of basis change in the status of women.

ii) The Education of Scheduled Castes :- The central focus in the educational development of the scheduled castes in their equalisation with the non – S. C. population at all stages and levels of education. 

iii) Minorities :- Greater attention will be paid to the education of the educationally deprived or backward groups. This is necessary to maintain equality and justice.

iv) The Handicapped :- The new policy propose to integrate the physically and mentally handicapped with the general community as equal partners.

v) Adult Education :- The new policy has suggested a vast programme of adult and continuing education, particularly in the age – group 15-35 years through various ways and channels.

13) Discuss about the objectives of Navodaya Vidyalaya.

Ans:- The objectives of Navodaya Vidyalaya are given below :-

i) To provide good quality modern education to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas, without regard to their family’s socio-economic condition. 

ii) To ensure that all students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas attain a reasonable level of competence in three languages as envisaged in the Three language Formula. 

iii) To serve, in each district, as focal points for improvements in quality of school education in general through sharing of experiences and facilities.

iv) To become catalysts of a nation wide programme of school improvement.

v) To school will be residential and free of charge.

E) Questions for 5 marks each.

1) Discuss about the defect of secondary education as pointed out by Mudaliar Commission.

Ans:- The defects of secondary education as pointed out by Mudaliar Commission are:-

I) The prevailing system of India secondary education is narrow and one sided. It has failed to train the whole personality of the students. 

ii) The education give in our school in dated from time while the curriculum as formulated and as presented through the traditional methods of teaching doesnot give the students insight into the everyday world in which they are living. 

iii) Until comparatively recently english was both the medium of construction and a compulsory subject of study. 

iv) The increase in size of the classes has conaiderbly reduced personal contact between the teacher and the pulpils. 

2) Describe the aims of education as suggested by secondary education commission.

Ans:- Secondary Education Commission 1952-53 recommended the following for aims of education :-

i) Development Citizenship:- Citizenship in a democracy is required by every individual. He must develop independent judgement on all kinds of complicated social, economic and political issues and to a large extent, decide his own course of action. As secondary education would be the end of all formal education for the majority of students, it must assume the responsibility of providing the necessary training for this purpose. So education should generate in the students the sense of responsibility to tackle the controversial situations of the country and foster in them the sense of belongingness. 

ii) Improvement of Vocational Efficiency:- As a national situation is concerned, we must concentrate on increasing the productive, technical and vocational efficiency of our students. Students will develop the new scientific attitude and appreciate the dignity of labour. That is why greater emphasis should be given on crafts and productive works in all schools, in addition to the introduction of diversified courses of students at the secondary level. 

iii) Development of personality:- One of the main functions of Secondary education should be to release the sources of creative energy in the students so that they may be able to appreciate their Cultural heritage, to Cultivate rich interests Which they can pursue in their leisure and so contributes, in leter life, to the development of this heritage. The commission recommended that in the Curriculum due honour should be given to the subjects like Art, Craft, Music, Danching, and the development of hobbies which will help in the development of total personality of the students. 

iv) Education for Leadership:- Successful functioning of a democracy depends upon the training in discipline as well as leadership. In this context, the functions of secondary education is to train persons who will be able to assume the responsibility of leadership in the social, political, industrial and Cultural fields, in their own small groups of community or locality. 

3) Discuss about the aims of education as highlighted by Kothari Commission.

Ans:- The Kothari Commission was appointed by the Government of India in 1964 to advise on national plan of education, and on the general principles and policies for the development of education in India in all aspects. The commission submitted its report on 30th June, 1966. The report is voluminous one and contained a detailed analysis of all aspect of education at various stages.

i) The most important and urgent reform needed in education is to transform and relate to the life, needs and aspirations of the people and thereby make it a powerful instrument of social, economic and cultural transformation. For this purpose education should be developed so as to increase the process of modernisation and cultivate social, moral and spiritual values.

ii) For linking education to productivity science should be the most important subject of school and university stages.

iii) Another objective is to bring the different classes and groups together by the establishment of common schools and the introduction of compulsory social and national service and every level common school should be opened to all students irrespective of caste, creed, religion, economic condition etc. These schools should charge no fees.

iv) Emphasising the importance of developing fundamental, social, moral and spiritual values the Commission recommended spiritual education in all types of educational institutions.

4) Describe briefly the structure of education recommended by education commission – 1964.

Ans:- The new educational structure consists of :-

i) One to three years of pre school education (classes A-B-C).

ii) Four to five years of lower primary education (class HV).

iii) Three or two years of higher primary education (class V – VII).

iv) Three or two years of lower secondary stage (classes VIII – X).

v) Two years higher secondary stage (class XI-XII)

Three years of degree courses followed by courses of varying durations for higher studies :-

i) The age of admissions to class I should not be less than 6 plus.

ii) The first public examination will come after class X.

iii) The system of streaming in schools of general education from class IX should be abandoned and no attempt at specialisation should be made beyond class X.

iv) Secondary schools should be of two types, high schools providing a ten years course and higher secondary schools providing a twelve years course.

v) Attempt to convert all high schools to the higher secondary pattern should not be made. Only bigger and efficient ones should be upgraded.

vi) A new higher secondary course beginning in class XI should be instituted. Class XI and XII should provide specialised studies in different subjects.

vii) The pre – university course should be transferred to affiliated colleges and schools from the university and the duration should be increased to two years by 1985-86.The duration of the first degree should not be less than three years and that of the second degree two or three years.

5) Write about the suggestions given by Education Commission 1964 for vocationalization of secondary education ?

Ans:- New education policy emphasised the vocationalization of education. As far as possible, education should be given in a national environment. The child must acquire some skill in some area of his interests. This is necessary for a happy life in future. With this end in view this new education policy has advocated the inclusion of scientific and technical subjects in the curriculum. It has been specifically stated in the policy that in the tenth class not more than 50 percent students should opt for literacy subjects and the rest should be encouraged to study vocational courses of various types according to their interests. This type of vocationalization of education will minimise the unemployment problem, because than the educated person will not depend on some service alone and may utilise his acquired skill for earning his bread.

6) Write about five important features of National Policy on Education 1986.

Ans:- The main features included in the New Education policy of 1986 are :-

i) Role of Education :- Education develop manpower for different levels of the economy. It is also the substrate on which research and development flourish, being the ultimate guarantee of national self – reliance. Education is an investment in the present and the future. This principle is the key of the National Policy on Education.

ii) Early Childhood Care and Education :- The National Policy of Education has used the term Early childhood care and Education in place of pre primary or Nursery Education. National Policy of Education lays stress on the holistic nature of child development viz., nutrition, health and social, mental, physical, moral and emotional development. Early Childhood Care and Education will receive high priority and be suitably integrated with the Integrated Child Development Services Programme wherever possible.

iii) Non – formal Education :- A large and systematic programme of non – formal education will be launched for school dropouts, for children from habitation without schools, working children and girls who cannot attend whole – day schools. Modern technological aide will be used to improve the learning environment of Non – formal Education Centres. Talented and dedicated young men and women from the local community will be chosen to serve as instructors and particular attention paid to their training. All necessary measures will be taken to ensure that the quality of Non – formal Education is comparable with formal education and Government will take over all responsibility for this vital section. New Education policy will give the highest priority to solving the problems of children dropping out of school.

iv) Vocationalization of Education :- New education policy emphasised the vocationalization of education. As far as possible,  education should be given in a national environment. The child must acquire some skill in some area of his interests. This is necessary for a happy life in future. With this end in view this new education policy has advocated the inclusion of scientific and technical subjects in the curriculum. It has been specifically stated in the policy that in the tenth class not more than 50 percent students should opt for literacy subjects and the rest should be encouraged to study vocational courses of various types according to their interests. This type of vocationalization of education will minimise the unemployment problem, because than the educated person will not depend on some service alone and may utilise his acquired skill for earning his bread.

v) Delinking Degree from Jobs :- A beginning will be made in Delinking Degree from Jobs in selected areas. If the compulsoriness of a degree for securing a job is done away with many youths will automatically refrain from obtaining higher education. Thus crowding as aspirants for admission to colleges and universities will be reduced. In fact, a degree should not be considered as a pre – requisite for a job which has not direct relationship with it. In many foreign countries a degree is not considered as a condition for obtaining job. Delinking will be applied in services for which a university degree need not be a necessary qualification. But in our country a degree has been made compulsory for a job.

7) Discuss briefly about the developmental trend of secondary education in Assam.

Ans:- The expansion of secondary education since independence has been remarkably due to several reasons. The passing of the Primary Education Act of 1977 with the provision of introducing compulsory education in gradual stages and the liberal grant – in – aid by the government helped the speedy growth of the aspect of education.The government of Assam also adopted a scheme for the reorganisation of secondary education as envisaged in the report of Secondary Education Commission. Under the scheme for development of higher school and higher secondary and multipurpose school, the government of Assam developed 6 schools into multipurpose schools and 4 schools into higher secondary schools during the year 1956-57. In the next year 9 schools were developed into higher secondary and 16 schools were developed into multipurpose schools in the state. In 1960-61 the figures stood at 22 and 23 respectively, after the government of Assam had made arrangement for bringing 25,000 pupils of age group of 11-14 under secondary education. Besides 12 schools with provisions for instruction both in humanities and in science are proposed to be converted into higher secondary schools during 3rd Five Year Plan.

8) Discuss about the problems of secondary education board of Assam.

Ans:- Some important problems of secondary education in Assam are as follows :- 

i) Lack of mass appeal :- Secondary education does not have mass appeal. We have accorded priority to primary education as well higher education. But secondary education has not received due attention.

ii) Lack of enough resources or finance :- Finance is the greatest hurdle in the field of secondary education in Assam. The financial allocation to secondary education is not sufficient. So, it is a Challenged to our educational planners because they will have to work under constants of growing numbers and limited resources made available for it. So its quality remains poor.

iii) Unplanned expansion :- Unplanned expansion is another important problem of secondary education in Assam. Now primary education lost its job value and social demand of secondary education is increases. The government and private agencies tried to meet the social demand for secondary education by opening more and more schools. Many of these schools were allowed to function at sub – standard levels which led to dilution of standard.

iv) Inappropriate curriculum :- The secondary school curriculum is not appropriate to fulfil the needs of the students as well as of the society. Curriculum of secondary education is not related to the real and practical life of students. They follow the curriculum mechanically without interest.

v) Defective teaching methods :- In no secondary schools we will find dynamic methods being followed. The average teacher suffers from lack of professional preparation. The existing educational system is rigid and does not encourage initiatives, creativity and experimentation.

vi) Defective text book :- The quality of text books, teachers guides and teaching materials is not satisfactory.

vii) Improper evaluation system :- The evaluation system of secondary education is not free from evil. It is basically dominated by external examination.

viii) Lack of capable teacher :- The quality of teaching stuff in schools is not satisfactory. In many of the privately managed schools the situation is dangerous.

9) Discuss about the functions of secondary education in Assam. 

Ans:- Power and Functions of the Board :-

i) The rules and regulations of admission and examination including fee structure will be decided by the board. 

ii) The provision of Scholarship and award will be decided and distributed by the board. 

iii) Certificates will be issued to those who succeed in the examination. 

iv) Selection and preparation and publication of text books and reference books will be the responsibility of the board. 

v) The board will examine and study the problems of secondary education. 

10) What are the provisions mentioned in National Policy of Education – 1986 for providing equity in education.

Ans:- The main features included in the New Education policy of 1986 are :-

i) Role of Education :- Education develop manpower for different levels of the economy. It is also the substrate on which research and development flourish, being the ultimate guarantee of national self- reliance. Education is an investment in the present and the future. This principle is the key of the National Policy on Education.

ii) Early Childhood Care and Education :- The National Policy of Education has used the term Early childhood care and Education in place of pre primary or Nursery Education. National Policy of Education lays stress on the holistic nature of child development viz., nutrition, health and social, mental, physical, moral and emotional development. Early Childhood Care and Education will receive high priority and be suitably integrated with the Integrated Child Development Services Programme wherever possible.

iii) Non – formal Education :- A large and systematic programme of non – formal education will be launched for school dropouts, for children from habitation without schools, working children and girls who cannot attend whole- day schools. Modern technological aide will be used to improve the learning environment of Non – formal Education Centres. Talented and dedicated young men and women from the local community will be chosen to serve as instructors and particular attention paid to their training. All necessary measures will be taken to ensure that the equality of Non – formal Education is comparable with formal education and Government will take over all responsibility for this vital section. New Education policy will give the highest priority to solving the problems of children dropping out of school.

iv) Vocationalization of Education :- New education policy emphasised the vocationalization of education. As far as possible, education should be given in a national environment. The child must acquire some skill in some area of his interests. This is necessary for a happy life in future. With this end in view this new education policy has advocated the inclusion of scientific and technical subjects in the curriculum. It has been specifically stated in the policy that in the tenth class not more than 50 percent students should opt for literacy subjects and the rest should be encouraged to study vocational courses of various types according to their interests. This type of vocationalization of education will minimise the unemployment problem, because then the educated person will not depend on some service alone and may utilise his acquired skill for earning his bread.

v) Delinking Degree from Jobs :- A beginning will be made in Delinking Degree from Jobs in selected areas. If the compulsoriness of a degree for securing a job is done away with many youths will automatically refrain from obtaining higher education. Thus crowding as aspirants for admission to colleges and universities will be reduced. In fact, a degree should not be considered as a pre – requisite for a job which has not direct relationship with it. In many foreign countries a degree is not considered as a condition for obtaining job. Delinking will be applied in services for which a university degree need not be a necessary qualification. But in our country a degree has been made compulsory for a job.

11) Describe about the power and function of Board of Secondary Education, Assam.

Ans:- The power and function of Board of Secondary Education, Assam are:-

I) The Board will prepare the syllabus for secondary and senior secondary education. 

ii) Based on the syllabus the Board will conduct the examination and declare the result. 

iii) Formulation of principles for recognition of school. 

iv) Making rules related to admission and examination and determining the fees of the students. 

v) Provide certificates to the students who pass the examination. 

12) Describe about the constitution of Board of Secondary Education, Assam.

Ans:- Constitution of the Board of Secondary education:-

i) Chairman (Director of public institution members)

ii) Ex – officio members (Eight)

iii) Members to be nominated by the Government (Nine)

iv) Coopted members (not more than three members from among the distinguished educationists)

v) An officer of the govt as the ex – officio secretary of the board.

13) What are the suggestions made by Kothari Commission to strengthen social and national integration ?

Ans:- The Suggestions mode by Kothari Commission to strengthen social and national integration as follows :-

“India is a country of diverse culture. It is necessary, therefore, must be designed in such a manner that it becomes an effective instrument of social and national integration. A common school system of public education the NCC and National Service Programmes must be encouraged to attain this objective. Development of a proper language policy with Hindi as the national language, the regional language or mother tongue and English must be studied in the school. Only then, can National Consciousness be promoted”.

14) What are the suggestions made by Kothari Commission to cultivate values in education ?

Ans:- In this regard the suggestion made by Kothari commission is follows -For all round development of personality physical and mental development cultivation of social, moral and spiritual values is very important. India secularism should be practised and no religious instruction be given in the schools. Instead, more education should be given to build up the character the young students.

15) Sun up the suggestions forwarded by N. P. C. regarding secondary education.

Ans:- Secondary education being to expose students to the differentiated roles of science, the humanities and social science. This is also an appropriate stage for children which is on one hand terminal and preparatory to higher education on the other. Vocationalisation through specialised institutions or through the refashioning of secondary education can, at this stage, provide valuable man power for economic growth. The commission recommended.

a) Programme to ensure access to secondary education being widened to cover unreserved areas.

b) Programme of consolidation in other areas.

c) Programme of setting up Novodaya Vidyalaya.

16) Discuss about the suggestions forwarded by N. P. C. regarding elementary education.

Ans:- Regarding Elementary education the NPC has provided some suggestion which are as follows –

Universal enrollment and universal retention of children upto 14 years of age and a subsequent improvement in the quality of education. A child centred and activity based process of learning should be adopted at the primary stage.

17) Discuss about the impact of Kothari Commission on Secondary Education in Assam.

Ans:- On the basis of the recommendations of Kothari Commission Government of Assam constituted Assam Higher Secondary Education Council in 1984. As a results of this all the responsibilities of higher secondary education transferred from secondary education board of Assam to Assam Higher Secondary Education Council. With these councils have the power of preparation and publication of text books, curriculum construction and management of examination. New education policy formulation in the year 1986. On the basis of this policy in each districts of Assam established one Navodaya Vidyalaya to develope the secondary education among the meritorious children of rural level.

Power and duties :-

i) To lay down the curriculum, syllabus and courses of instructions for the higher secondary level Which may be imparted in a college/higher secondary school. 

ii) To hold examinations on the basis of such courses. 

iii) To demand and receive such fee as may be prescribed by regulations. 

iv) To publish the results of its examination. 

v) To award certificates to the students who pass the examination. 

18) What is the impact of New National Policy on Education, 1986 on Secondary Education in Assam ?

Ans:- New education policy or national Policy of Education formulated in 1986. This policy of education want to bring newness in all the aspects of education. The main features of the policy are role of education will be the main key, equality of education includes women education, education of schedule caste and schedule tribe and education of other backward classes, adult education, early childhood care and education, primary education, non – formal education, secondary education, vocationalisation of education, higher education, open university Delinking Degree from Jobs, rural university, technical and management education, emphasis on learning value education, preservation of culture, science education, education and environments, sports and physical education, educational technology, media, management education, operation blackboard and Navodaya Vidyalaya.

i) Secondary education system of Assam was developed on the basis of the recommendation of New Education policy of 1986.

ii) Open school, open university and directorate of distance education was established in Assam for the extension of distance education.

iii) Government of Assam established one open university and named it as Kothari Kanta Handique State Open University at Gauhati in 2007.

iv) Secondary Education Act of Assam passed in 1961.

v) Assam Higher Secondary Education Council was established in 1984.

19) Suggest some measures to solve the problems of secondary education in Assam.

Ans:- Suggestion for solution of problem of secondary education in Assam :-

i) Secondary education should help the students to form values such as co – operation, patience, social justice, discipline, loyalty, positive attitude, friendship, courage, brotherhood, equality etc. in the minds of the students.

ii) Importance should be paid on the admission of quality students in school. Specially, to attract the students towards technical and agricultural education, they should be made more attractive.

iii) Adequate and available teaching aids should be provided.

iv) Talented, skill, appropriate, trained teacher should be appointed in the school.

v) More importance should be paid on female education.

20) Sum up the suggestions forwarded by NPE – 1986 for vocationalisation of secondary education.

Ans:- Vocational education will be implemented into +2 stages of Higher Secondary education and thereby students will be prepared to choose their livelihood in business sides. How ever, vocational education will be available after the end of class – VIII. To some extent students knowledge and experience, attitude, sports skill, craft management, self employment etc. will be developed. Necessary programmes will be adopted by the government for tribal people of rural areas, neglected women and for handicapped children. Integrated curriculum of general education, technical education and vocational education will be prepared to improve educational life.

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