NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 11 If I Were You

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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 11 If I Were You

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If I Were You

Chapter: 11



Passage: 1

At last a sympathetic audience! I’ll tell you the story of my life. How as a child I was stolen by the gypsies, and why at the age of thirty-two, I find myself in my lonely Essex cottage, how….

Keep it to yourself, and just answer my questions. You live here alone? Well, do you? 


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1. A sympathetic audience here stands for:

(a) Gerrard.

(b) Intruder.

(c) Sergeant.

(d) All of these.

Ans: (b) Intruder.

2. Who is Gerrard?

(a) Aan intrudes.

(b) An actor.

(c) A play wright. 

(d) A criminal.

Ans: (c) A play wright.

3. There is some peculiar about his childhood. It is:

(a) Kidnapped.

(b) Banished.

(c) Captivated.

(d) Stolen.

Ans: (d) stolen.

4. Since thirty he is in:

(a) essex cottage.

(b) Gerrage.

(c) A confinement.

(d) Canada.

Ans: (a) Essex cottage.

5. Find the word from the passage which means ‘lonely’.

(a) Stolen.

(b) Find. 

(c) Lively.

(d) Alone.

Ans: (d) Alone.

Passage: 2

I’m not taking it for fun. I’ve been hunted long enough. I’m wanted for murder already, and they can’t hang me twice.

You’re planning a gratuitous double, so to speak. Admitted you have nothing to lose, but what have you to gain?


1. Identify the man T’ here.

(a) Gerrard.

(b) Intruder.

(c) The Policeman. 

(d) Sergeant.

Ans: (b) Intruder.

2. The man had been under hunt be course:

(a) He had kidnapped someone.

(b) He killed a policeman.

(c) He had murdered a man. 

(d) He had stolen jewellery.

Ans: (b) He killed a policeman.

3. ‘They’ have been referred to here in these lines for some people. Who are they?

(a) The government officials.

(b) The police officials.

(c) The policemen.

(d) The metropolis.

Ans: (c) The policemen. 

4. Trace the correct synonym of the word ‘hunted’.

(a) Discovered.

(b) Found.

(c) Traced.

(d) Ram after.

Ans: (d) Ram after.

5. From which lesson these lines has been taken?

(a) The Fun They had.

(b) Kathmandu.

(c) If I Were You.

(d) My Childhood.

Ans: (c) If I Were You.

Passage: 3

That’s a lie. You’re not dealing with a fool. I’m as smart as you and smarter, and I know you run a car. Better be careful, wise guy!


1. Find out the speaker in these lines. 

(a) The police. 

(b) Gerrard.

(c) Intruder.

(d) Servant.

Ans: (c) Intruder.

2. The speaker had an evil design to:  

(a) kidnap the man. 

(b) kill the man.

(c) Hang the man.

(d) Put under a cell.

Ans: (b) kill the man. 

3. The word ‘Guy’ means:

(a) A cute boy.

(b) Boy.

(c) A man.

(d) A dude.

Ans: (d) A dude.

4. Where has the speaker entered? 

(a) Gerrand’s cottage.

(b) In a deep dungeon. 

(c) A desire forest.

(d) In a hunter’s nest.

Ans: (a) Gerrand’s cottage.

5. To whom these lines speaker is speaking?

(a) The police.

(b) Gerrard.

(c) Intruder.

(d) Servant.

Ans: (b) Gerrard.

Passage: 4

I’m sorry. I thought you were telling me, not asking me. A question of inflection; your voice is unfamiliar.

If I Were You


1. ‘You’ here stands for:

(a) Intruder. 

(b) Servant.

(c) Sergeant.

(d) Policeman.

Ans: (a) Intruder. 

2. Inflection means:

(a) Change in voice.

(b) Accent.

(c) Change in the tone of a man.

(d) Murmuring. 

Ans: (c) Change in the tone of a man.

3. The speaker feels that it is an unfamiliar voice. It is because:

(a) He is a stranger.

(b) He has never heard it before.

(c) He is unknown.

(d) He has never seen him.

Ans: (b) He has never heard it before.

4. These lines indicate that that the speaker is a:

(a) An intelligent man.

(b) A clever boy.

(c) Crooked criminal.

(d) An expert fellow. 

Ans: (a) An intelligent man.

5. Identify ‘T’.

(a) Intruder.

(b) Gerrard.

(c) Servant.

(d) Policeman.

Ans: (b) Gerrard.

Passage: 5

Hello. Yes, speaking. Sorry I can’t let you have the props in time for rehearsal, I’ve had a spot of bother – quite amusing. I think I’ll put it in my next play. Listen, can you tell our friend the Sergeant to come up here at once? You’ll probably find him in the Public Bar.


1. “I’ve had a spot of bother”. What does it tell?

(a) Some one has entered into the house.

(b) There is a thief in side.

(c) An intruder has broken in the cottage. 

(d) There is a threat to life.

Ans: (c) An intruder has broken in the cottage. 

2. The services of the sergeant are being required urgently because:

(a) The intruder had to be caught.

(b) The intruder had to be arrested. 

(c) The intruder had to be put in the a cell.

(d) The intruder had to be jumped down. 

Ans: (b) The intruder had to be arrested. 

3. What had happened to the intruder?

(a) Kept in the prison.

(b) Put in the lock.

(c) Locked into the cupboard.

(d) The intruder had created panic. 

Ans: (c) Locked into the cupboard.

4. The word ‘probably’ means.

(a) Possibly.

(b) Likely.

(c) All likelihood. 

(d) Belike.

Ans: (a) Possibly .

5. Who is the author of this chapter.

(a) Vaikom Muhammad Basheer. 

(b) Douglas James.

(c) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

(d) Vikram Seth. 

Ans: (b) Douglas James.



I. Answer these questions:

1. “At last a sympathetic audience.” 

(i) Who says this?

Ans: These words are spoken by Gerrard. 

(ii) Why did he say so? 

Ans: It is because Gerrard has found a sympathetic listener. 

(iii) Is he sarcastic or serious?

Ans: He is sarcastic.

2. Why does the intruder choose Gerrard as the man whose identity he wants to take on? 

Ans: Gerrard looks much like the Intruder. band The Intruder is a murderer. The police is after him. He hopes he can easily impersonate Gerrard and escape being caught.

3. “I said it with bullets”.

(i) Who says this?

Ans: Gerrard says this.

(ii) What does it mean?

Ans: It means that Gerrard has killed someone.

(iii) Is it the truth? Why does the speaker say this? What is the speaker’s reason for saying this? 

Ans: No, this is not true. Gerrard wants to make the Intruder believe that he (Gerrard) too is a murderer. So by taking his identity the Intruder will gain nothing.

4. What is Gerrard’s profession? Quote the parts of the play that support your answer. 

Ans: Gerrard is a play-wight. He is highly cultured. He lives alone in his cottage. He is dressed in a lounge suit and a great coat. An intruder, who resembles to Gerrard enters the cottage.


When the curtain rises, Gerrard is standing by the table phoning. He is of medium height and wearing horn- rimmed glasses. He is dressed in a lounge suit and a great coat. His voice is cultured.

5. “You’ll soon stop being smart”?

(i) Who says this? 

Ans: These words are spoken by the intruder.

(ii) Why does the speaker say so?

Ans: The speaker says so because he does not want to disclose his own identity.

(iii) What according to the speaker will stop Gerrard from being smart?

Ans: According to the speaker, Gerrard will stop being smart when he will learn his plan of killing him.

6. “They can’t hang me twice”.

(i) Who says this?

Ans: The Intruder says this to Gerrard.

(ii) Why does the speaker say it?

Ans: The Intruder knows he will be hanged for having killed a cop earlier. He won’t be hanged a second time for killing Gerrard.

7. ‘A mystery I propose to explain.” What is the mystery the speaker proposes to explain? 

Ans: The mystery about Gerrard was that he avoided meeting tradespeople. Secondly, there was no fixed time for Gerrard’s going out and returning to this cottage.

8. “This is your big surprise.” 

(i) Where has this been said in the play? 

Ans: He says this when Gerrard wonders why the Intruder would live with him.

(ii) What is the surprise? 

Ans: The Intruder gives the big surprise to Gerrard. He makes a shocking declara- tion that he is going to kill Gerrard.


I. Consult your dictionary and choose the correct word from the pairs given in bracket. 

(1) The (site, cite) of the accident was (ghastly, ghostly). 

Ans: The site of the accident was ghastly.

(2) Our college (principle, principal) is very strict.

Ans: Our college principal is very strict.

(3) I studied (continuously, continually) for eight hours.

Ans: I studied continuously for eight hours.

(4) The fog had an adverse (affect, effect) on the traffic. 

Ans: The fog had an adverse effect on the traffic.

(5) Cezanne, the famous French painter, was a brilliant (artist, artisan).

Ans: Cezanne, the famous French painter, was a brilliant artisan.

(6) The book that you gave me yesterday is an extraordinary (collage/college) of science, fiction and mystery.

Ans: The book that you gave me yesterday is an extraordinary collage of science fiction and-mystery.

(7) Our school will (host/hoist) an exhibition on cruelty to animals and wildlife conservation.

Ans: Our school will host an exhibition on cruelty to animals and wildlife conservation. 

(8) Screw the lid tightly on to the top of the bottle and (shake/shape) well before using the contents.

Ans: Screw the lid tightly on to the top of the bottle and shake well before using the contents.

II. (i) Irony is when we say one thing but mean another, usually the opposite of what we say. When someone makes a mistake and you say, “Oh! that was clever!” that is irony. You’re saying “clever” to mean “not clever”.

Expressions we often use in an ironic fashion are:

• Oh, wasn’t that clever !”/Oh that was clever!

• You have been a great help, I must say!

• You’ve got yourself into a lovely mess, haven’t you?

• Oh, very funny!/How funny! We use a slightly different tone of voice when we use these words ironically.

(ii) Read the play carefully and find words and expressions Gerrard uses in an ironic way. Then say what these expressions really mean to us. Find at least three more such ironical statements.

What the author says What he means
Why, this is a surprise, Mr. –er –He pretends that the intruder is a social visitor whom he is welcoming. In this way he hides his fear.
Al lsst a sympathetic audience !He pretends that the intruder wants to listen to him, whereas actually the intruder wants to find out information for his own use.


What the author saysWhat he means
(i) Yeah I’ll be sorry to do it but it has just got to be done.(i) He means if the intruder kills Gerrard, he will feel sorry but he has to kill him. 
(ii) A mystery which I propose to explain.(ii) Here Gerrard wants to tell about himself to be a mystery man. In other words he is dodging the intruder.
(iii) Careful, boss, I am watching you. Look for yourself.(iii) Gerrard asks the intruder to be very careful and tells that the police is after him. The telephone bell rings and Gerrard asks the intruder to move. When Gerrard opens the door and moves, the intruder leans forward to inspect it. As he turns his head, Gerrard gives him a push into the cupboard and locks.

(iii) Match the following words and phrases as per their use in the play.

culturedan informal expression for a fashionable vehicle
count onunnecessary and unusually harmful
melodramaticsophisticated, well mannered
to be smarthere, a tone of voice.
wise guyan unexpected opportunity for success
a dandy bustrap
tradespeoplea Christian religious teacher who teaches on Sundays in Church 
gratuitous(American English) a person who pretends to know a lot
dodgedepend on, rely on
lucky break(American English) an informal way of saying that one is being too clever
teacheroccupied, busy


culturedsophisticated, well mannered
count ondepend on, rely on
engagedoccupied, busy
to be smartunnecessary and unusually harmful
inflectionhere, a tone of voice.
wise guy(American English) a person who pretends to know a lot
a dandy busan informal expression for a fashionable vehicle
gratuitous(American English) an informal way of saying that one is being too clever
lucky breakan unexpected opportunity for success
Sunday -School
teachera Christian religious teacher who teaches on Sunday in Church


A word can mean different things in different contexts. Look at these three sentences:

• The students are taught to respect different cultures.

• The school is organizing a cultural show.

• His voice is cultured.

In sentence (1) culture (noun) means way of life. in (2) (adj.) connected with art, literature and music in (3). (verb) sophisticated, well mannered. Usually a dictionary helps you identify the right meaning by giving you sign posts.

Look at the dictionary entry on culture from Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2005.

CULTURE: adj. [usually before noun] 
1. connected with the culture of a particular society or group, its customs, believes. etc.: cultural differences between the two communities economic, social and culture factors.
2. connected with art, literature, music etc. : cultural event, Europe’s cultural heritage. The orchestra is very important for the cultural life of the city. r Cul-tur-al-ly/reli / adv. 
Culture: noun, verb
• noun
• Way of life 1 [U] the customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country of group: European/ Islamic/African/American, etc. culture working class culture 2 [C] a country, group, etc with its own beliefs, etc. : The children are taught to respect different cultures. the effect of technology on traditional culture.
• ART/MUSIC/LITERATURE 3 [U] art, music, literature, etc., thought of as a group: Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history. r popular culture (= that is enjoyed by a lot of people) r the Minister for Culture. 
• BELIEFS/ATTITUDES 4 [C, U] the beliefs and attitudes about sth that people in a particular group or organization share: The political cultures of the United States and Europe are very different. r A culture of failure exists in some schools. Company culture r We are living in a consumer culture.
• ROWING/BREEDING 5[U] (technical) the growing of plants or breeding of particular animals in order to get a particular substance or crop from them; the culture of silk forms (= for silk)
• ELLS/BACTERIA 6 [C] (biology, medical) a group of cells or bacteria, especially one taken from a person or an animal and grown for medical or scientific study, or to produce food; the process of obtaining and growing these cells; a culture of cells from the tumour r Yogurt is made from active culture, r to do! take a throat culture.
Verb [VN] (biology, medical) to grow a group of cells or Bacteria for medical or scientific study. Cul-tured / adj. 1 (of people) well educated and able to understand and enjoy art, literature, etc. SYN CULTIVATED 2 (of cells or bacteria) grown for medical or scientific study 3 (of pearls) grown artificially.

Noun, verb, adj., adv. synonyms. etc. are signposts which help you local the right meaning and usage, and give information about the part of speech that the word is.

Look up the dictionary entries for the words sympathy, familiarity, comfort, care, and surprise. Use the information given in the dictionary and complete the table.

अंग्रेजी में हम एक शब्द को कई प्रकार से जैसे Noun, Verb, Adjective और Adverb एवं Synonyms के रूप में प्रयोग कर सकते हैं परन्तु हर बार इसका अर्थ बदल जायेगा। अंग्रेजी में इन्हें Points of Speech कहते हैं।


Ans: 1. Sympathy – Sympathy (Adj.) kind of something.

– Sympathetically (Adv.) to look at something sympathetically

– Sympathize (Verb) to feel sorry for something.

2. Familiarity – Family (Adj.) – parents and their children.

– Familiarly (Adv.) – in a friendly and informal manner.

– Familiarize (verb) to learn about something.

3. Comfort – Comfortable (Adj.) making you feel physical relaxed

– Comfortably (Adv.) in a comfortable way

– Comforts (Verb.) to make some one feel better who is worried.

4. Care- Careful (Adj.) giving thought to what you are doing.

– Carelessly (Adj.) doing  something without paying attention.

5. Surprise – Surprised (Adj.) showing surprise.

-Surprisingly (Adv.) in a surprising way.

-Surprise (Verb) to make something feel surprised.


1. Imagine you are Gerrard. Tell your friend what happened when the intruder broke into your house.

[Cues: Describe (a) the intruder – his appearance, the way he spoke, his plan, his movements etc.

(b) how you outwitted him?] 

Ans: One day I was packing my bag to go some where. All of a sudden I saw that a thief had entered my cottage. He was an intruder. He wore spectacles and his clothes were flashy. He had put on a long over coat and a soft hat. He had a revolver in his hand. He was of medium height and resembled with me. He spoke like me and his manner and movements were like a run-out thief. 

Before I could react, he pointed a gun at me and asked one to tell everything about myself. I was perturbed and shocked but kept myself in balance. He wanted to impersonate me by killing me. But I made up a false story at the same time and revealed that I too was a criminal like him and had disguised clothes in the cupboard. In order to convince him, I took the intruder to the cupboard. As he peeped in I got a chance to push him inside the almirah. I locked him there and called the police to hand him over. In a way I outwitted the intruder.

2. Enact the play in the class. Pay special attention to words given in Italics before a dialogue. These words will tell you whether the Wardialogue has to be said in a happy a sarcastic or ironic tone and how the characters move and what they do as they speak. Read these carefully before you enact the play.

Note: It is a class-room activity to be organized under the guidance of the teacher.


I. Which of the words below describe log Gerrard and which describe the Intruder?


Write a paragraph each about Gerrard and the Intruder to show what qualities they have. (You can use some of the words given above.)

The following words describe both Gerrard and the Intruder:


Gerrard was a beautiful, witty person having all the qualities of mind and soul. He was cool and confident and wore a flashy coat. He was a witty person and kept himself balanced. He told that he was a gang leader duly wanted by the police.

He is highly cultured and outwitted the intruder. His sense of humour and confidence helped him a lot.

On the other hand, the intruder was a clever and smart run-out from the police. He was a nonchalant person escaping from the arrest. He wore a flashy overcoat which resembled with Gerrard. He wanted to kill Gerrard and take his identity. He had a revolver in his hand to murder Gerrard. But he is entrapped by Gerrard.

II. Convert the play into a story (in about 150-200 words). Your story should be as exciting and as witty as the play. Provide a suitable title to it. Encounter with the Intruder

Once Gerrard, the play-wright was alone in his cottage. All of a sudden there entered an intruder in his cottage. He had a revolver in his hand and he wanted to kill Gerrard. At that time Gerrard was busy on the phone. Seeing the intruder, Gerrard’s did not lose his peace of mind. The intruder revealed that he was a jewel thief. He had killed a policeman and the police was after him. He wanted to avoid the police by taking Gerrard’s identity. Gerrard concocted a story and told that he too was a criminal like him. He told the intruder that by killing him, he will be accused of double murder. As a proof, he showed his travelling bag.

He told the intruder that his friend was standing below on the road. As soon as the police arrived, he would inform Gerrard to escape. Gerrard took the intruder to the door to show the man. When they reached near the cupboard, Gerrard pushed him into the cupboard and locked it from outside. Gerrard called the police to arrest the intruder.



Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:

Q.1. Why does the intruder ask Gerrard about the people who visit his place?

Ans: The intruder wanted to know everything about Gerrard, his guests, his belongings so as to have his complete information. Because he wanted to murder him and take his identity. This is the reason why he asked Gerrard about the people who visited his place.

Q.2. Why does the intruder state that Gerrard will not be pleased for long?

Ans: The intruder enters Gerrard’s cottage and questions him about his life-style. Gerrard tries to distract him with vari-ous stories and tells him that he is pleased to see him. The intruder tells him that he will not be pleased for long because sooner he is going to murder him and take his identity.

Q.3. With what preparation did the intruder go to Gerrard’s cottage?

Ans: The intruder had carefully observed Gerrard’s lifestyles and he had interpreted that he could very well adopt to his life styles. He had also watched his daily routine and planned accordingly. He knew that few people visit him and he usually go somewhere for some day.

Q.4. What did Gerrard tell the intruder about his story of life?

Ans: Gerrard told the intruder that as a child he was stolen by gypsies. And at the age of thirty-two he lives all alone in this essex cottage. Very few people visit him. He has murdered someone and cops are behind him. He was getting ready to escape in dis-guise. He was also a villain and if the in-truder took a pose like Gerrard, the police would surely come and catch hold of him.

Q.5. Why does the intruder choose Gerrard as the man whose identity he wants to take?

Ans: The intruder wants to take on the identity of Gerrard as He likes the things that Gerrard does-he phones his orders and sometimes just goes away suddenly and comes back just the same. These were the things that he also wished to do. As Gerrard he would gain his freedom, would be free to go places and do nothing. He could eat well and sleep without having to beat it out at the sight of a cop.

Q.6. How did Gerrard help himself? 

Ans: Gerrard showed his presence of mind. Using his wit and imagination, he fab-ricated a story, showing that he himself was a murderer escaping arrest. The intruder believed him and got ready to escape with him. Gerrard then pushed him into the cupboard and locked it, and later called the police.

Q.7. Why does Gerrard call his experience with intruder ‘amusing”?

Ans: Gerrard was a playwright by profession. He used his wit, imagination and tact to outwit the intruder. He showed his presence of mind and created an amusing story of being a murderer himself and miraculously saved his life. That’s why, he called his experience with intruder ‘amusing’.


Q.1. Out of the two character of this play, which character has impressed you more. Why?

Ans: Of the two characters Gerrard is the hero of the play ‘If I Were You’. He acts in an intelligent way. He is bold and does not fear presence of a criminal. He is very tactful and outwits as well as out smarts the Intruder that he is also a criminal and plans to leave the place in disguise. Finally he pushes the Intruder and locks him in the cupboard.

Q.2. Suppose you get a chance to live the life of Gerrard after the incident. What changes would you bring in your life style?

Ans: Suppose I get a chance to live the life of Gerrard after the incident, I would want to bring tremendous changes in my life style. I would realise that staying aloof had created all kinds of problems. I would become more social and try to spread my influence in neighbourhood. The coming of Intruder has taught me a very important message that I would not allow any one inside my house without proper verification. I shall act to be alert and inquisitive.


Answer these questions in about 100-150 words each:

Q.1. Why did the intruder break into Gerrard’s cottage?

Ans: The Intruder had killed a policeman. He was chased by the police like a hunted rat. One day he saw Gerrard who looked like him. He also heard that he lived a lonely life and hardly anybody knew about him. He studied his expressions, movement and style. The intruder broke into Gerrard’s lonely cottage. He wanted to kill him and live as Gerrard to avoid being arrested. He wanted to take his identity and dodge the police.

But Gerrard told him that he too was a murderer and the police was expected soon. The intruder was convinced and agreed to escape with Gerrard. But Gerrard cleverly trapped him in a cupboard and handed him to the police.

Q.2. Describe in about 100 words how Gerrard is able to trap the intruder.

Ans: Gerrard told the intruder that his life was like that of the Intruder himself. He said that he was a gang leader and was wanted by the police. The police was hunting for him and his life was in great danger. He convinced the Intruder and offered to help him out of the approach of the cops. The Intruder agreed.

They moved towards the door to reach the garage. Gerrard was walking forward. The intruder was holding gun towards Gerrard. Suddenly, Gerrard pushed him into the cupboard and knocked the revolver out of his hand. He locked him in the cupboard. In this way, Gerrard outwitted the Intruder by using his great presence of mind and courage.

Q.3. Trace the character of Gerrard in the light of his interaction with the Intruder in the play.

Ans: Gerrard is the hero of the play ‘If I Were Wou.” He acts in an intelligent way. He is bold and does not fear in the presence of a criminal. He uses his presence of mind. During the talks he learns of the intention of the Intruder. So Gerrard concocts a story to keep the Intruder busy and able to outwit him. Gerrard’s sense of humour also helps him. He outsmarts the Intruder and traps him in his own net. 

Gerrard tells the Intruder that he is also a criminal and he plans to leave one place in disguise. The Intruder wishes to see his disguise clothes. Gerrard was waiting for this. When the Intruder opens the cupboard to have a look inside, Gerrards pushes him inside and locks him up there. He calls the police and gets him arrested. 

Q.4. Explain how did Gerrard save his life? Discuss the values exhibited by him.

Ans: Gerrard was not intimidated by the intruder carrying a revolver. He had remarkable presence of mind even in the face of adversity. Using his wit, imagination and tact, he managed to outwit the intruder. He fabricated a story saying that he himself was a murderer escaping arrest. So, it would not benefit the intruder to kill and impersonate him. The intruder believed him completely and got ready to escape with him in his car. As they were nearing the door, Gerrard pushed him into the cupboard, locked it and later got him arrested. Thus, he saved his life.

Q.5. Should culprits be punished or be given a chance to improve themselves? In the context of the story “If I Were You” discuss the values required.

Ans: Criminals like the intruder should be punished. They do not want to change themselves. They are selfish and self-centred. They want to achieve their motives in whatever way possible and are not bothered about others. The intruder killed a policeman and hence, was escaping from the police. He looked like Gerrard and hence, planned to kill him in order to take on his identity and escape from the clutches of the police. However, Gerrard used his presence of mind, intelligence and wit in getting the criminal caught and saved himself. Such types of criminals who target others in order to save themselves should never be spared. Small time criminals, however, may be given a chance to improve themselves if they show repentance and regret for the deed done. Often, people turn to crime due to circumstances, and unlike hardcore criminals, rue their actions. Thus, they ought to be given a second chance.

Q.6. Suppose you are Gerrard and you are face to face with a criminal. How will you save yourself?

Ans: I had packed my bag and was talking to my friend on the phone. Suddenly I saw an Intruder standing in front of me. He resembled me in my height and looks. But his clothes were flashy and he wore specs. Before I could react, he pointed a gun at me and asked me to tell him everything about myself. He told me of his plan to kill me and impersonate me. 

I was shocked and scared to my wits’ end. But I did not lose my presence of mind. I told him that I was also a criminal and had disguise clothes in the cupboard. To convince him, I took him to the cupboard. As he peeped in, I pushed him inside and locked him up there. I called up the police to get him arrested.

Q.7. You are Gerrard. Write a letter to your friend describing how, finally, you successfully got the intruder arrested by the police.

Ans: A-51, Kirti Nagar


July 27, 20…. 

My dear Parat

Yesterday, an intruder broke into my home. He confessed that he wanted to kill and impersonate me. I fabricated a story. I told him that I myself was a murderer trying to run away from the police. I told him that one of my men had been arrested and he had told all about me to the police. To win him over, I showed him my bag that contained a disguise suit for the rehearsal. I offered to take him along with me in my car. Further, I asked him to look outside to see if the man posted by me, to inform me about the arrival of police, was there or not. As he looked into the door of the cupboard opened by me, I pushed him into it and locked him there. Next, I called the police to get him arrested. He was outwitted by me, unexpectedly too. Rest is OK.

Your loving friend,


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