Islam Faith Practice & History
Islam Faith Practice & History The book in your hand is an introductory treatise on Islamic beliefs, laws, and ethics as well as the early history of the faith in fifty lessons. These lessons were part of the Islamic Correspondence Course that I compiled, wrote, and edited for the Islamic Education and Information Centre, Toronto, in the early nineties.

Islam Faith Practice & History PDF
1. Why Study Religion?
Why should we investigate religion and study about God? What provokes us to consider religion?
There are three reasons:
(A) Love Of Knowledge:
We all want to know the truth about the world in which we live: Did the heaven with its beautiful stars, the earth with its glorious landscapes, the beautiful birds, the colorful fish, the blue oceans and the high mountains—did all these come into being by themselves or are they the product of an All-Knowing and Powerful Creator?
Besides all this, the first question that comes to mind for all of us is the origin of ourselves: Where did we come from? Why are we in this world? Where are we heading to? The love of knowledge and the searching spirit within us dictate that we must not rest until we find the answers to these questions.
Thus the first reason that compels us to inquire into religion is our thirst and love for knowledge.
(B) The Sense Of Thankfulness
The world around us and the world within ourselves is full of marvelous things. The sun and moon, the plants and trees, the mines and minerals are hidden deep in the heart of the earth; all of them are of great benefit to mankind.
Within ourselves, we have the digestive system, the respiratory apparatus, the heart, and other organs of the body; but the greatest of all, however, is the intellectual ability of man himself through which he can make a mighty mountain crumble into pieces, and create from water and iron enormous power and the most delicate objects.
Now this question poses itself: Should we not engage ourselves in research and inquiry until, if there is a benefactor, we acknowledge that benefactor, to fulfill our duty and offer him our thanks?
This is the second reason why we should inquire about religion.
(C) Preventing Possible Danger
If a child were to come and tell you that he saw a poisonous snake go into the room you were in, you would immediately jump up from your chair and undertake a thorough search of every nook and cranny until you found it, or until you were satisfied that it was not there.
Similarly, while traveling by night in a dangerous country, if you learned that bandits were waiting on the road ahead to ambush you—you would without any doubt wait until the way ahead was clear of danger, and would not take a single step forward until then.
In these two examples, we have made clear that reason compels us to investigate conceivable dangers. It is possible that some of the harmful things may turn out to be nothing at all, and that other people may not pay any attention to them; but if an inquiry carries the price of a human soul, then it cannot be ignored.
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