Indian Polity And Human History – Fundamental Rights and Duties – Today We Discuss Indian Polity And Human History – Fundamental Rights and Duties in Any Government competitive exam, we try to give you the most Important MCQ type Questions and Answers.
Indian Polity And Human History – Fundamental Right and Duties
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Indian Polity & Human History
- Constitutional Developments, Framing of the constitution, Features of the Indian
- Constitution, Preamble, Citizenship, Fundamental Rights and Duties, The Directive
- Principles of State Policy, Structure of the Government Features of Federalism in India, Party System in India
- Meaning and Development of Human Rights, International conventions-UDHR
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on Socio-Economic and Cultural Rights, Institutional mechanisms- National Commission for Human Rights, State Commission for Human Rights
Framing Constitution
One of the important political events, during the period of British rule had been discovered in the formation of a grand constituent Assembly to acçomplish the historical task of drafting a constitution for face India. And it was the British prime minister Atte’s take initiative for creation of a grand constituent Assembly by the recommendation of cabinet mission. The Grand constituent assembly comprised of 385 members. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected it permanent chairman and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as a drafting chairman. Indian constitution came into force on January 26, 1950.
Features of the Indian Constitution- Indian constitution has some characteristics. These are,
(i) Written and engthięst constitution: Indian constitution is the Lengthiest constitution of the word it has 395 Articles 22 parts and 9 schedules.
(ii) Mixed constitution :Indian constitution is partly rigid and partly flexible. It is a mixed constitution.
(iii) It declares India as a sovereign, socialist secular and Democratic Republic State.
(iv) It guarantees Fundamental Right to all the citizen of India. lt provided Six Fundamental Right.
(v) It provides for single citizenship for all the citizen in India.
(vi) The constitution of India is federal in mature with unit features.
(vii) It established the parliamentary form of Governmentin India.
(viii) It provides for an Independent iciary. The supreme court acts as the guardian of the constitution and is the Rickest Court of appeal.
(ix) It incorporates Directive principal of state policy” for welfare of the people.
(x) It provides Division of power between central and state Government.
(xi) It lays down ten Fundamental duties to all the citizen of India.
(xii) Indian constitution, it has provision for Reservation of the weaker section, schedule tribes and scheduled caste.
Preamble is the soul and heart of Indian constitution. It summarises the basic philosophical principles of Indian constitution. It declares India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, Democratic and Republic. It aso professes to secure to all its citizen social, economic and political justice, liberty of though and expression, belief, faith and worship, equality of status and opportunity, fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and also unity and integrity of the nation.
Fundamental Rights and Duties
Indian constitution from Article 12-35, Part III, provided six fundamental rights.
1. Right to Equality (Article 14-18)
(a) Equality before law (Article 14)
(b) Prohibition of discrimination on ground of religion, caste, sex, race (Article-15)
(c) Equality of opportunity (Article-16)
(d) Abolition of untouchability (Article-17)
2. Right to Freedom (Article 19-22)
(a) Freedom of speech and expression, assembly, movement, residence and settlement profession (Article -19)
(b) Protection of life and personal liberty (Article-21)
(c) Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases (Article-22)
3. Right against Exploitation (Article 23-24)
(a) Prohibition of traffic in human being and forced labour (Article 23)
(b) Prohibition of employment of children in hard work (Arctic 24)
4. Right to Freedom of Religion (Article 25-28)
(a) Freedom of conscience and free profession (Article 25)
(b) Freedom to manage religious affairs (Article 26)
5. Cultural and Educational Right (Article 29-30)
(a) Protection of language, script or culture of minorities. (Article 29)
(b) Right of minorities to establish educational institution. (Article 30)
6. Right to constitutional Remedies (Article 32)
(a) Remedies for enforcement of fundamental right by some writs like habeas corpus, mandamus, quowaranto etc.
Fundamental Duties-
In Indian constitution fundamental duties were incorporated by 42ⁿᵈ amendment. It refers the responsibility of citizen towards nations/country. There are-
1. Abide by the constitution, respect the national fag and national Anthem.
2. Follow the noble ideals which inspired our national freedom struggle.
3. Uphold and protect severity, unity and integrity of India.
4. To protect natural environment, river, forest wide life etc.
In Indian constitution provided ten fundamental duties to every Indian citizen.
The Directive Principles of State Policy-
In Indian constitution part IV, Article 86-51, Provided Directive principles of state policy. Its basic objective is to promote social justice and economic welfare of the people and to maintain international peace and solidarity. Ilt may be Economic principal social principal Gandhian Principal, International principal.
Multiple Choice Objective Type Questions-
1. The constitution of india was framed by
(a) The British parliament
(b) The Indian Parliament
(c) The Constituent Assembly
(d) Indian National Congress
Ans:- (c) The Constituent Assembly.
2. The constitution Assembly which enacted the constitution of India was set up in
(a) 1945
(b) 1947
(c) 1946
(d) 1949
Ans:- (c) 1946.
3, The first session of the constituent Assembly was held on
(a) June, 16, 1945
(b) July 17, 1946
(c) December 9, 1946
(d) December 7, 1947
Ans:- (c) December 9, 1946 .
4. Under the cabinet Mission plan, the total membership of the constituent Assembly was-
(a) 296
(b) 345
(c) 373
(d) 385
Ans:- (d) 385
5. The member of the constituent assembly were elected directly by
(a) The people
(b) The british parliament
(c) The members of the provincial legislature of 1935 act.
Ans:- (c) The members of the provincial legislature of 1935 act.
6. The representatives from the British Indian provinces were elected on
(a) General
(b) Communal
(c) Caste
(d) Sex basis
Ans:- (d) Sex basis.
7. The objective resolution was moved in the constituent assembly on December 13, 1946 by
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Sardar Vilabbhai Patel
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
Ans:- (c) Jawarhalal Nehru.
8. The objective resolution moved in the constituent assembly was adopted on
(a) December 23, 1946
(b) January 15, 1947
(c) January 22, 1947
(d) May 6,1947
Ans:- (c) January 22, 1947.
9. The first president of the constituent Assembly was
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Sardar Vallbbhai Patel
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(d) Dr. Sachidananda Sinha
Ans:- (d) Dr. Sachidananda Sinha.
10. The permanent president of the constituent Assembly was
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Dr. Sarbapalli Radhakrishnan
(d) Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar.
Ans:- (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
11. The constitution of India was adopted on
(a) August 15, 1947
(b) September, 10, 1948
(c) November 10, 1948
(d) January 26, 1950
Ans:- (c) November 10, 1948.
12. The constitution of India was put into operation on.
(a) August 15, 1947
(b) November 26,1949
(c) January 15,1950
(d) January 26, 1950
Ans:- (d) January 26, 1950.
13. How many year took the constituent Assembly to frame the constitution of India.
(a) Three years
(b) Three years six months
(c) Four years
(d) Five years
Ans:- (a) Three years.
14. The constituent Assembly was a one party body in an essentially one party country, argued by.
(a) M.V. Pylee
(b) D.D. Basu
(c) GAustain
(d) K.T. Shah
Ans:- (b) D.D. Basu.
15. What is the basic ide ology of India constitution ?
(a) Liberalism and pragmatism
(b) Marxism
(c) Fabian Socialism
(d) Pluralism
Ans:- (a) Liberalism and pragmatism.
16. What is the principal source of Indian constitution
(a) Government of Indian Act. 1935
(b) The British Constitution
(c) The canadian constitution
(d) The U.S. constitution
Ans:- (a) Government of Indian Act. 1935.
17. Who was the chief architect of indian Constitution,
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Sardar Valabbhai Patel
Ans:- (b) Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar.
18. The Indian constitution contains __________ parts.
(a) 15
(6) 18
(c) 20
(d) 22
Ans:- (d) 22.
19. In the original constitution how many articles and schedules are in the Indian constitution.
(a) 375 article and 6 schedules
(b) 380article and 8 schedules
(c) 390 article and 10 schedules
(d) 395 article 8 schedules
Ans:- (d) 395 article 8 schedules.
20. Now, how many article and schedules are there in Indian constitution.
(a) 380 Article and9 schedules
(b) 395 Article and 10 schedules
(c) 400 Article and 12 schedules
(d) 405 Article and 13 schedule
Ans:- (d) 405 Article and 13 schedule.
21. The constitution is one of the
(a) Briefest
(b) Medium-sized
(c) Bulkiest
(d) Smallest constitution.
Ans:- (c) Bulkiest.
22. The Indian Union comprises of
(a) 24
(b) 25
(c) 26
(d) 28
Ans:- (d) 28.
23. The constitution ofIndia iss
(a) Rigid
(b) More rigid then flexible
(c) Partly rigid, largely flexible
(d) Flexible
Ans:- (c) Partly rigid, largely flexible.
24. The procedure of amending the Indian constitution in laid down in.
(a) Article 356
(b) Article 365
(c) Article 368
(d) Article 380
Ans:- (c) Article 368.
25. Article 368 prescribed………………….procesS of amendment of the constitution of India.
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Six
Ans:- (a) Two.
26. “The preamble is the key of the constitution- who said this,
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) C. Rajagopahchari
Ans:- (d) C. Rajagopahchari.
27. “The preamble is an integral part or the Indian constitution”- who said this,
(a) Justice Rameswamy
(b) Justice Gajendragadkar
(c) Justice Beg
(d) Justice Dhawan
Ans:- (a) Justice Rameswamy.
28. The preamble is the identity card of the constitution of India”- remarked by
(a) Venugopal
(b) Palkivala
(c) D. Bose
(d) Pyee
Ans:- (b) Palkhivala.
29. The preamble of the India Constitution resolves to constitute India into a
(a) Sovereign Republic
(b) A democratic REpublic
(c) Parliamentary republiC
(d) A sociaslist, secular, democratic, republic
Ans:- (d) A sociaslist, secular, democratic, republic.
30. In India, the idea of a preamble was borrowed from the Constitution of
(a) U.S.A.
(b) France
(c) Canada
(d) Germany
Ans:- (a) U.S.A.
31. Who words “soclalist and secular” were added to the preamble of Indian constitution by-
(a) The 42th Amendment Act. 1976
(b) The 43rd Amendment Act. 1977
(c) The 44th Amendment Act. 1978
(d) The 73rd Amendment Act. 1992
Ans:- (a) The 42th Amendment Act. 1976.
32. The preamble of Indian Constitution is
(a) Justiciable
(b) Non-justiciable
(c) Both justiciable and non-justiciable
Ans:- (a) Justiciable.
33. In the preamble, the basic principle of Liberty means
(a) Liberty of speech
(b) Liberty of belief and faith
(c) Liberty of worship
(d) Liberty of belief, faith and worship.
Ans:- (d) Liberty of belief, faith and worship.
34. The equality in preamble signifies equal status in
(a) Society
(b) Equality of opportunity
(c) Equality of status and opportunity
(d Equal protection of law
Ans:- (c) Equality of status and opportunity.
35. According to preamble, the Government derives its power from-
(a) The people
(b) The president
(c) The parliament
(d) The supreme court
Ans:- (a) The people.
36. In India, the principle of parliamentary democracy has been adopted from.
(a) The British Constitution.
(b) The Canadian Constitution.
(c) The American Constitution.
(d) The French Constitution.
Ans:- (a) The British Constitution.
37. The constitution of India borrowed the concept of independent judiciary from.
(a) The British Constitution.
(b) The Chinese Constitution.
(c) The American Constitution.
(d) The Swiss Constitution.
Ans:- (c) The American Constitution.
38. The scheme ofIndian federalism was borrowed from
(a) The Government of Indian Act 1935
(b American Constitution
(c) Canadian constitution
(d) Australian constitution.
Ans:-(c) Canadian constitution.
39. On which amendment, the voting age of India has been lowered from 21 to 18 years.
(a) 42nd Amendment Act, 1976
(b) 60th Amendment Act, 1988
(c) 61st Amendment Act 1989
(d) 62nd amendment ACt 1990
Ans:- (c) 61st Amendment Act 1989.
40. On which years” The citizenship Act. in India” was passed
(a) 1955
(b) 1956
(c) 1957
(d) 1959
Ans:- (a) 1955.
41. Fundamental right were incorporated from which constitution
(a) The constitution of England
(b) America
(c) Canada
(d The former soviet union
Ans:- (b) America.
42. Fundamental right are included in which part of the Indian constitution.
(a) Part I
(b) Part III
(c) Part IV
(d) Part IV (A)
Ans:- (b) Part III.
43. HoW many fundamental right were guaranteed by the Indian constitution.
(a) Five
(b) Six
(c) Seven
(d) Ten
Ans:- (b) Six
44. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race or sex can be found in which article of the constitution.
(a) Article 15
(b) Article 16
(c) Article 17
(d) Article 18
Ans:- (a) Article 15.
45. On which article, untouchability is abolished from the Indian constitution.
(a) Article 16
(b) Article 17
(c) Article 19
(d) Article 18
Ans:- (b) Article 17.
46. Protection of life and personal liberty has been ensured by which article of Indian constitution.
(a) Article 21
(b) Article 20
(c) Article 19
(d) Article’18
Ans: Article 21.
47. In India, which institution can impose “reasonable restriction” on the six freedom of citizen.
(a) The president
(b) The parliament
(c) The supreme court
(d) The Prime minister
Ans:- (b) The parliament.
48. The Right to property was abrogated as a fundamental right by which amendment of Indian constitution.
(a) The 42 amendment 1976
(b) The 44th Amendment 1978
(c) The 43th amendment 1977
(d) The 73rd amendment 1992
Ans:- (b) The 44th Amendment 1978.
49. The right to constitutional remedies is described as “the very soul and heart of the constitution who said this.
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) C. Raja paachari
Ans:- (a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
50. The Fundamental right can be amended by which of the Indian institution.
(a) The president
(b) The parliament
(c) The state legislature
(d) The supreme court
Ans:- (b) The parliament.
51. The fundamental right can be suspended in the times of
(a) National emergency
(b) State emergency
(c) Financial emergency
(d) Election
Ans:- (a) National emergency.
52. The fundamental duties were added in Indian constitution by which amendment of the constitution
(a) 42nd amendment 1976
(b) 43rd amendment 1977
(c) 44th amendment 1978
(d) 45th amendment 1979
Ans:- (a) 42nd amendment 1976.
53. The Directive principles of state policy have been included which part of the constitution.
(a) Part III
(b) Part IV
(c) Part IV-A
(d) Part II
Ans:- (c) Part IV-A.
54. The framers of our constitution have borrowed the Directive principles from
(a) The British constitution
(b) The american constitution
(c) The Canadian constitution
(d) The constitution of Ireand
Ans:- (d) The constitution of Ireand.
55. The main objective of the directive principles is the establish
(a) Economic democracy
(b) Political democracy
(c) Social and economic democracy
(d) Social democracy
Ans:- (c) Social and economic democracy.
56. The state shall take steps of organise village panchayats is laid doWn in which article of Indian constitution.
(a) Artice39
(b) Article 40
(c) Article 41
(d) Article 42
Ans:- (b) Article 40.
57. Right to work is a part of
(a) Fundamental Right
(b) Directive principe of state policy
(c) Un-fundamental principle
(d) Statutory aw.
Ans:- (b) Directive principe of state policy.

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