Class 11 Economics Chapter 8 Collection of Data

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AHSEC Class 11 Economics Chapter 8 Collection of Data

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Collection of Data

Chapter – 8



 1. Frame at lest four appropriate multiple choice options for following questions :

(i) Which of the following is the most important when you buy a new dress?

(a) It’s colour is more attractive

(b) It is of latest fashion

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(c) It is cheaper one

(d) It is easily available in nearby shop

Ans: (b) It is of latest fashion.

(ii) How often do you use computers ?

(a) When you come back from school

(b) When you come after playing games

(c) After taking dinner

(d) Early in the morning

Ans: (b) When you come after playing games.

(iii) Which of the newspaper do you read regularly ?

(a) The Assam Tribune

(b) The Sentinel

(c) Times of India 

(d) Pratidin

Ans: (a) The Assam Tribune.

(iv) Rise in the price of petrol is justified.

(a) Demand for petrol is rising

(b) Its supply is in short

(c) Imported at higher price

(d) Impact of inflation.

Ans: (b) Its supply is in short.

(v) What is the monthly income of your family ?

(a) Rs. 10,000

(b) Rs. 15,000

(c) Rs. 25,000

(d) Rs. 30,000 and above 

Ans: (b) Rs. 15,000.

2. State whether the following statements are True or False.

(i) There are many source of data.

Ans: True.

(ii) Telephone survey is the most suitable method of collection data, when the population is literate and spread over a large area.

Ans: False.

(iii) Data collected by investigator is called the secondary data.

Ans: False.

(iv) There is a certain bias involved in the non-random selection of samples.

Ans: True.

(v) Non-sampling errors can be minimised by taking large samples.

Ans: False.

3. What do you think about the following questions ? Do you find any problem with these questions ? If yes, how ?

(i) How far do you live from the closest market ?

Ans:  The said question is vague, it should have been, ‘How far do you live away from the nearest market’?

(ii) If plastic bags are only 5 percent of our garbage, should it be baned ?

Ans: The said question is not precise and clear.

(iii) Wouldn’t you be opposed to increase in price of petrol ?

Ans: It leads to biassed response as question starts from ‘wouldn’t you.

(iv) Do you agree with the use of chemical fertiliser ?

Ans: No problem with these questions.


1. What do you mean by statistical enquiry ?

Ans: It is a technique of studying a problem with the help of statistical method.

2. Define the term ‘statistical unit’

Ans: It is that basis of measurement in terms of which data are collected, analysed and interpreted.

3. What is Primary Data ?

Ans: Data collected by actual observation, measurement and direct recording during the course of an enquiry is called primary data.

4. What is Secondary Data ?

Ans: Data which are not originally collected rather obtained from published or unpublished source are known as secondary data.

5. Give example of primary data.

Ans: The example of primary data are :

(a) Population census by Govt. Of India.

(b) Census of livestock by Ministry of Agriculture.

6. Give example of secondary data.

Ans: If Ministry of agriculture collects data for fertiliser consumption and population census is made by census department, it is used by Planning Commission, then it becomes secondary data.

7. What do you mean by enumerators ?

Ans: Enumerators are the persons who put up certain questions to the respondents and fill their answers in the questionnaire.

8. What is a questionnaire ?

Ans: It is a list containing a number of questions pertaining to the enquiry .

9. Mention two important sources of published data.

Ans: Two important sources of published data are :

(a) Government publications.

(b) Reports of committees and commission.

10. What is sample ?

Ans: It is a part of population which is selected for analysis.

11. What is sampling method ?

Ans: In this method, only a few representative items from a group are taken and conclusions are drawn about the whole group.

12. What do you  mean by random sampling ?

Ans: Random sampling is one in which chance alone is allowed to determine which items from the population are to be selected.

13. What is non random sampling ?

Ans: In this case, each item of the universe does not have equal chances of being selected.

14. Give two examples each of sample, population and variable.

Ans: Example of Sample :

(a) Few drops of blood to verify typhoid in human body.

(b) Interview with 10 students from a school to know about spending habits of all the students.

Example of Population :

(a) Head count of Indian population.

(b) Interview will all students from a school to know about spending habits of all the students.

Example of variable :

(a) Monthly income

(b) Marks in statistics.

15. Which of the following methods give better results and why ?

(a) Census. 

(b) Sample.

Ans: As for as accuracy and better results are concerned, these are provided by census method of investigation.

The reason are―

(i) Census method provides complete data, therefore it is more reliable and accurate as compared the sample method

(ii) Census method can be applied in case of homogeneous data only.

(iii) Census method is more suitable when the enquiry is small whereas sample technique method is applied in case of homogeneous data only.

(iv) Census method is more suitable when the enquiry is small whereas sample techniques is applied when there is finite or infinite population.

16. Which of the following errors is more serous and why ?

(a) Sampling.

(b) Non- Sampling error.

Ans: Non sampling errors are more serious because, sampling error can be minimised by taking a large sample but non sampling error can’t be minimised even by taking a larger sample.

Sampling error, is the difference between the result of studying a sample and drawing a conclusion about the population. Such error, is the difference between the result of studying a sample and drawing a conclusion about the population. Such errors arise on account of inappropriate definitions  of statistical emits, defective questionnaire, incomplete data, inadequate terms in the sample etc. Such error can be biassed or unbiased error.

The non-sampling error occur in any type of statistical investigation. These errors arise due to other than investigator’s involvement.

17. Discuss how would you use the lottery method to select 3 students out of 10 in your class.

Ans: In lottery method, roll number of all the 10 students would be written on slips. We pick up 3 slips out of it. The selected slips would be the sample of 3 students. It is random and unbiased selection. Therefore, it is known as random sampling method.

18. Do sample provide better results than surveys? Give reasons for four answer.

Ans: A sample refers to a group or section of the population from which information is to be obtained. However, samples do not provide between results than surveys. Because, in survey process complete data or information are collected from each and every item of the population and thereby it’s gives more reliable and accurate results. Besides, survey method can be applied in case of the items where it is diverse, but sample can not be applied in such cases. Therefore, survey method provides better results.

19. Give some source of secondary data.

Ans: The sources of secondary data are :

(a) Govt publication by various ministries and departments.

(b) Reports of committees and commission.

(c) Journals and Papers.

(d) Publication by international institutions.

(e) Research work published by various scholars and educational institutions.

20. What are the requirements of a good sample ?

Ans: The requirements of good sample are :

(a) True representative.

(b) Same statistical unit.

(c) Adequate number of items.

(d) Independent items.

21. Name same type of non random sample.

Ans: The name same type of non random sample are :

(a) Purposive or deliberate sampling.

(b) Stratified sampling or mixed sampling.

(c) Systematic sampling.

(d) Cluster sampling or Multi stage sampling.

(e) Quota sampling.

(f) Convenience sampling.

22. What is ‘universe’ in statistics ?

Ans: Universe in statistics means aggregate of all the items under consideration possessing a common characteristics.

23. Define random sampling and it’s method ?

Ans: Random sampling is one in which chance alone is allowed to determine which items from the population are to be selected.

Such a sample can be taken through one of the following method.

(a) Lottery method.

(b) By rotating the drum.

(c) Using Random Number tables.

24. Distinguish between primary and secondary data.

Ans: The Distinguished between primary and secondary data are :

(a) Primary data are original and nature, but secondary data lacks originality and are taken as second hand.

(b) Collection of primary data requires a large amount of time, finance and whereas secondary data needs less time, finance and energy.

(c) Primary data do not require much caution whereas secondary data need much caution otherwise data collected may prove misleading.

(d) Primary data are more suitable to the purpose of enquiry. They are never collected as multipurpose data. Secondary data on the other hand are less suitable to the purpose in hand.

25. What are the method of collecting primary data ?

Ans: The method of collecting primary data :

(a) Direct Personal Investigation.

(b) Indirect Oral Investigation

(c) Information from local sources or correspondents 

(d) Mailed Questionnaire Method

(e) Schedules filled by enumerators.

26. Distinguish between schedules and questionnaire.

Ans: The Distinguish between schedules and questionnaire are :

(a) Questionnaire lies with the informants, but schedules.lies with enumerator who fills it after enquiring the informants.

(b) Questionnaire is sent to informants through pest, but schedule is carried by the enumerators himself.

(c) Questionnaire is limited to educated persons, but schedule is used for literate as well as illiterate person.

(d) Questionnaire is limited to educated persons, but schedule is used for literate as well as illiterate person.

27. What are the main functions of National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO)

Ans: The main functions of National Sample Survey Organisation are :

(a) Collection of  statistical data.

(b) To conduct social and economic surveys.

(c) Technical guidance for agricultural surveys.

(d) Collection of industrial statistics.

28. What precautions should be taken while using secondary data ?

Ans: The precautions should be taken while using secondary data :

(a) The agency that published data should be reliable one.

(b) Purpose for the collection of data issued must be known to the investigation.

(c) The nature of data should be tasted itself.

(d) Statistical unit must match the current enquiry.

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