Class 11 Chemistry MCQ Chapter 2 Structure of Atom

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Class 11 Chemistry MCQ Chapter 2 Structure of Atom

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Chapter: 2


1. Who was the first scientist to propose the atomic theory of matter on a firm scientific basis in 1808?

(i) Niels Bohr.

(ii) John Dalton.

(iii) J.J. Thomson.

(iv) Ernest Rutherford.

Ans: (ii) John Dalton.

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2. What did Michael Faraday demonstrate in the 1830s regarding the particulate nature of electricity?

(i) That electricity can flow through a vacuum.

(ii) That chemical reactions occur at electrodes during electrolysis.

(iii) That cathode rays are negatively charged particles.

(iv) That all elements consist of the same type of atom.

Ans: (ii) That chemical reactions occur at electrodes during electrolysis.

3. The increasing order (lowest first) for the values of e/m (charge/mass) for:

(i) e, p, n, α.

(ii) n, p, e, α.

(iii) n, p, α, e.

(iv) n, α, p, e.

Ans: (iv) n, α, p, e.

4. Which of the following conclusions could not be derived from Rutherford’s a-particle scattering experiment?

(i) Most of the space in the atom is empty.

(ii) The radius of the atom is about 10-10 m while that of nucleus is 10-15 m.

(iii) Electrons move in a circular path of fixed energy called orbits.

(iv) Electrons and the nucleus are held together by electrostatic forces of attraction.

Ans: (iii) Electrons move in a circular path of fixed energy called orbits.

5. Which of the following options does not represent ground state electro-nic configuration of an atom?

(i) 1s22s22p63s23p63d84s2

(ii) 1s22s22p63s23p63d94s2

(iii) 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1

(iv) 1s22s22p63s23p63d54s1

Ans: (ii) 1s22s22p63s23p63d94s2

6. What were the metal pieces sealed in the cathode ray tubes called?

(i) Electrodes.

(ii) Coils.

(iii) Insulators.

(iv) Conductors.

Ans: (i) Electrodes.

7. What was the bright spot developed on the zinc sulphide coating an indication of?

(i) Electrons bouncing off the tube.

(ii) Cathode rays striking the material.

(iii) Electrodes being damaged.

(iv) Gases reacting in the tube.

Ans: (ii) Cathode rays striking the material.

8. Who demonstrated the particulate nature of electricity in 1830?

(i) James Clerk Maxwell.

(ii) Michael Faraday.

(iii) J.J. Thomson.

(iv) Albert Einstein.

Ans: (ii) Michael Faraday.

9. The ionisation enthalpy of hydrogen atoms is 1.312 × 106 J mol-1. The energy required to excite the electron in the atom from n = 1 to n = 2 is

(i) 8.51 × 105 J mol-1

(ii) 6.56 × 105 J mol-1

(iii) 7.56 × 105 J mol-1

(iv) 9.84 × 105 J mol-1

Ans: (iv) 9.84 × 105 J mol⁻¹

10. A given principal level n = 4, the energy of its subshells is in the order:

(i) s < p < d < f.

(ii) s > p > d > f.

(iii) s < p < f < d.

(iv) f < p < d < s.

Ans: (i) s < p < d < f.

11. Who measured the ratio of electrical charge (e) to the mass of an electron (me) in 1897?

(i) Ernest Rutherford.

(ii) James Clerk Maxwell.

(iii) J.J. Thomson.

(iv) Niels Bohr.

Ans: (iii) J.J. Thomson.

12. What type of fields did J.J. Thomson use in his experiment to measure the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron?

(i) Only electric field.

(ii) Electric and magnetic fields.

(iii) Only magnetic field.

(iv) Gravitational field.

Ans: (ii) Electric and magnetic fields.

13. Which of the following statement not correct about the characteristics of cathode rays?

(i) They start from the cathode and move towards the anode.

(ii) They travel in straight line in the absence of an external electrical or magnetic field.

(iii) Characteristics of cathode rays do not depend upon the material of electrodes in cathode ray tube.

(iv) Characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the nature of gas present in the cathode ray tube.

Ans: (iv) Characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the nature of gas present in the cathode ray tube.

14. A gas absorbs a photon of 355 nm and emits at two wavelengths. If one of the emissions is at 680 nm, the other is at:

(i) 518 nm.

(ii) 1035 nm.

(iii) 325 nm.

(iv) 743 nm.

Ans: (iv) 743 nm.

15. Which of the following statements about the electron is incorrect?

(i) It is a negatively charged particle. 

(ii) The mass of electron is equal to the mass of a neutron.

(iii) It is a basic constituent of all atoms.

(iv) It is a constituent of cathode rays. 

Ans: (ii) The mass of electron is equal to the mass of a neutron.

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