Class 11 Anthropology Chapter 1 Introduction to Anthropology

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Class 11 Anthropology Chapter 1 Introduction to Anthropology

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Introduction to Anthropology

Chapter – 1


1. Write answers:

(a) What is anthropology?

Ans: Anthropology is the science that study of man. The word anthropology is derived from two Greek words “anthropos” meaning “man” and “logos” or “logia” meaning knowledge or science. Thus, anthropology can be defined as a scientific study of man.

(b) Who said, ‘Anthropology is the son of Darwin’?

Ans: Robert R Marrett said, ‘Anthropology’ is the son of Darwin’.

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(c) Which branch of anthropology is dealt with physical characteristics of man?

Ans: Biological branch of anthropology is dealt with physical characteristics of man.

2. Answer in Short:

(a) Show the branches of Anthropology in diagram.


(b) What is Anthropology? Give the definition of Herskovits. 

Ans: Anthropology is the science that study man. The word anthropology is derived from two Greek words “anthropos” meaning “man” and “logos” or “logia” meaning knowledge or science. The Latin word anthropology means the study of humanity. Thus, anthropology can be defined as a scientific study of man. It is a holistic approach to the origin, evolution and variation of man and society of all time and spaces. It is a systematic investigation of both cultural and physical evolution and variations.

The definition of Herskovits: ‘as science of man and his works’.

(c) What is applied anthropology?

Ans: Applied anthropology is the application of anthropological knowledge for the development of human society is the subject matter. 

(d) Who is known as ‘father of American Anthropology’?

Ans: Franz Boas is known as ‘father of American Anthropology’.

3. Write the answers:

(a) Write the different branches of physical anthropology.

Ans: The different branches of physical anthropology are:

(i) Physical Anthropology.

(ii) Cultural Anthropology.

(iii) Archaeological Anthropology.

(iv) Linguistic Anthropology.

(b) What is prehistoric anthropology? Write the sub- branches.

Ans: The anthropology is the holistic approach to humankind, the approach includes all societies from primitive to modern and prehistory to present societies. Most of the human history has no any written records and anthropologists reconstruct that period on the basis of material elements, the artifacts of the past etc., to reconstruct the past. This branch of anthropology is known as prehistoric anthropology as anthropologists uses archaeological methods to recover the material remains and reconstruct the last it is also known as Prehistoric Archaeology.

The sub-branches of Prehistory are historical archaeology, classic archaeology, biblical archaeology, industrial archaeology, ethno-archaeology, maritime archaeology, salvage archaeology and cultural resource management.

(c) Describe the relationship of anthropology with geology.

Ans: Anthropology is also closely related to geology. Both the subject geology and anthropology deals with distribution and variations of human population. Archaeologist uses geographical positioning system to explore different sites. Moreover, to study man- land relationship, geology and anthropology depends on each other. Study of geo- morphology plays an important role in studying the past ecology. Anthropologist has to study both paleo- ecology and present day ecology to understand the adaptation mechanism of man. In this regard anthropology is related to environmental science also. 

Additional Questions

1. Write in short:

(a) Who has coined the term Anthropology?

Ans: Aristotle has coined the term Anthropology.

(b) In which year the famous philosopher Emmanuel Kant has established Anthropology as a systematic academic discipline?

Ans: In the year 1772, the famous philosopher Emmanuel Kant has established Anthropology as a systematic academic discipline.

(c) Name two famous books written by Charles Darwin?

Ans: Two famous books written by Charles Darwin are:

(i) The Origin of Species.

(ii) Decent of man.

(d) When did the famous book “The Origin of Species” was published?

Ans: In 1859, the famous book “The Origin of Species” was published.

(e) When did the famous book “Decent of man” was published?

Ans: In 1871, the famous book “Decent of man” was published.

(f) Write the definition of Anthropology as given by A.L. Krober?

Ans: The definition of Anthropology as given by A.L. Krober – ‘as the total study of man. It is the most humanistic of all sciences and most scientific of all the humanity ‘.

(g) Write the definition of Anthropology as given by Franz Boas?

Ans: The definition of Anthropology as given by Franz Boas – according to Franz Boas who is regarded as father of physical anthropology of America and also as father of modern anthropology, ‘it is the holistic study of culture and experience’.

(h) Write the definition of Anthropology as given by Broca?

Ans: The definition of Anthropology as given by Broca- ‘as the total study of man about the relationship of men with nature’.

(i) Write the definition of Anthropology as given by Jacob and Stern?

Ans: The definition of Anthropology as given by Jacob and Stern – According to Jacob and Stern, ‘anthropology is the scientific study of physical cultural and social behaviour of man’.

(j) Who coined the word “Action anthropology” and when?

Ans: The word “Action anthropology” was coined by an American anthropologist Sol Tax in 1958. 

(k) What is Action anthropology?

Ans: Action anthropology is the study of the process of change in the society and stress and planning for solving any problems in a context of action.

(l) What is known as human ecology?

Ans: Physical anthropologists also investigate adaptive strategies of man in different environments which is known as human ecology. 

(m) What is known as paleoanthropology?

Ans: The study of fossils and early man is known as paleoanthropology. Paleoanthropology study is closely related to geo-ecology. It is the study of climate and environment of the past and relation with evolution of prehistoric man.

(n) Define cultural anthropology?

Ans: Cultural anthropology is the sub- field of anthropology which studies culture, society, religion, political variations, economy, social organizations etc, of various contemporary societies and their origin and evolution throughout the world.

(o) Define linguistic anthropology?

Ans: Linguistic anthropology is another major branch of anthropology which focuses on the relationship between language and culture, how language is used in different societies, and origin of language pronunciation and inquiry of how language is influenced by the culture, social organizations and social status.

2. Write in long: 

(a) Write briefly about the scope of anthropology?

Ans: In the present day context the scope of anthropology is vast. As anthropology is concerned with all man of all time scope is also broader. Traditionally anthropologists started mainly nin western societies. But at present anthropological studies includes both primitive and complex societies and all problems and issues related to man.

Due to the development of technology, archaeology also developed a lot. Use of advance technology helps in exploration, excavation and analysis. The dating methods also developed a lot which helping in determining the ages. Now archaeological study is not limited to the study of prehistoric material byr the study of industrial sites, marine sites and towns of the biblical importance to reconstruct the past and helps in cultural resource management.

The scope of physical anthropology is also very wide. It is not confined to the taxonomy and study of physical characteristics of men. It is concerned explicitly with all varieties of people around the world. It is studying different races of mankind and proved that there is no any race is superior or inferior to others and it is determined by hereditary characteristics. Physical anthropologists are working for the betterment of the human population by studying genetics and applying theories of eugenics. The demographic study also helps in planning of the country.

Physical anthropologists of different parts of the world are now doing research on different issues on human population and thereby increasing the scope of study. Physical anthropologists are contributing in the field of forensic science, sports medicine, community medicine and epidemiology. Anthropometric study largely helps the aviation industry, garment industry etc., by providing standard body measurements of different populations of the world. It also helps in studying growth and nutrition of children. 

From the beginning of the 18th century anthropology was largely used in colonial administration in different countries of Asia, Africa and America. In India, S.C Roy, a prov renowned anthropologist was engaged to solve the problem raised due to revolution of Oraon tribe of Orissa. In 1933 similar problem was solved by a group of anthropologist a in America which caused due to the eviction of Red Indian from their native land. Captain Rotary- a trained anthropologist was engaged by the British ruler to solve the problem raised in Africa with tribe Ashanti. Captain Rotary studied their culture and solve the problem. 

Accordingly in this way anthropologists is not only preserving the cultural heritages, both tangible and intangible through micro studies of the populations, it is applying the knowledge and theories for solving different problems arising in human societies. All the branches of anthropology are equally important. Through all the sub fields and inter disciplinary approach, anthropologists are concerned with biological, social, mental, psychological, economical and historical aspects of humans at all times and in all places. Thus, scope of study is also vast.

(b) Mention  briefly the Anthropology and its relations with other disciplines?

Ans: The study of origin and evolution of man is not possible without studying the period when there was no any written records. The remains of material culture, artifacts and fossils are the sources of studying prehistory and to explore these evidences anthropologist for exploration and excavations. Archaeological methods and techniques are used. It requires multi disciplinary approach to analyse the excavated materials. Botanists, zoologists, paleontologists etc., works together to identify and analyse the fossils. Besides in study of primate, man’s place in animal kingdom etc. anthropologists works closely with zoologist. 

In the evolutionary study, dating method is very important to determine the age of any recovered objects and anthropologists must have knowledge of strata, soil structure, geological formations etc. and in such, anthropologists is related to geology and anthropologists uses, ‘Geological Law of Superstitions’, for dating the objects.

In exploration different scientific methods and formula of physics applied in archaeological anthropology. Electromagnetic resistivity survey, Aerial photography, Thermo- luminescent dating etc. are some of the methods used in anthropology. For preservation of the objects in the museum different chemical chambers and substances are uses. In the dating method many chemical analysis such as radio- carbon, potassium argon dating, uranium series dating, Verve clay analysis, fluorine dating etc. are used and this way anthropology is related to chemistry and works closely in the laboratory.

Anthropology is also closely related to geography. Both the subject Geology and anthropology deals with distribution and variations of human population. Archaeologist uses geographical positioning system to explore different sites. Moreover, to study man- land relationship, geography and anthropology depends on each other. Study of geo- morphology plays an important role in studying the past ecology. Anthropologists has to study both paleo- ecology and present day ecology to understand the adaptation mechanism of man. In this regard anthropology is related to environmental science also.

Now, linguistic is one of the major branches of anthropology. Folklore, art, history and psychology are also closely related to anthropology. Both history and anthropology investigate the past of human society. Study and preservation of folklore , art, etc. of different societies of the world is an aim of anthropology. Another subject closely related to anthropology is the sociology. Both the social anthropology and sociology concentrated their study on society, social norms, beliefs, organisations etc. to analyse the different aspects of the society. In this way anthropology has close relationship with many other disciplines.

3. Choose the correct answer:

(a) When did the word anthropology was  first used in English?

(i) 18th century.

(ii) 17th century.

(iii) 19th century.

(iv) 15th century.

Ans: (ii) 17th century.

(b) In which year, the famous philosopher Emmanuel Kant has established Anthropology as a systematic academic discipline?

(i) 1727

(ii) 1737 

(iii) 1772 

(iv) 1722

Ans: (iii) 1772.

(c) Who defined anthropology ‘as a science of man and his works’?

(i) M.G. Hershkovitz. 

(ii) A.L. Krober. 

(iii) Broca. 

(iv) Franz Boas.

Ans: (i) M.G. Hershkovitz.

(d) In which year, the word action anthropology was coined?

(i) 1948

(ii) 1968

(iii) 1958 

(iv) 1978

Ans: (iii) 1958

(e) A major branch of anthropology which is also known as?

(i) Cultural Anthropology. 

(ii) Archaeological Anthropology. 

(iii) Linguistic Anthropology. 

(iv) Biological Anthropology.

Ans: (iv) Biological Anthropology.

(f) From the beginning of which century anthropology was largely used in colonial administration in different countries?

(i) 16th century.

(ii) 17th century.

(iii) 18th century.

(iv) 19th century.

Ans: (iii) 18th century.

(g) Who defined anthropology ‘as the total study of man. It is the most humanistic of all sciences and most scientific of all the humanity’?

(i) Jacob and stern.

(ii) A.L. Krober.

(iii) Franz Boas.

(iv) Broca.

Ans: (ii) A.L. Krober.

(h) Who defined anthropology ‘it is the holistic study of culture and experience’?

(i) Franz Boas.

(ii) Broca.

(iii) M.G. Hershkovitz.

(iv) Jacob and stern.

Ans: (i) Franz Boas.

(i) Who is the father of modern anthropology?

(i) M.G. Hershkovitz.

(ii) Broca. 

(iii) Jacob and stern.

(iv) Franz Boas.

Ans: (iv) Franz Boas.

(j) Who defined anthropology ‘as the total study of man about the relationship of men with nature’?

(i) Broca.

(ii) Franz Boas.

(iii) Jacob and stern.

(iv) A.L. Krober.

Ans: (i) Broca.

(k) Who defined anthropology ‘anthropology is the scientific study of physical cultural and social behaviour of man’?

(i) Franz Boas.

(ii) M.G. Hershkovitz.

(iii) Jacob and stern.

(iv) Broca.

Ans: (iii) Jacob and stern.

(l) Who is regarded as the father of physical anthropology in America?

(i) Franz Boas.

(ii) Broca.

(iii) Jacob and stern.

(iv) M.G. Hershkovitz.

Ans: (i) Franz Boas.

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