Bird Conservation PDF

Bird Conservation PDF if you are reading this, we hope you are someone who has to make decisions about how best to support or conserve biodiversity. You might be a land manager, a conservationist in the public or private sector, a farmer, a campaigner, an advisor or consultant, a policymaker, a researcher or someone taking action to protect your own local wildlife.

Bird Conservation Pdf Book Download

Bird Conservation Pdf Book Download

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We do not aim to make your decisions for you, but to support your decision‐making by telling you what evidence there is (or isn’t) about the effects that your planned actions could have.

When decisions have to be made with particularly important 13 consequences, we recommend carrying out a systematic review, as the latter is likely to be more comprehensive than the summary of the evidence presented here. Guidance on how to carry out systematic reviews can be found from the Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation at the University of Bangor.

The Conservation Evidence project

The Conservation Evidence project has four parts:

1. An online, open-access journal Conservation Evidence publishes new pieces of research on the effects of conservation management interventions. All our papers are written by, or in conjunction with, those who carried out the conservation work and include some monitoring of its effects.

2. An ever‐expanding database of summaries of previously published scientific papers, reports, reviews or systematic reviews that document the effects of interventions.

3. Synopses of the evidence captured in parts one and two on particular species groups or habitats. Synopses bring together the evidence for each possible intervention. They are freely available online and in some cases available to purchase in printed book form.

4. What Works in Conservation is an assessment of the effectiveness of interventions by expert panels, based on the collated evidence for each intervention for each species group or habitat covered by our synopses.

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