NIOS Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Human Wants

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NIOS Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Human Wants

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Human Wants

Chapter: 2




Q.1. How does a desire differ from a want?

Ans. Desire is a wish. It is not backed by money and willingness to purchase. But wants are desires backed by money and willingness to purchase.

Q.2. Give one example to show that wants arise and grow.

Ans. Example: With the discovery of fire, man started cooking food which led to increase of a large variety food-items.

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Q.3. Why are all wants not satiable?

Ans. All wants are not satiable because resources are scare.

Q.4. State two characteristics of wants.

Ans. (i) Wants are unlimited.

(ii) Some wants arise again and again. 

Q. 5. When does a desire become a want?

Ans. A desire becomes a want when it is backed by money and willingness to purchase.


Q.1. Name the resources used in the production of wheat.

Ans. Land, labour, capital (machinery), seeds, manure, fertilizers.

Q.2. Which of the following is scarce in supply: 

(a) Resources. 

(b) Wants.

Ans. (a) Resources. 

Q. 3. Give two examples of economic wants.

Ans. (i) Pen. 

(ii) Book. 

Q. 4. Give any two examples of non- economic wants.

Ans. (i) Air to breath.

(ii) Rain water for irrigation.


Q.1. What is the Indian philosophy related to the satisfaction of wants with limited resources?

Ans. According to Indian philosophy, we should limit our wants.

Q.2. Give one example of communication system to prove that wants change and expand with development.

Ans. We not only want a simple telephone, but also mobile phones having many facilities like camera, internet, video recording etc.


Q.1. Give any two examples showing the conversion of desire into want.

Ans. Below are given two examples showing conversion of desire into wants:

Example 1: I desire to have a car. I have money and willingness to purchase a car. Why this desire will be called want?

Example 2: Ram wants to purchase a piece of land with 50,000. He has purchasing power and is willing to purchase it. So his desire to purchase will become want for land. 

Q.2. How do wants arise and grow? Explain with the help of an example.

Ans. How wants arise and grow? Wants are part of our life. They arise with the birth of man. They grow with the development. Man used to live in forest in ancient times. His wants were limited. His wants were satisfied while in forests, drinking water from the streams, plucking fruits from trees etc. With the discovery of fire, man started cooking his food. He discovered and invented new items of clothing. Man moved from caves to huts made of mud, then to pucca houses and bungalows with fancy doors, windows etc.

Q.3. All wants cannot be satisfied. Explain. Why?

Ans. One of the features of wants is that all the wants cannot be satisfied, though a single want is satiable. The reason is that wants are unlimited and the resources to satisfy them are limited.

Q.4. State any four characteristics of wants.

Ans. Wants have too many characteristics. Four of them have been stated below: 

(i) Human wants are countless in number and varies in kind. 

(ii) A single want is satiable.

(iii) Some wants rise again and again.

(iv) Wants are of varying nature.

Q.5. Prove with an example that present wants are more important than future wants.

Ans. I have some money to spend. I will spend it for providing education to my son instead of providing it for old age and security. Providing for education to my son (Present Want).

Q.6. How do the resources satisfy the wants?

Ans. Wants are satisfied with the use of and services. To produce these goods resources are used. Resources may be natural or man-made. All the resources can be classified into land, labour. capital and entrepreneurship. With the help of these resources, we can use goods and services to satisfy our wants.

Q.7. Distinguish between economic wants and non-economic wants.

Ans. Economic Wants: The wants that can be satisfied by goods which can be bought and sold in the market, are termed as economic wants. Example: cycle, simple clothes, tap water,

Non-Economic Wants: The wants that cannot be satisfied by goods and services which are bought and sold in the market, are termed as non-economic wants. Air, rain-water agriculture, mother to cook, etc. are non- economic wants.

Q.8. “Wants expand and change with development.” Explain.

Ans. Expansion and undergoing changes in wants with the development: In early days, men were satisfied with simple wants of goods and services. These wants included basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. With the passage of time, these wants grew in nature and number. Our wants for the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the house we live in change over time. We want to eat better, delicious and nutritious food, wear good clothes, live in bigger and more comfortable house. Thereby there is an expansion in list of unending wants to raise higher and higher standard of living. This, in turn, relates to many other wants such as geysers, air-conditioners, cars, mobile phones, etc. Thus man’s ever growing and changing wants leads to many inventions which results in new and better quality of goods and services.

Q. 9. Why should we limit our wants? 

Ans. We should limit our wants to get more and more satisfaction. If we do not limit our wants, we will not be able to satisfy all of them as our resources are limited. This will give rise to a lot of dissatisfaction. But if we limit our wants, we will be able to satisfy most of them with our limited resources and this will give us more and more satisfaction. The Indian philosophy has always been in favour of limiting our wants.



Q.1. How may a man have a computer? 

Ans. A man may have computer if he has money.

Q.2. Why can’t a man’s all desires be filled? 

Ans. Because he does not have enough money to satisfy them.

Q.3. What are wants?

Ans. Wants are desires backed by money and willingness to purchase. 

Q.4. A beggar desires to have a car. Can his desire be called want? Give reason in support of your answer.

Ans. His desire cannot be called a want as it is not backed by adequate money.

Q.5. A rich man desires to have a car and is willinging purchase it. Can his desire be called a want? Give reason in support of your answer.

Ans. Yes, it can be called a want, because he has capacity to purchase it.

Q.6. What are basic wants/necessities?

Ans. Basic wants are those wants which are necessary for the existence of life.

Q.7. Give any three examples of basic needs.

Ans. (i) Food. 

(ii) Clothing. and 

(iii) Shelter.

Q.8. What are comforts?

Ans. Comforts are those wants which make our life easy and comfortable.

Q.9. Give any examples of comforts.

Ans. (i) Cooler.

(ii) Washing Machine.

(iii) Scooter.

Q.10. What are luxuries?

Ans. Luxuries are those wants which give us pleasure.

Q.11. Give any two examples of Luxuries.

Ans. Luxurious cars. and 

(ii) Diamond Jewellery.

Q.12. What do you mean by varying nature of wants?

Ans. By a varying nature of wants we mean that wants vary with time, place and person. Wants differ from man to man, from place to place and from time to time.

Q.13. Which feature of want has been stated in the following statement?

“Providing for the of children in the present is more important than providing for age security in future.”

Ans. Present wants are more important than future wants..

Q.14. Give one difference between resources and wants.

Ans. Resources are limited, whereas wants are unlimited.

Q.15. Which may lead to exhaust our resources?

Ans. “Increase in wants” and “no increase in resources” may lead to exhaust our resources.

Q.16. What are non-economic

Ans. Non-economic wants are those wants which are satisfied by using goods and services which are not purchased from market by paying a price.

Q.17. What are economic wants?

Ans. Economic wants are those wants which are satisfied by using goods and services which are purchased from the market by paying a price.

Q.18. How do wants behave with development?

Ans. Want change and expand with development.

Q.19. Who is the father of our nation?

Ans. Gandhiji is the father of our nation. 

Q.20. Why did Gandhiji advocate controlling of one’s wants?

Ans. Gandhiji advocated controlling on one’s wants so that we can have a satisfied life and we have not to indulge into wrong deeds or practices to satisfy unlimited wants out of our limited resources.

Q.21. Although a single want is satiable, yet all wants cannot be satisfied. Why?

Ans. Due to scarcity of resources.

Q.22. A man wishes to have everything good in life. What will you call his wishes “desire” or want?

Ans. We will call his wishes as desire. 

Q.23. Sanjay says that he can satisfy all his wants. Do you agree with him? Give reason in support of your answer.

Ans. I do not agree with him because our all wants cannot be satisfied due to scarcity of resources.

Q.24. Give two examples that can be considered as luxuries for a student.

Ans. (i) Car. and 

(ii) Costly car.

Q.25. Give one example which can be a necessity for a man, but the same thing becomes a luxury for another man.

Ans. For a doctor who has to visit different places to see patients, a car is a necessary, but the same car will be a luxury for a school teacher.

Q.26. State two things which were considered comforts have now become things of necessities.

Ans. (i) Mobile. and 

(ii) Electricity,

Q.27. What name is given to those wants which are necessary for the existence of life.

Ans. Necessities.

Q.28. What creates wants?

Ans. Desires create wants.

Q.29. Give one example showing that some wants arise again and again. 

Ans. We eat food and our hunger is satisfied. But after a few hours, we again feel hungry and we have to satisfy our hunger with foods.

Q.30. Give examples showing that there is varying nature of wants.

Ans. We want medicine only when we are sick. Ice is needed in summer season only. We need woollen clothes even in summer at a place like Srinagar.

Q.31. For the production of wheat, what does a farmer use?

Ans. For the production of wheat, a farmer makes use of seeds, manure and fertilizers. 

Q.32. Are the resources unlimited like our wants? 

Ans. All the resources are not unlimited like our wants.

Q.33. What name is given to that want which is satisfied by the goods and services purchased from the market by paying a price.

Ans. Economic wants.

Q.34. What is meant by resources? 

Ans. Resources mean those goods and services which are necessary for production as land, labour, capital etc.


Q.1. Differentiate between necessity (hence needs) and comfort by giving examples.

Ans. Necessity: The primary or basic wants of man are termed as necessities. Such wants are very essential for the survival of man. Food, clothing and shelter are the basic necessities of man. He cannot survive in the absence of these wants.

Comfort: Goods which make ones life easy, convenient and comfortable, give extra facilities and pleasure to live or work are considered as comforts. Comforts are secondary wants of man. These wants also improve man’s standard of living. Comforts are considered as desires.

Q.2. What changes have taken place in our clothing with development?

Ans. In ancient times, man used to have unstitched animal skins and tree leave. Now he has moved to a variety of clothes. In order to live better, man has discovered and invented new items of clothing. As knowledge, taste and fashion are increasing new and better products in clothing are emerging.


Q.1. Explain any two characteristics of wants.

Ans. Two Characteristics of Wants: Wants have many characteristics. Two of them have been explained below:

(i) Wants are unlimited: Human wants are countless in number and are various in kind. As soon as one want is satisfied another want takes its place and so on. This endless circle of wants continuous throughout life, Thus, our wants are unlimited.
(ii) Wants change and expand with development: It can be understood by an example. Earlier in the rural areas there were not many telephones, but today telephones have become a necessity for everyone. It has become the most important instrument for keeping in touch with their near-and-dear ones. People using telephone earlier, are now using mobile phones.

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