NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate

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NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate

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Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate

Chapter: 7


Q. 1. Name the elements that determine the weather of a place. 

Ans: The temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind-speed etc., are called the elements of the weather, that determine the weather of a place.

Q. 2. When are the maximum and minimum temperature likely to occur during the day?

Ans: The maximum temperature of the day occurs generally in the afternoon while the minimum temperature occurs generally in the early morning.

Q. 3. Fill in the blanks: 

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(i) The average weather taken over a long time is called _________.

Ans: The climate of the place.

(ii) A place receives very little rainfall and the temperature is high throughout the year, the climate of that place will be ________ and _________.

Ans: Hot, dry.

(iii) The two regions of the earth extreme climatic conditions are __________ and _________.

Ans: Polar, tropical. 

Q. 4. Indicate the type of climate of the following areas: 

(a) Jammu and Kashmir 

Ans: Moderately hot and moderately wet climate.

(b) Kerala 

Ans: Very hot and wet climate.

(c) Rajasthan.

Ans: Hot and dry climate.

(d) North-East India.

Ans: The north eastern India receives rain. 

Q. 5. Which of the two changes frequently: weather or climate?

Ans: Weather.

Q. 6. Following are some of the characteristics of animals:

(i) Diets heavy on fruits

Ans: Tropical rainforests.

(ii) White fur

Ans: Polar regions.

(iii) Need to migrate 

Ans: Polar regions.

(iv) Loud voice

Ans: Tropical rainforests.

(v) Sticky pads on feet

Ans: Tropical rainforests.

(vi) Layer of fat under skin 

Ans: Polar regions.

(vii) Wide and large paws

Ans: Polar regions.

(viii) Bright colors

Ans: Tropical rainforests.

(ix) Strong tails

Ans: Tropical regions.

(x) Long and large beak 

Ans: Tropical rainforests.

For each characteristic indicate whether it is adaptation for tropical rainforests or polar regions. Do you think that some of these characteristics can be adaptations for both the regions?

Q.7. The tropical rainforests has a large population of animals. Explain why it is So.

Ans: The tropical rainforests has a hot climate because it is located around the equator. Even in cold, the temperature is higher than 15°C. Day and nights are almost equal through- out the year. An important feature of this region is tropical rainforests. Because of continuous warmth and rain, this region supports wide variety of plants and animals. Therefore, the tropical rain forests has a large population of animals.

Q. 8. Explain, with examples, why we find animals of certain kind living in particular climatic conditions.

Ans: Animals are adapted to survive in the conditions in which they live. Features and habits which help them to adapt to their surroundings are the result of evolution. So, to survive in a particular type of climate of the animals must have certain adapted features. This is the reason we find animals of certain kind living in a particular climatic conditions. For example, animals in the polar region are adapted to the extremely cold climate. They have special characteristics such as white fur, strong sense of smell, a layer of fat under the skin, wide and large paws for swimming and walking etc.

Q. 9. How do elephant living in the tropical rainforests adapt itself?

Ans: Elephants have a long trunk which is used for picking food. The tusks are used for tearing the bark of trees for eating. They have large ears which help them to keep cool in the hot and humid climate of the rainforest. These ears work like a fan.

Choose the correct option which answers the following questions

Q. 10. A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching its prey. It is likely to be found in:

(i) polar regions

(ii) deserts

(iii) oceans

(iv) tropical rainforests.

Ans: (iv) Tropical rainforests.

Q. 11. Which features adapt polar bears to live in extremely cold climate?

(i) A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell.

(ii) Thin skin, large eyes, a white fur. 

(iii) A long tail, strong claws, white large paws.

(iv) White body, paws for swimming, gills for respiration.

Ans: (i) A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell.

Q. 12. Which option best describes a tropical region?

(i) Hot and humid

(ii) Moderate temperature, heavy rainfall 

(iii) Cold and humid

(iv) Hot and dry

Ans: (i) Hot and humid.


Very Short Answer Questions

Q. 1. What is the primary source of energy which causes changes in the weather?

Ans: Sun.

Q. 2. What term is used to denote the amount of water vapour (or moisture) in air?

Ans: Humidity.

Q. 3. Name two animals (other than polar bears and penguins) which live in the polar regions of the earth.

Ans. Musk oxen and Reindeers.

Q. 4. Name a sea-bird which cannot fly.

Ans: Penguin.

Q. 5. Who prepares the weather report?

Ans: The meteorological department of the government prepares the weather report.

Q. 6. What type of climate is there in Rajasthan?

Ans: The climate in Rajasthan is hot and dry which is called tropical desert climate.

Q. 7. Write the difference between the climate of Kerala and Kashmir.

Ans: Climate of Kerala is very hot and wet while the climate of Kashmir is moderately hot and wet.

Q. 8. Write the names of two animals live in Indian tropical rainforests.

Ans: Beard ape and elephants.

Q. 9. What type of climate is there in north-eastern part of our country? 

Ans: The climate of north-eastern part of our country is wet.

Q. 10. Define the term hibernation.

Ans: Hibernation is a deep sleep-like state shown by some animals to the long, cold winters and scarcity of food during that period.

Q. 11. What is migration?

Ans: The seasonal journey taken by animals to escape extreme climatic conditions and in search of food is called migration.

Q. 12. Name the monsoon seasons in our country.

Ans: (i) The South-west monsoon (June-September). 

(ii) The North-west monsoon (November- March).

Q. 13. A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching its prey. Where it is likely to be found? 

Ans: Tropical rain forests.

Q. 14. What is the most outstanding feature of a lion-tailed macaque?

Ans: Silver-white mane.

Q. 15. Name an animal which is adapted to get food from the fruits attached at the end of even very thin branches.

Ans: Toucan.

Short Answer Questions

Q. 1. What information do the climate chart provide?

Ans: (i) The climate chart gives an idea about the climate of a particular place during a specific period of the year.

(ii) It provides average minimum and maximum temperature in Celsius and average rainfall in millimeter at a particular place.

Q. 2. Some places have hotter climates than others. Why? 

Ans: The places nearer the equator are usually hotter. This is because the sun-rays are more concentrated near the equator than they are farther North or South.

Q. 3. The bird X moves from Siberia to places like Y in Rajasthan and Z in Haryana in India during a particular season. It stays in India for a few months and then goes back.

(a) Name the bird X.

Ans: (a) Siberian crane. 

(b) What are the places 

(i) Y and 

(ii) Z? 

Ans: (i) Bharatpur.

(ii) Sultanpur.

(c) What general name is given to birds like X?

Ans: Migratory birds.

(d) Name the season during which bird X moves from Siberia to India.

Ans: Winter season.

Q. 4. How has a toucan adapted to the competition for food that exists in the rainforests?

Ans: Toucans have large beaks that help them to access food unavailable to other birds. The strong beaks act as nut crackers helping them to crack open tough shells of nuts.

Q. 5. What are arboreal animals? Give two examples.

Ans: Animals that live on trees are called arboreal. Most animals living in rainforests are arboreal.


(i) Monkeys: They use their hands and feet to grasp the branches of the tree.

(ii) Red-eyed frog: It has sticky pads on the feet that helps it to climb trees.

Q.6. The two animals A and B are called big cats. The animal A has yellow brown colour with black stripes whereas animal B has just yellow brown colour.

(a) What could animals: 

(i) A and 

(ii) B be?

Ans: (i) Tiger. 

(ii) Lion.

(b) Name the type of habitat where these animals usually live. 

Ans: Tropical rainforest.

(c) Where are the eyes of these animals located and what advantage do they confer to the animals?

Ans: These animals have eyes in front of their head. Having eyes in front of the head enables these animals to have a correct idea of the location of their prey. This helps in catching the prey.

(d) State whether these animals are carnivores or herbivores.

Ans: Carnivores.

Q. 7. List any two adaptations shown by monkeys living in tropical rainforests.

Ans: (i) Monkeys have a long and coiled prehensile tail.

(ii) Monkeys have grasping feet with opposable thumb.

Q.8. What are the various body features which make penguin a good swimmer?

Ans: Their body is streamline and their wings have become modified to flippers. They have webbed feet. These features help penguins in swimming.

Q. 9. Write the adaptation in birds that enable them to fly in the air for a long time. 

Ans: Adaptation in Birds:

(i) Forelimbs modified into wings for flyings. 

(ii) Body is light in weight. 

(iii) Bones with air cavities to make body light.

(iv) Strong flight muscles provide additional strength for winged flight. 

Q. 10. Why is it cooler farther away from the equator?

Ans: As we move forwards the pole, the sun rays fall in a slanting angle on the land and have more and more areas to heat up. So, the heat is spread out over a larger area and it becomes colder and colder with increasing latitude. Hence it is cooler farther away from the equator.

Short Answer Questions

Q. 1. Differentiate between weather and climate.


1. It is day-to-day condition of atmos- phere at a place.1. It is the average weather pattern taken over a long time.
2. It can vary over very short period of time.2. It does not vary in a short period of time.
3. It cannot affect the adaptation of organisms.3. It affects the adap- tations of organisms.

Q. 2. Write any three adaptations shown by lion-tailed Macaque (or Bearded Ape) of Indian tropical forests.

Ans: A lion-tailed Macaque has:

(i) Silver-white mane surrounding the head, cheeks and chin as in lions.

(ii) It feeds itself on fruits, seeds, young leaves, stems, flowers, and buds. It also eats insects under the bark of trees.

(iii) It mostly lives on the tree and is a good climber. It rarely comes down to the ground.

Q. 3. The two animals X and Y live in tropical rainforests. The animal X is a kind of bird which is adapted to obtain even those fruits from trees which are attached at the end of very thin branches. On the other hand animal Y is a kind of frog which lives on trees. It has sticky pads on feet so as to climb the trees.

(a) What could be: 

(i) X 

(ii) Y?

Ans: (i) Toucan. 

(ii) Red-eyed frog.

(b) Name the adaptation in X which helps it to obtain fruits even from the ends of very thin branches.

Ans: Long and large beak.

(c) Name an adaptation of Y which helps in its protection. 

Ans: Big and bulging bright-red eyes which pop up suddenly and frighten the predator. 

Q.4. Write any three adaptations shown by chameleon.

Ans: (i) The eyes are very large, and they move in all directions, better adapted for binocular vision. The chameleon sees front with its right eye, and behind with its left eye. 

(ii) Its tongue is large, sticky and rolled up as a tape inside the mouth.

(iii) It has the capacity to change its skin colour similar to that of the background to hide itself.

Q. 5. Some of the adaptations in animals are given below:

(a) White fur.

(b) Diet heavy on fruits. 

(c) Strong tails. 

(d) Layers of fat under skin.

(e) Big feet.

(f) Sticky pads on feet.

(g) Thick skin. 

(h) Strong sense of smell.

(i) Need to migrate.

(j) Long and large beak. 

Which of these adaptations are:

(i) for polar regions?

Ans: (i) a, d, e, g, h and i.

(ii) for tropical rainforests? 

Ans: (ii) b, c, f.j. 

(iii) for polar regions as well as for tropical rainforests?

Ans: (iii) e, g, h.

Long Answer Questions

Q.1. Mention the specific features which make the polar bears to survive in polar regions.

Ans: Specific features which make the polar bears to survive in polar region are:

(i) White thick fur:

(a) White thick fur makes them not easily visible in the snowy background. As a result, white fur protects them from predators and helps them in catching their prey.

(b) It also protects them from extreme cold. 

(ii) Layer of fat under the skin: The layer of fat under the skin provides additional insulation and protects them from cold.

(iii) Wide and large paws having claws: Such paws help polar bear in: 

(a) swimming. 

(b) walking on the snow. 

(c) digging the snow. 

(d) holding the prey. and 

(e) self defense. 

(iv) Strong sense of smell: This helps a polar bear to locate its enemy/prey.

(v) Hibernation: During winter, polar bears go for a long sleep (called hibernation) in their dens. During hibernation, they live on the stored body fat.

Q. 2. How does the latitude affects the climate of a place?

Ans: Due to the spherical shape of the earth, the climate of a place is affected by its location on the earth. The location of a place is determined by its angle of latitude. The places at equator have a latitude of 0° and it goes on increasing till we reach the poles with latitudes of 90° at the north and south poles. Due to the position of the equator in relation to the sun, the places on the equator receive sunlight at right angles. Therefore, the sun rays are concentrated on a smaller area and heat it up considerably.

But as we move towards the poles, the sun rays s fall in a slanting angle on the land and move more and more areas to heat up. So, the heat is spread out over a larger area and it becomes colder and colder with increasing latitude. This makes the difference in the climate of a place. Therefore, it is hot near the equator and cold near the pole. 

Q. 3. How is a penguin adapted to live in the polar region?

Ans: Penguin has the following adaptations:

(i) It is white, hence merges well with the white background.

(ii) It has a thick skin to protect it from the cold. 

(iii) Many penguins get huddled together to

keep themselves warm.

(iv) The body of a penguin is streamlined and its feet are webbed. This helps it to swim actively.


Q.1. Name the instrument used for measuring: 

(a) rainfall. 

Ans: Rain gauge.

(b) maximum and minimum temperature.

Ans: Maximum and minimum thermometer.

Q.2. How does the climate on the earth change when going from the equator to the poles?

Ans: When we go away from the equator to the poles, the climate gets cooler. 

Q.3. The animal P having white color lives in Arctic region whereas another animal Q having black and white color lives in Antarctic region. Both these animals have a thick layer of fat under the skin: 

(a) What could animals: 

(i) P and 

(ii) Q be? 

Ans: Polar bear. 

(ii) Penguin. 

(b) In what type of surroundings do these animals live?

Ans: Surroundings covered with ice and snow.

(c) What is the function of thick layer of fat under the skin of these animals? 

Ans: The thick layer of fat insulates the body of these animals against heat loss and keeps them warm in extremely cold climate.

(d) Which of these animals could be called a bird?

Ans: (d) Animal Q. (It is penguin.)


Q.1. Observe the following figure carefully and answer the questions that follow:

(i) Identify the figure.

Ans: The figure is of two penguins. 

(ii) What does this figure show? 

Ans: This figure shows penguins huddled together.

(iii) Why do penguins huddle together?

Ans: Penguins huddled together to keep them warm.

Q.2. Observe the following figure and answer the questions that follow: 

(i) Identify the figure.

Ans: It is a new world monkey.

(ii) Write the features of the animals. 

Ans: It has long tail, hands and feet. 

(iii) How do these features help it to live on the trees!  

Ans: These features help the monkey to grasp the branches and to hold on branches.


1. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words: 

(i) The average weather taken over a long

time is called __________.

Ans: Climate.

(ii) The state of the atmosphere at a given place and time is called _________.

Ans: Weather.

(iii) A place receives very little rainfall and the temperature is high throughout the year, the climate of that place will be _________  and _________.

Ans: Hot, dry.

(iv) The two regions of the earth with extreme climatic conditions are _________ and _________.

Ans: Polar regions, tropical regions.

(v) The days ________ in winter than in summer. 

Ans: Shorter.

(vi) Tropical rainforests are found in __________ Ghats and ________ in India.

Ans: Western, north east part.

(vii) The streamlined body, webbed feet and flattened flipper like wings help __________  for swimming.

Ans: Penguins.

(viii) Animals living on trees show _______ adaptations.

Ans: Arboreal.

2. State whether the following statements are true or false:

(i) Weather and climate are just the same. 

Ans: False.

(ii) Red-eyed frog lives in the water of a pond.

Ans: False.

(iii) Polar bear has no sense of smell.

Ans: False.

(iv) The permanent adaptation has genetic basis.

Ans: True.

(v) Temperature at the top of mountains is lower than that at the sea level. 

Ans: True.

(vi) Polar bear has wide and large paws.

Ans: True.

(vii) The bird toucan reaches to fruits on the branches of the trees through its hands. 

Ans: False.

(viii) Red-eyed frog has sticky pads on the tips of its digits.

Ans: True.

3. Matching Type Questions:

Column – AColumn – B
(i) The organisms which can live on land only. (a) Hibernation 
(ii) To escape the harsh, cold conditions. long time.(b) Cold regions
(iii) The average weather pattern taken over a to sleep.(c) Tropical rainforests
(iv) During winter, some animals go(d) Migration
(v) Penguins and polar bears.(e) Terrestrial 
(vi) Red eyed frog.(f) Western Ghats.
(vii) Bearded ape.(g) Climate


Column AColumn B
(i) The organisms which can live on land only. (e) Terrestrial
(ii) To escape the harsh, cold conditions. long time.(d) Migration
(iii) The average weather pattern taken over a to sleep.(g) Climate
(iv) During winter, some animals go(a) Hibernation
(v) Penguins and polar bears.(b) Cold regions
(vi) Red eyed frog.(c) Tropical rainforests
(vii) Bearded ape.(f) Western Ghats.

4. Write one word for the following:

(i) Predicting the weather of a place by studying data collected by weather balloons and photographs of cloud formation.

Ans: Weather forecast.

(ii) A device that is used for recording the maximum and minimum temperature of a place.

Ans: Maximum and minimum thermometer.

(iii) The long term average weather conditions at any place.

Ans: Climate.

(iv) The irregular warming of the surface water in the Pacific Ocean.

Ans: El-Nino.

(v) A short term adaptation which is not inherited.

Ans: Temporary adaptation.

5. Multiple Choice Questions: 

(i) The humidity of a place refers to:

(a) the rainfall

(b) the amount of water vapor in the air

(c) the snowfall

(d) all of the above

Ans: (b) The amount of water vapor in the air.

(ii) The climate at a place depends on:

(a) air pressure

(b) altitude or height above sea-level

(c) wind speed 

(d) temperature

Ans: (b) Altitude or height above sea-level.

(iii) An animal found in desert is:

(a) Penguin

(b) Frog

(c) Camel

(d) Polar bear

Ans: (c) Camel.

(iv) The short-term variation which occurs in the atmosphere is called:

(a) climate

(b) humidity

(c) climate chart 

(d) weather

Ans: (d) Weather.

(v) Which of the following has a tropical climate?

(a) Kashmir

(b) Kerala

(c) Rajasthan 

(d) Assam

Ans: (b) Kerala.

(vi) The most outstand feature of a lion tailed macaque is its:

(a) silver-white mane

(b) sticky pads on feet

(c) long and large beak 

(d) ability to change color

Ans: (a) Silver-white mane.

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